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Example sentences for "divo"

Lexicographically close words:
divisive; divisor; divitiae; divitias; divitiis; divom; divorce; divorced; divorcee; divorcees
  1. He is very jealous of Divo Pan, and if he hears you praising him, will do something to you.

  2. But the musician with the harp was really Divo Apollone himself; disguised.

  3. So, if you love the music of Divo Pan, you must be very careful not to let Divo Apollone hear you praise it, or he will do something to you.

  4. But you must be careful never to praise his music aloud, lest Divo Apollone should hear you.

  5. And he loved very much the music of Divo Pan.

  6. Divo Pan is the divo who makes all the music that you hear out of doors,--the music of the wind and the water and the bird-songs.

  7. He is the divo that makes all the music you hear on instruments--on harps and violins and pianos.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "divo" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.