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Example sentences for "destines"

Lexicographically close words:
destination; destinations; destine; destined; destinee; destinie; destinies; destino; destiny; destitute
  1. Mais on a cru raisonnable d'etablir des presomptions, soit a raison de la qualite du destinataire, soit a raison du caractere de la place a laquelle sont destines les objets.

  2. Les objets compris dans la liste de l'article 22 constituent de la contrebande absolue, quand ils sont destines a un territoire de l'ennemi ou a un territoire occupe par lui ou a ses forces armees de terre ou de mer.

  3. Is that a sign God destines you for worldly vanities?

  4. And one whom nature destines for the free and independent life of a farmer, often sentences himself to life imprisonment behind the "cribbed and cabined" desk of a counting house.

  5. Nature destines some for a life of action and adventure, for the command of armies or the conquering of the wilderness; others it dowers with literary tastes, or the power to thrill an audience or guide a State.

  6. The sorcerers of every age have tried to read our future destines in those lines which have nothing fanciful in them, but absolutely correspond with the principles of each one's life and character.

  7. Not that he deems himself infallible; too many mistakes in following trails prove the contrary; but he thinks that nature destines such sagacity as she has given him, as she destines it to the 'possum.

  8. He had that serious thought, that uplifted heart, which God bestows on those whom he destines to be his most faithful servants.

  9. By such trials God prepares those whom he destines for some important work.

  10. Did you not swear that 'Whosoever among us this night shall draw the Red Cross Signal which destines him to take from life a life proved unworthy, shall be to us a sacred person, and an object of defence and continued protection'?

  11. That whosoever among us this night shall draw the Red Cross Signal which destines him to take from life, a life proved unworthy,--shall be to us a sacred person, and an object of defence and continued protection!

  12. Like a young eagle who has lent his plume To fledge the shaft by which he meets his doom, See their own feathers pluck'd to wing the dart Which rank corruption destines for their heart.

  13. Like a young eagle, who has lent his plume To fledge the shaft by which he meets his doom, See their own feathers pluck'd to wing the dart Which rank corruption destines for their heart.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "destines" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.