The question here arises, How shall we regulate affairs so as to qualify us to perform the duties and obligations devolving upon us to-day, and secure to ourselves the blessings of eternal life?
Dwelling on the issues at stake, devolving the necessity on the German people to give "all it had," General Ludendorff claims [cp.
I feel the full weight of the responsibilities now devolving on me; and I know that if they are met, it will be due to those armies, and above all, to the favor of that Providence which leads both nations and men.
SIR: The duties devolving on the quartermaster of this post, in addition to his legitimate functions, are very important and onerous, and I am fully aware that the task is more than should devolve on one man.
Not one word can be found in those regulations speaking of the duties of the lieutenant-general commanding the army, or defining a single act of authority rightfully devolving on him.
I immediately made all the orders necessary to carry into effect the terms of this convention, devolving on General Schofield the details of granting the parole and making the muster-rolls of prisoners, inventories of property, etc.
The Medical Officer of Health for Kensington wrote (1898): "The staff is quite inadequate for the discharge of the duties devolving upon your Vestry as Sanitary Authority.
Thus the Medical Officer of Health for Fulham wrote:-- "The Vestry must clearly understand that the present staff of Sanitary Inspectors is quite inadequate to properly perform the duties devolving upon the Sanitary Authority.
It may seem strange that a man holding his position, could find time to attend to the duties thus devolving upon him.
This was one of the duties, devolving upon the settlement, which was always dangerous, and yet one that must be done sooner or later.
These bureaus perform the functions usually devolving upon such offices, the work being largely clerical.
The duties devolving upon this commission are in each case outlined by the board.
The Guardian therefore dispensed with replies to individuals and sent out general letters to the Spiritual Assemblies, in which in the clearest terms he set forth the obligations devolving upon all, and gave the friends his instructions.
The cares devolving upon her, in the charge of so many children, and the superintendence of domestic concerns, of course occupied her time to the exclusion of participation in matters of public interest.
During the years in which Mrs. Adams was deprived of his society, she devoted herself to the various duties devolving on her, submitting with patience to the difficulties of the times.
The principal duty devolvingupon the regiment during the winter was picket duty in the trenches.
In a period of profound peace the conduct of the mere military establishment forms but a very inconsiderable portion of the duties devolving upon the administration of the Department of War.
For the Lord has said, through the Prophet, that this is one of the greatest responsibilities devolving upon us in this latter day.
One of the most important duties devolving upon the Latter-day Saints is the proper training and rearing of their children in the faith of the gospel.
But, with the exception of the work devolving upon Mrs. Ketcham, the most constant and trying labor fell to the chairman of entertainment, Mrs. Allen C.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "devolving" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.