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Example sentences for "positivist"

Lexicographically close words:
positive; positively; positiveness; positives; positivism; positivistic; positivists; positivity; posito; positron
  1. The peasants, from their positivist point of view, set little value on liberty itself, and scarcely understood it.

  2. He had been at one time well known as an associate of the famous Positivist order of thinkers--the order to which men like Frederic Harrison and Richard Congreve belonged.

  3. The positivist in science, as has been indicated above, accepts only actual positive experience and accepts that only tentatively.

  4. Toward the end of the last century a positivist sociological thinking tended to supersede the metaphysical-historical and the utilitarian-analytical.

  5. It may be that this is the reason why his disciples were so very angry with some obscure people called Agnostics, whose views, if we may judge by the account left in the works of a great Positivist controversial writer, were very absurd.

  6. But that the incongruous mixture of bad science with eviscerated papistry, out of which Comte manufactured the positivist religion, will be the heir of the Christian ages, I have too much respect for the humanity of the future to believe.

  7. I am always reminded of this tale when I read the positivist commands to the forces of Christianity and of Science; only the enemy show no more signs of intending to obey now than they have done any time these forty years.

  8. Positivist Library (in the nineteenth century) of Auguste Comte.

  9. Now the attitude of the positivist toward this fact is that induced by its relation to the law which is subsequently discovered.

  10. It is important that we recognize that neither the positivist nor the rationalist is able to identify the nature of the fact or datum to which they refer.

  11. This is the error of both the positivist and of the psychological philosopher, if scientific procedure gives us in any sense a picture of the situation.

  12. If it were not for the Gospels and the Church I should be a Positivist to-morrow.

  13. The wife, as a Positivist mother is bound to do, tended and taught her children entirely herself.

  14. Positivist and executor to Auguste Comte, was born at Saint Pierre (Martinque) in 1823, settled at Marseilles, and is the author of several medical and scientific works.

  15. Poey (Andres), Cuban meteorologist and Positivist of French and Spanish descent, b.

  16. Frey (William), the adopted name of a Russian Positivist and philanthropist, b.

  17. He served as assistant and field doctor in the Dano-Prussian war of '67, and now practises an alienist in Stockholm, where he has established a Positivist Society and Workmen's Institute.

  18. Has continued his Tableau in the Positivist Revue and La Societe Nouvelle.

  19. Author of several works on medicine and Positivist philosophy and education.

  20. Atkinson, appeared in '51, and disclosed her advance to the Positivist school of Thought.

  21. Author of a study in Positivist philosophy entitled Materialism and Spiritualism (1865), to which Littre contributed a preface.

  22. Mr. Call is of the Positivist school, and has contributed largely to the Fortnightly and Westminster Reviews.

  23. He was one of the founders of the Positivist school, '70, and of Newton Hall in '81.

  24. Dialectical materialism is revolutionary in the sense that it recognizes no finality, but otherwise it is necessarily positivist in the general meaning of that term.

  25. He contributed to Owen's New Moral World and to the Chartist Northern Star, gave up much of his abstract speculative reasoning for a more positivist conception of things, and took to economic studies.

  26. Some even try to revive Compte's positivist philosophy, to improve upon past Utopian schemes, or to invent a calculus of intellectual well-being.

  27. Henceforth, the positivist expectations ingrained in the experiences of the civilization of literacy are reconstituted as a frame of relativist interactions, dominated by images, seconded by sounds (noise included).

  28. Through images a positivist attitude is embodied, and a sense of relativity is introduced.

  29. He was educated at Wadham College, Oxford, which may be regarded as the original centre of the English positivist movement.

  30. Among them was a survey of the state of astronomical knowledge written somewhere about 1835, with all the luminous charm which the great Positivist had at command.

  31. If the race should ever take the counsel of the Secularists, or of that larger Positivist thought, of which English secularism is the popular reflection, the human intellect would be a poorer instrument with a narrower swing.

  32. Littre, who by forty years of unceasing toil made a greater dictionary of the French language than {295} the Academy has made in the nearly two hundred years devoted to the task, was the greatest living positivist of his day.

  33. In the midst of his panegyric of the great positivist the greatest scientist of his age makes his confession of faith in the things that are above and beyond the domain of the senses--his ideals and his God.

  34. They form merely a literary branch of the positivist school engrafted upon the eclecticism of M.

  35. The positivist school, then, professes a complete scepticism with regard to whatever is not included in the domain of experience.

  36. But they follow the destinies of the positivist school; they do not succeed in maintaining their balance between the affirmation and negation of God.

  37. We are here out of the region of pure abstraction, and arrive at the doctrines of the Positivist school.

  38. The positivist is easily inclined to substitute for the philosophical problem the empirical question: how did that which we call knowledge grow and develop itself in our individual mind, or in the mind of the nations?

  39. Yet he did not at any time give an unqualified adhesion to Comte's teachings, and with wider reading and reflection his mind moved away further from the positivist standpoint.

  40. He is still so far a positivist as to pronounce all inquiry into the ultimate nature of things fruitless.

  41. If he had first felt himself to be a Positivist with Morin, an Evolutionist and Determinist with Guillaume, he had afterwards been touched by the fraternal dream of a new golden age which he had found in Bache's humanitarian Communism.

  42. By age and by education he belonged to the stout Positivist tradition, and his habit of thought had been formed in the days of the epic struggle between physics and metaphysics.

  43. It seems he's begun to feel that there's a Positivist element in it which is narrowing to any one who has gone at all deeply into the Wisdom of the East.

  44. I need not say that to us who believe in Mind as the necessary antecedent to all things, the positivist spirit, so defined, is essential truth.

  45. As Mr. Mill remarks in his chapters on the Positivist System (p.

  46. Littré spoke bitterly of the positivist religion as a lapse of the author into his old aberration.

  47. In each temple there was to be set up the symbol of the positivist religion, a woman of thirty years with her little son in her arms.

  48. But the history of the positivist movement belongs to the history of English philosophical and religious thought, rather than to that of France.

  49. The latest instance is the wretched positivist rubbish which Mr. Frederic Harrison has mistaken for criticism, and to which it is almost a pity that Mr. Spencer should have felt called upon to waste his valuable time in replying.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "positivist" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adherent; ass; bigot; doctrinaire; dogmatist; donkey; eclectic; empirical; existential; fanatic; hedonistic; idealistic; instrumentalist; intransigent; materialistic; maverick; mechanistic; metaphysical; mule; naturalistic; optimist; pantheistic; philosopher; positivist; positivistic; pragmatical; purist; rationalistic; realist; realistic; scholastic; stickler; theistic; transcendentalist; utilitarian