The Deuilles contract with the Magicians: The diuision thereof in two partes: What is the difference betwixt Gods miracles and the Deuils.
At which time the witches demaunded of the Diuel why he did beare such hatred to the King, who answered, by reason the King is the greatest enemy he hath in the worlde: all which their confessions and depositions are still extant vpon record.
And that the Diuel is permitted at som-times to put himself in the liknes of the Saintes, it is plaine in the Scriptures, where it is said, that Sathan can trans-forme himselfe into an Angell of light.
Nay then let the Diuel weare [Sidenote: 32] blacke, for Ile haue a suite of Sables.
What talke had the Diuel and you together, when that he appeared to you, and what did he aske of you--and what did you desire of him?
It is said by some that St. John Baptist for his humility is rewarded with the place which the diuellost for his pride.
Because the diuel can effect as much without entering into the person as yf he were essentially in him, and then it is more then needes.
And the disciples could not cast out the diuel that had possessed the man from his infancy.
Covetousnes is an Hydra with seven heades, the diuel is the author of it.
Against pride in beauty; the diuel playes the sophister whiles he perswades women to paint that they may seeme fayrer than they are; which painting being discovered, makes them to be thought fouler than they are.
Even the diuel must have his due; it was commendable that a legion of them could dwell togither in one man without discord amongst themselves; scarse a few in one house but some jar betwixt them.
From a similitude of a stronge and a stronger man, two warlike men, yf one keepe possession, he must be stronger that puts him out: soe he must be greater than the diuel that can cast him out.
Sodome could not make him rich, because he would not have it said that the diuel had made him riche.
The Diuel neuer desyred to be like God in his essence, for that being impossible he could never conceiue it, and that is neuer in appeticion which was not first in apprehension.
Here a notable pollicy of the diuelto have dammed up Gods glory and mans relligion, both at once.
Wherefore to this diuel they doe much honour, to him doe they sacrifice, praying him that he will make them like vnto himselfe, and not like other beastes.
Of that diuel they make some accompt: for these spirits they care litle or nothing at all.
But Abraham shaking him off proceeded on his way, whereupon the diuel seeing his words could not preuaile with the father attempted the sonne, saying; Ismael, haue regard vnto thyselfe betimes in this thing which is so dangerous.
Nay then let theDiuel weare blacke, for Ile haue a suite of Sables.
They also consecrated saulte, and taught, that whether soeuer it were cast, it draue away spirites, and all deceites of the diuil, yea and the diuel himselfe also.
The Diuel is one which hath bene long beaten in experience, the which thing in all affaires and matters is of very great force.
Albeit God for a time do suffer the diuel in many things, yet hath he appointed him his bounds, which he may not passe.
A man may commaund the diuel to depart from him without any cursing or banning.
Howbeit this is not to be dissembled, that thediuel doth glory of many things which indéede he cannot performe: as that he saith, that he raised the dead out of their graues.
Sidenote: We must fight against the diuel with good life.
But the truth of his words procéeded from God, who gaue the diuel power to appeare vnto the Sorceresse, and to declare vnto her, that which should afterwards come to passe.
There haue bene some who when they would haue striken a spirit with their sworde, haue thought they haue striken the featherbed, the diuel so mocked them.
Sidenote: VVhether the diuel forknow of thinges to come.
O sir, I can answere that, With giue the diuelhis due.
And if he be as good a gentleman as Lucifer And Belzebub, and the diuel himselfe, Tis meete he keepe his vowe.
Wee must to France together: why the diuel should we keep kniues to cut one anothers throats?
Sir Iohn stands to his word, the diuel shall haue his bargaine, for he was neuer yet a Breaker of Prouerbs: He will giue the diuell his due Poin.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diuel" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.