The Prussians, surprised at discerning in the fog such masses of the enemy close at hand, recede towards the Ilm.
With this discerning tribute, Dennis turned the last dickey around and discovered that it was protected in the rear with a sort of oiled paper, through which the story shadowed dimly.
Discerning criticism has opened our eyes to the intermixture of these elements in the magic caldron of fancy, while inferior criticism goes astray in a trivial search after possible models.
These considerations induced lord Stair, who was a prudent, discerning minister, to countenance the young marquis, give him frequent invitations to his table, and to use him with distinguishing civility.
The lady discerning in this man a genius which might be improved to better purposes than deceiving the country people, desired him not to hide his talents, but to push himself in the world by the abilities of which he seemed possessed.
These mute but significant criticisms of thediscerning few never reached the ears of the artist, intoxicated as he was with vanity and false fame.
Men by Habit make irregular Stretches of Power, without discerningthe Consequence and Extent of them.
There were broad peepings out, Glimpses so often repeated, that to discerning Eyes it was flaring: In the very first Year there were such Suspicions as produced melancholy shakings of the Head, which were very significant.
It is strange that a gross Mistake should live a Minute in an Assembly; one would expect that it should be immediately stifled by their discerning Faculties.
The Jews beheld with anxious and discerning glance the manifestation of the deep anguish of his soul.
It is more than probable that Pilate's heathen soul mocked the heavenly claims of the lowly prisoner in his presence, but his keenly discerning Roman intellect marked at once the distinction between an earthly and a heavenly kingdom.
Is anybody so keenly discerning as to see in Irish dispersion a divine or superhuman agency?
Perhaps even a judge so discerningas yourself could not infer from the imperfect result how strict a self-control and selection were exercised in the presentation of details.
Nature, too, is full of hints and suggestions which a discerning mind, and an eye practised to the beautiful, will not fail to catch and improve.
Reid also makes it consist in "the power of discerning and relishing" these objects.
What was most apparent to the discerning eye was that her garb had been organized in every detail so as to consume as little thought and effort as possible.
Illustration: "With all the diffidence natural to my situation, I shall, for the first time, venture to address this polite and discerning audience.
The other commences his sermon thus: "With all the diffidence natural to my situation, I shall, for the first time venture to address this polite and discerning audience.
She was uncomfortable only when discerning compatriots appeared, and with visible nods and smiles rated them as "two of a kind.
Instead of shrinking from Gertie in the presence of the discerning compatriots, as she was at first inclined to do, she made it a point to be seen with her, championing the sisterhood of loneliness.
For all the people as reasonable creatures, have a judgment of private discerning to judge what they must receive as truth, and to discern their own duty, by the help of the word of God, and of their teachers.
Not in an unquestionable empire, to command things which none must presume to examine, or judge of by a discerning judgment, whether they be forbidden by God or not.
By the extraordinary gift of discerning in the apostles.
And the said magistrate hath first as a man his own judgment of discerning what is heresy, and who of his subjects are guilty of it, in order to his public governing judgment.
All now seemed tranquil: but a discerning eye might already have beheld fresh tempests gathering in the changeful atmosphere of the English court.
Such were the bodings of distant evil with which the more discerning contemplated the new and arduous enterprise in which the ambition of Essex had engaged him!
Paul speaks more than once of progress in knowledge and perception as a feature of the Christian mind, and the faculty of discerning the Good is said to grow by exercising itself on concrete material[471].
Prudence is love discerning between the things which bring it nearer to God, and those which hinder it from approaching Him[542].
Although her ideas might be vague about the nature of the charities which she patronised, she was a genuine and discerning hostess.
He knew if either were at his side without discerning which; and marooned in his own world he often thought of this.
Esther said to herself that she was quite capable of discerning Harold Transome's disposition, and judging of his conduct.
We therefore leave it to those who doubt Wagner's power of discerning the proper time for action, to be concerned and anxious as to whether what is now taking place in Bayreuth is really opportune and necessary.