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Example sentences for "discharges"

Lexicographically close words:
discernment; discerns; discharge; discharged; discharger; dischargeth; discharging; dische; dischen; disciple
  1. Acting upon which principle, directly the natives came within gunshot range, a few discharges dispersed their fleet.

  2. The enlisted men received their pay and discharges in the same barracks that we had built when the regiment organized in June, 1861.

  3. However, it will often happen that the negatively charged upper layer of cloud is either carried very high or drifted away by the wind, and then the discharges that occur will be chiefly between cloud and earth.

  4. These intervals may vary from a few thousandths to one or two-tenths of a second, while the duration of each of the consecutive discharges is probably not more than two or three hundred-thousandths of a second in most cases.

  5. A luminous phenomenon due to electrical discharges in the atmosphere; probably confined to the tenuous air of high altitudes.

  6. As the speed with which the camera turns is known, it is possible to determine the intervals of time between the discharges of a multiple flash.

  7. Rough measurements of the intervals of time between these discharges were made with various forms of rotating disk.

  8. Balloonists claim to have encountered such discharges near at hand.

  9. Goddard, which is propelled by several successive discharges of an explosive in the course of its upward flight, and with which the inventor thinks it will be possible to explore the whole vertical extent of the atmosphere.

  10. The mountains seem to act as gigantic lightning rods, giving rise to more or less continuous diffuse discharges between themselves and the clouds, with occasional outbursts simulating the beams of a great searchlight.

  11. Here it is supposed to be generated by two agencies--the electrical discharges of the aurora and ultra-violet radiations from the sun.

  12. Heyward threw himself among the combatants, and imitating the necessary caution of his companions, he made quick discharges with his own rifle.

  13. The room was shaking with the discharges of cannon.

  14. The jar of the discharges began to dislodge bits of glass and little triangular pieces of plaster, and the solid walls of the tower shook till even the mirror began to sway and the tarnished gilt sconces to quiver in their sockets.

  15. This I effect by rendering the discharges through the primary of the induction coil less frequent, and also by diminishing the rapidity of the vibration in the secondary.

  16. During my investigations in this line I endeavored to excite tubes, devoid of any electrodes, by electromagnetic induction, making the tube the secondary of the induction device, and passing through the primary the discharges of a Leyden jar.

  17. Now what with these frequencies and potentials occurs in an exhausted tube, occurs in the lightning discharges at ordinary pressure.

  18. Passing the discharges through both the lamps, again the filament in the exhausted lamp l glows very brightly while that in the non-exhausted lamp l{1} remains dark, as previously.

  19. When the discharges are directed through the filament, as before, it does not become incandescent.

  20. But the most powerful brush discharges were produced by employing currents of much higher frequencies than it was possible to obtain by means of the alternators.

  21. The condenser discharges through an adjustable gap d d as usual.

  22. A luminous band excited in the bulb by repeated discharges of a Leyden jar must possess rigidity, and if deformed and suddenly released, should vibrate.

  23. Very powerful effects were produced by discharges of this kind with liquid interrupters, of which a number of different forms were made.

  24. One peculiarity of the discharges was their local nature, the rings of light being much more sharply defined than was to be expected.

  25. The neighboring village of Zoeterwoude shook with the discharges of the Zealanders' cannon, and the Spaniards assembled in that fortress knew that the rebel Admiral was at last, afloat and on his course.

  26. The firmament trembled with the shock of the contending hosts, and was lurid with the rapid discharges of their artillery.

  27. It still discharges its waters through a great arch into the Tiber.

  28. The "Battues" consisted in ranging the victims in long ranks, and mowing them down with discharges of cannon and musket.

  29. From a room in Vallejo he sent his electric discharges across the Vallejo Straits to Mare Island.

  30. But, Anger in hasty words or blows Itself discharges on its foes.

  31. In truth it lay long neglected amongst the other gross discharges of the sea; till from our luxury, it gained a name and value.

  32. A bulwark was also raised, whence the enemy now within throw, were annoyed with discharges of stones, darts, and fire.

