The strike and the lockout are to our industrial life what war is between nations, and the general public stands in much the same position as neutral nations.
The organized uses of strike and lockout on either side and the entrance of their organization into the political arena have become the weapons for enforcement of demands.
It comprises the erection of an industrial court, the legal repression of the right to strike and lockout under drastic penalties, the determination of minimum wage, and involves a consideration of a fair profit to the employer.
Not in the last twenty-five years has a great strike or lockout occurred in this country without supplying facts, notorious and undisputed, upon which some of these confessions of faith are founded.
The lockoutof the Chicago butcher workmen attracted the most attention.
Lastly, he urged an amendment to the Newlands Act making it illegal to call a strike or a lockout pending an investigation of a controversy by a government commission.
The strike and the lockout become potential, but they impend as possibilities and do their work.
The lockout seldom gains a popular sympathy, for the reason that employers appear to be using this method of warfare from a superior position of power.
Lockout is a name given to a method employed by managers to prevent the continuance of a strike by aid of the sympathy of employes not directly interested.
In his report to the third convention the General Secretary-Treasurer says that Not counting the strike and lockout in Goldfield, .
Witness the following excerpt from the recommendation of the Committee on the Reports of Officers: We disagree with our President regarding the general strike and contend that a general lockout of the capitalist class is the method by which .
East, as in the eastern States the workers in many of the industries are so poorly paid that a strike or lockout means starvation if finance is not forthcoming.
It has been customary to set the lockout over against the strike as being of equal importance, but this is not the truth.