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Example sentences for "dogmatise"

Lexicographically close words:
dogmata; dogmatic; dogmatical; dogmatically; dogmatics; dogmatism; dogmatist; dogmatists; dogmatize; dogmatizing
  1. How could a man who holds his judgment in suspense, or who thinks the universal mystery insoluble to us, dogmatise upon the question of God's existence?

  2. Surely," he cries, "the boasted enlightenment of this century will never tolerate the gross ignorance and arrogant self-conceit which presumes to dogmatise as to things confessedly beyond its ken.

  3. It may be a reason for not attempting to dogmatise about them.

  4. If one may presume to dogmatise at all upon so abstruse a question, it must be because their curiosity and predatory instincts are aroused by a queer object, moving with a series of jerks and a somewhat lifelike movement of fibres.

  5. It would, therefore, be folly to dogmatise on such a matter, and I should be sorry to attempt to do so.

  6. It is not for me to dogmatise where experts, native to New York, hopelessly disagree.

  7. He has, if he has been to this country, seen here much that has not tended to impress him with the belief that the English people are themselves in a position to dogmatise on this vexed question of morality.

  8. It is impossible to dogmatise on such a matter.

  9. The Ordinance has been framed on experimental lines, leaving much to the discretion of local officials (subject to an appeal to the Central Board and thence to the High Court), and hesitating to dogmatise on details which are still unproved.

  10. He had inscribed on his little banner Ne plus ultra, but had he any right to dogmatise more than others?

  11. Well, I would not like to dogmatise on that point," he answered.

  12. In the face of such evidence it is dangerous to dogmatise on the gradual discovery of the sexual impulse by public school boys during adolescence.

  13. In a general study such as this, it is quite impossible to dogmatise from individual cases.

  14. Words of more than two syllables are accented on the penult if the penult is long.

  15. Though it does not become us to dogmatise about matters of which we know so little, I think we may fairly say that that shrinking never rose up into the regions of Christ's will; never became a desire; never became a purpose.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dogmatise" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.