  33. At Moorish weddings the bride is carried in procession in a palanquin to her husband's house amid a fantasia of gunpowder--the reckless rejoicing discharges of ancient muskets in the streets.

  34. Death is usually impending when the skin becomes cold and clammy, the mucous membranes livid, the pulse feeble and fluttering, the discharges involuntary, and when a low form of muttering delirium is present.

  35. Early tertiary lesions may be infective, and the disease may be transmitted by the discharges from them; but the later the lesions the less is the risk of their containing an infective virus.

  36. The pus perforates the periosteum, and makes its way to the surface by the easiest anatomical route, and discharges externally, forming one or more sinuses through which fresh infection may take place.

  37. In one of the first discharges of their musketry, the marshal was wounded by a ball.

  38. Did not the continual discharges of fire-arms within their line apprise us that a multitude of recruits were there training under favour of the armistice?

  39. Some chasseurs of the French guard had just dismounted from their horses, according to custom, in order to form a circle around him; a few discharges from their carabines drove off the assailant lancers.

  40. Intent on the pursuit of these poor fellows, the Cossacks again got sight of them, and tried to take advantage of that moment: but Ney, by a few discharges of his musketry, again repulsed them.

  41. The Russian had not finished his speech, when suddenly forty discharges of grape shot, proceeding from the right of his army, and cutting our ranks to pieces, struck him with amazement, and interrupted what he had to say.

  42. That the discharges from a patient under puerperal fever are in the highest degree contagious, we have abundant evidence in the history of lying-in hospitals.

  43. As its growth proceeds, the cavity of the vesicle becomes still farther contracted, until being unable longer to retain its contents, it bursts and discharges them as above described.

  44. The rationale of this principle is that all discharges of defensive forces, however slight they may be, involve enormous and absolutely superfluous losses when they become regular and habitual.

  45. Our greatest expenditure of strength is made up of those small and most frequent discharges of it.

  46. Meeting the rarefied gases of the earth's upper atmosphere, they illuminate them as electric discharges illuminate a vacuum tube.

  47. The causes of these sudden changes in luminosity are unknown; possibly electrical discharges or chance collisions between fragments of considerable size may account for some of them.

  48. An attestation of servitude, signed by the captain, is given with all discharges of men in the navy.

  49. In warrantry, is the voluntary substitution of a different voyage for a merchant ship than the one originally specified or agreed upon, an act which discharges the insurers.

  50. It is worked by a long winch-handle, at which several men may be employed at once; and it thus discharges more water in a given time than the common pump, and with less labour.

  51. Formerly the steel covering of the pan from which the flint of the cock struck sparks on to the priming; but now the cock itself, by its hammer action on the cap or other percussion priming, discharges the piece.

  52. A breach of embargo, under the knowledge of the insured, discharges the underwriters from liability.

  53. The effluent or stream by which a lake discharges its water.

  54. A voluntary departure from the usual course of the voyage, without any necessary or justifiable cause: a step which discharges the insurers from further responsibility.

  55. It is heard at different periods of the day and night, sometimes when the air is perfectly still and without a cloud; and consists of one stroke only, or of five or six discharges in quick succession.

  56. The party went first across the mountains to Canelos, an Indian village, where they thought to embark on a little stream which discharges itself into the Amazon.

  57. A woman conscious of the duties of her sex, one who unflinchingly discharges the duties allotted to her by nature, would no doubt make a good wife.

  58. This is indicated where the discharges are watery, and where there is vomiting and coldness of the feet and hands.

  59. There are no royal means of dispersing scrofulous glands, or of curing discharges from the ear, or of doing away with the offensive smell which in some cases proceeds from the nostrils.

  60. It seems as if with this disease, just as with cholera, the contagious element were present in its most active form in the discharges from the bowels.

  61. The abscess discharges itself, its walls contract, the opposite surfaces come into contact, and are welded together again, so that there is no loss of substance, nor anything save a scar on the surface to indicate what has happened.

  62. Paris by discharges of Artillery, and was proclaimed by torch light throughout the streets.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "discharges" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.