It was no longer possible to account Spain and the Spanish King as anything but mortal enemies to England and the English Queen.
In February 1565, Elizabeth found it no longer possible to prevent Darnley's return to Scotland, and in April it was tentatively announced that he was to be Mary's husband.
It was no longer possible to doubt but that it was his voice that had uttered that fearful cry for help.
It was no longer possible to accept, with implicit faith, that last night's crime was merely the expression of ordinary, familiar moods and human passions, that it would all work out according to the accepted scheme of things.
With the destruction of the aerials and the dislocation of the delicate apparatus, communication by wireless was no longer possible; nor was there any spar from which a signal might be flown.
On the 20th of October, indeed, his lordship had informed Lord Glenelg that the indications of mischief were so numerous and urgent that it was no longer possible to conceal a consciousness of danger.
Again:--"As the time has come when it is nolonger possible to ignore the results of criticism, it is of importance that Christianity should be seen to be in harmony with them.
The time has come when it is no longer possible to ignore the results of criticism.
The situation proved to be very bad; it was no longer possible to avoid heavy losses.
Surprise was no longer possible; you might have certified that an amputated leg was growing again without astonishing anyone.
His ambition had betrayed him, and there were no longer possible to him any hopes of political activity.
It was no longer possible to her now to write of George at all, and it was equally impossible to Alice.
When it became no longer possible to perpetrate an untruth on the package label, there still remained the newspapers and billboards.
Arrangements can be made at considerable cost to have the coffee taken to a private warehouse; but it is no longer possible to make up the chops in Maracaibo, as was done formerly with all the Cucutas.
To become untrue there to the pious sisters, or here to Eric; but no, that was no longer possible.
Sonnenkamp asserted that this was no longer possible, but finally yielded.
When limitations were placed to this, worship was no longer possible.
But Meha's success rendered this system of defense no longer possible, and the desert chieftain, realizing the opportunity of spoil and conquest, determined to make his position secure by invading China.
When the funds placed at the disposal of the Ili authorities were diverted to other uses, it was no longer possible to maintain the old efficiency of the service.
Take away these elementary truths, and neither science nor reasoning are longer possible, for want of a beginning and foundation.
It is no longer possible for me to feel under obligation to do what I have absolutely no power to do, or to believe myself accountable for doing what I could not possibly avoid.
All these possible advantages are now no longer possible.
Happiness is no longer possible in ignorance; certainty alone makes life tranquil.
And then the life we are leading is no longer possible.
But soon doubt was no longer possible, she saw distinctly the bare flesh and the little blue flame issuing from it, lightly dancing, like a flame wandering over the surface of a vessel of lighted alcohol.
Indeed, the first impulse upon reading the testimony of this witness leaps irresistibly to conclude that the denial of the main allegations is no longer possible.
The only comfort left, in such degeneracy, is, that a lower state can be no longer possible.
He, perhaps, had a right to vote for a knight or burgess; by crossing the Atlantick, he has not nullified his right; but he has made its exertion no longer possible.
They have been since lost, and the discovery, which comparison of writing might have made, is now no longer possible.
Next day the blow of Paoli's condemnation fell, and it became plain that compromise was no longer possible.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "longer possible" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.