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Example sentences for "discharged"

Lexicographically close words:
discernibly; discerning; discernment; discerns; discharge; discharger; discharges; dischargeth; discharging; dische
  1. Fortunately for the discharged persons, they were befriended by Lord Shaftesbury, an ancestor of the present Lord Shaftesbury, who, along with other friends, provided for their immediate wants.

  2. One morning Mr. Mompesson, seeing a quantity of wood in a corner of the house, discharged a pistol at the sticks, as he thought a person lay concealed under them.

  3. In an instant the secret machinery, being set in motion, discharged a shower of deadly darts against the king, who fell mortally wounded on the floor.

  4. As Gondalez's dealings with the devil were well known to all in the neighbourhood, it was held that he had received his injuries when roaming as a four-footed beast; and therefore the justice discharged the Spaniard.

  5. One daring fellow went close to the woman and discharged his carbine at her breast, but the bullet rebounded without taking effect.

  6. The privilege was conferred on those only who had honourably discharged themselves in their various offices in life.

  7. Of course, I was discharged in an hour, and returned to the lodging house for the night.

  8. My strange calling, in that inland town more than a thousand miles from the coast, appeared to greatly interest the judge, who, after several friendly questions, discharged me with a caution.

  9. At this time I took a notion to work for a few days, but Brum showed his grinning face so often that I grew ashamed of him, and discharged myself.

  10. Mennais was one of the parties originally suspected and arrested, but discharged through total lack of evidence.

  11. Thus it seemed to me evident that my rate of ascent was not only on the increase, but that the progression would have been apparent in a slight degree even had I not discharged the ballast which I did.

  12. But although, in one or two instances, arrests were made which promised elucidation, yet nothing was elicited which could implicate the parties suspected; and they were discharged forthwith.

  13. Sentenced in New York to imprisonment for grand larceny in the State Prison at Sing Sing for the term of two years, and discharged when that term had nearly expired; he soon after sailed for California.

  14. In the confusion which ensued the horse which bore our hero was shot by one of Gilfillan's party, as he discharged his firelock at random.

  15. The glen, or dell, was terminated by a sheet of water, called Loch Veolan, into which the brook discharged itself, and which now glistened in the western sun.

  16. As we entered the palace courtyard, a company of hussars discharged their muskets, and the captain presented arms.

  17. It was at the time of the landing of the Swedes that the noted general Wallenstein had fallen into disgrace with the German emperor, and had been discharged from the imperial service.

  18. The doge discharged his sad mission with a firmness that created astonishment.

  19. A stray shaft or so was discharged from time to time; but not till three years after did the fight really commence.

  20. Suffice it to say that any person who defended George Washington was certain of getting the foulest abuse from his opponents; whilst the idea of a discharged British non-commissioned officer entering the lists was not to be borne.

  21. He was a very little fellow, not more than about five feet high, and had been set down to be discharged when he went to England; but there was a suspicion of his connexion with me, and therefore they resolved to keep him.

  22. But the damages[12] were discharged by voluntary subscription.

  23. The temper in which he discharged his duties and the absolute and irresponsible control which he exercised over the subordinate tribunals can be fitly estimated from a single instance.

  24. If an arrest has been made the prisoner is to be discharged on bail to present himself before the inquisitors and any property seized or sequestrated is to be released.

  25. Ferdinand orders that it be considered at once; the prisoner is either to be discharged on bail or proper punishment is to be inflicted.

  26. Yet a case occurring in 1540 is highly significant of the terrorism under which the royal judges discharged their duties.

  27. The witnesses--or rather prisoners--were discharged and everything relating to these fictitious crimes was ordered to be expunged from the records.

  28. The great schippis discharged thare souldiouris in the smallare veschellis, and thei by bottis, sett upon dry land befoir ten houris ten thousand men, as was judged, and mo.

  29. Boith thei Noble men faythfullie and boldly discharged thare dewitie, and plainlie foirwarned hir of the inconvenientis that war to follow; wharewyth sche somewhat astonied said, "Sche wald advise.

  30. Before being discharged they desire to express their appreciation of the trust and confidence placed in them by the Governing Committee.

  31. I feared you had lost yourself, and discharged my gun as a signal.

  32. This lake discharged itself by means of a river into another of much greater dimensions, and thick forests covered every part of the neighbouring country.

  33. Mr. Bullen has discharged his task as editor in all important points satisfactorily, his introduction is well informed and well written, and his notes are well chosen and sufficient.

  34. His only offence was in having succeeded a favourite, but discharged actor, named Stayley.

  35. They discharged him last Monday," Mrs. Preston answered, in the same dull tone.

  36. When the elevator cage discharged its load on the top floor, Rupert, who was popularly held to be a genial man, lingered behind his colleague, and tried to say something to the young doctor.

  37. Then he had been discharged by Lindsay for the same reason, and had sunk, had run away with the woman, and had come back to Chicago penniless.

  38. At that moment a rattling volley of small-arms was discharged from the Black Venus, and I saw Smellie start and reel on his elevated perch.

  39. Mr. Ralph Herkimer came to me shortly after he had discharged that assistant you mention, to ask my advice.

  40. Waal, his tale was a good deal mixed, and I don't pretend to know the rights, but it seems the discharged overseer asked him to drink, to show he bore no spite.

  41. At present the water of the lake is not fit to drink, but the Ngangtse-tso was a freshwater lake formerly, that is, when it still discharged into one of its neighbours.

  42. From this point the valley descends slowly to the lake, and we ride in the channel through which at one time it discharged itself into the Shyok and Indus.

  43. Another handles his gun well and raises a red cloud from the target, and also hits the second, but in his hurry has discharged two arrows.

  44. ALL He discharged it without winking, Little time he lost in thinking.

  45. In every respect in which my duty as the god of wine can be discharged consistently with my duty as a total abstainer, I will discharge it.

  46. Twas told to me with great compunction, By one who had discharged with unction A chairman of directors function On the North South East West Diddlesex Junction.

  47. I once knew a chap who discharged a function On the North South East West Diddlesex Junction.

  48. And this he does without compunction, Because I have discharged with unction A highly complicated function Complying with his own injunction, Fol, lol, lay CHO.

  49. You showed very little when you discharged my boy from your factory.

  50. Bert tells me that he has been discharged from the shop.

  51. I am a pegger, and the squire has introduced a pegging machine, so he has discharged all the peggers.

  52. If you had not discharged him, he would be here now.

  53. If Squire Marlowe has discharged you, I don't want to hire you.

  54. He was going to write to me as soon as he arrived, and as soon as he was discharged he'd have to do something about getting me out of this army.

  55. The specimen burst with great force and cut his mouth, and the fluid which was discharged from the cavity had a very disagreeable taste.

  56. When corn was thrown down before it, the duck stretched out its neck to pick it up, it swallowed it, digested it, and discharged it in a digested condition.

  57. Nothing can be more grand and sublime than the primary and secondary echoes of a piece of ordnance discharged in an amphitheatre of precipitous mountains.

  58. Around Omar our men pressed valiantly, and several with bows discharged their missiles with fatal effect, sweeping away the Arabs one by one and apparently striking terror into the hearts of the others.

  59. From where I had sought shelter behind a high wall with a lattice window through which I continually discharged my rifle into the roadway, I saw massacres within walls and without.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "discharged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    acquitted; discharged; executed; expended; hired; liquidated; paid; quit; realized; remitted; settled; spent