It resembles the Noosdalum, with dialectal differences.
There is external evidence that the language for the whole Aleutian group is radically one, the differences, however, being, as dialectal differences, remarkable.
Literary style except in Southern Leyte and Bohol where it is colloquial (with the dialectal prefix a- substituting for paga-).
Dialectal differences are purely local, not social, [2] and speakers regard whatever forms they are familiar with as correct.
In the passive voices punctual forms are used for all meanings, except for literary or dialectal styles where the durative-nondurative distinction is maintained.
Without these agencies which do so much to promote uniformity to-day, Italy and the rest of the Empire must have shown greater dialectal differences than we observe in American English or in British English even.
Some of them probably heard the jests at the expense of their dialectal peculiarities which Plautus introduced into his comedies.
As to dialectal idioms or lingual peculiarities, I had not, of course, the most remote idea.
But there were some dialectal differences between ON.
But as there was no such recognized standard in the fourteenth century, it is most convenient to consider as dialectal any linguistic feature which had a currency in some English-speaking districts but not in all.
French guetter; and is due to dialectal differences in Old French.
The second extract has a more Southern dialectal colouring.
Although each dialectalfeature has its own boundaries, these are not set by pure chance.
Mr. Pearsall Smith has returned to the question of dialectal regeneration mentioned in Tract I, in which we invited contributions on the subject.
A very valuable and rich collection of dialectal essays on the most ancient documents for all parts of Italy is to be found in the Crestomazia italiana dei primi secoli of E.
In conjugation Tuscan has lost that tense which for the sake of brevity we shall continue to call the pluperfect indicative; though it still survives outside of Italy and in other dialectal types of Italy itself (C.
And every dialectal division is abundantly represented in a series of versions of a short novel of Boccaccio, which Papanti has published under the title I Parlari italiani in Certaldo, &c.
British Museum: they have been now made public by the Society’s edition, with their large additions to our vocabulary, and their interesting dialectal formations.
Hately Waddell--partly to illustrate New Scotch forms, but also because they help to show the dialectal provenience of loanwords.
In the Viking age dialectal differentiations began to appear, especially in O.
In many cases, however, my own investigations have led me to different conclusions, principally with regard to certain tests and the dialectal provenience of loanwords.
But the u in flodu may be a deliberate archaism on the part of the writer, may be a local dialectal survival, may be a mere miswriting.
Men from widely different parts of the country would be working together in the scriptorium of one and the same monastery, and this fact alone may have often led to confusion in the dialectal forms of works transcribed.
Barclay's attitude to dialectal forms may possibly be explained by the fact that he transcribed freely from the mediaeval treatises, especially the Donait francois of John Barton.
Moreover, during Norman and Angevin times, craftsmen and others immigrated to England, each bringing with him the dialectal peculiarities of his own province.
It is questioned how far it is possible to adopt living dialectal forms to save words that would otherwise perish.
In direct contradiction of a common popular error that regards our dialectal forms as being, for the most part, "corrupt," it will be found by experience that they are remarkably conservative and antique.
Many of the counties are divided between two, or even three, dialects; I somewhat simplify matters by omitting to mention some of them, so as to give merely a general idea of the chief dialectal localities.
With regard to dialectal Scandinavian, see the List of English Words, as compared with Icelandic, in my Appendix to Cleasby and Vigfusson's Icelandic Dictionary.
But, as a matter of fact, nearly all our chief writers have recognised the value of dialectal words.
Towards the end of the seventeenth century, the value of dialectal words as helping to explain our English vocabulary began to be recognised.
I have mentioned Tennyson in this connexion because he was a careful student of English, not only in its dialectal but also in its older forms.
It contains a considerable number of dialectal words.
Most of these representations, at any rate in the earlier years with which we are concerned, were short realistic farces of low life composed in dialectal verse.
Some of the eclogues are mucn more pronouncedly dialectal than others, but even within the limits of a single one, literary and dialectal forms may often be found used indiscriminately.
More noticeably dialectal is an anonymous Pescatoria amorosa printed about 1550.
A glossary of dialectal and archaic words and phrases used in the West of Somerset and East Devon.
If churn is anywhere dialectal for churr, it must have come from the common mistake of substituting a familiar for an unknown word: and this is the worst way of making homophones.
Perhaps this is why the obscure dialectal forms of rural England of a time long gone by are woven into it.
Many of the words used in the later compositions, particularly those of a dramatic nature, are obscure dialectal forms not to be found in any work of literature.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dialectal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: dialect; local; provincial; regional