I do greatly recommend vnto you the vertues of amity and fraternity, for that you know how in great common wealthes, more hurt and damage do ciuile and neighborly wars bryng vnto the same, than those attempted by the enimies.
Vouchsafe then to deliuer me from the Romanes thraldome, which if thou bee not able safely to bryng to passe, cause death (the ease of al woe) to be inflicted vpon me.
Cortez receyued greate pleasure to finde in that countrey dissention and discorde among some Noble menne, and at deuision among themselues, thynking thereby the better to bryng his purpose to passe.
And to bryng this matter to passe, me thinke best that we abide héere, vntill we may finde a better port or scituation.
They will not onely be a meane to bryng others their neyghbours to our seruice, but also haue now in readinesse .
The other messenger he sent to Vera Crux, to bryng full relation of the arriuall of Naruaez, and what was his pretence.
Then sayde Cortez to hys brother in lawe Iohn Xuares, bryng me (quoth he) my Launce and my Crosbowe to the Townes ende.
He dealt with certayne Captaynes & Gentlemen that dwelt in Tezcuco with Cacama, to apprehend him, and bryng him prysoner, cösidering that he was their king and yet aliue.
The Ambassadors excused their maisters cause, besieching him to withdrawe hys furie, and to giue licence to one of them to goe to Mexico, who woulde bryng aunswere from thence with all spéede.
It concerneth all Creatures, all Actions, and passions, by Emanation of beames perfourmed.
For, I will not bryng in place a Carpenter: as though you might Compare him to the Chief Masters of other Artes.
That Science, verely, which hath taught mankynde number, shall be able to bryng it to passe.
Item, I have spok with John Dame and Playter for the lettyr testymonyall, and John Dame hathe promysyd to get it, and Playter schall bryng it to yow to London.
For upon trust of Calles promise, we may soon onthryve; And, if Calle bryng us hedir xxli.
And the blessed Trinite be with yow, because ye wolle the wellfare off my maister, whoos soule God hafe pytie on and bryng hym owte of peyn, as the wellfare of the parties it meovyth me wryte to yow the rathyr.
Item, that Richard Calle bryngme up mony, so that my prestis [i.
Irelond to bryng no tydings; and so it semyth there is myche to doo there be the Erle of Pembrook.
And I pray God bryng yow and them owt of troble, and send yow good spede in alle yowr materys.
Our Penates and Troiane goddis, for thy, Bryng furth hyddir onto the maniory: Do fech me eyk tha goddis to this cost, Quhilk wirschippit ar by Acestes, our host.
The Goddis abufe alhaill gave thar consent, 15 Nor ryall Juno, at that tyme present, Lyst not contrary, bot gan perswaid full evyn To bryng the gret Ene vp to the hevyn, And frendly wordis of hym carpys thar.
Avys heiron amangis ȝou for the best, And help to bryngour febill weill to rest.
So hail and feir mot salf me Jupiter, And bryng me sownd agane with victory, 15 As euer ȝit sic consait of the had I.
Onto the hallowit sted bryng in, thai cry, The gret fygur, and lat ws sacryfy The haly goddes, and magnyfy hyr mycht With orysonys and offerandis day and nycht.
Baith common pepill and the heris bald To bryng agane Eneas ful fane thai wald; 10 Langyng ful sair eftir hys hame cummyng, And of hys mynd to haue sure witteryng, Thai all desyre sum attentik men be send.
It is wel doen to be war at London, in drede gyf he bryng ony syse at Sent Margarets tyme.
I may have of in the monynggs, for the eyeres be nat holsom in this town; therfor I pray yow hertely lete John Suffeld bryng it hom wyth hym.
For Goddis love, send me down this wyrte, er ell bryng it wyt zow, that I mythe haf fro zow a letter of tydings and comforthe; for I had nevyr verray need of zour labor til now, bod my hert hangithe in gret langor.
Jure to London, and yet it wer hard to bryng about.
I seyd in as meche as thei wer nott wele wyllyng to the gode man of the plase, I wold not take it up on me to bryng hem in to the jantylwoman.
And he seyd he xuld com forby this plase on huntyng after non, and ther xuld no mor com with hym but Hegon and on of his owyn men; and than he wold bryng seche an answere as xuld plese me.
XC Thus endys the talkyng of the munke And Robyn Hode i-wysse; God, that is ever a crowned kyng, Bryng us all to his blisse!
LIX He gaf John the seel in hand, The Sheref for to bere, To bryng Robyn hym to, And no man do hym dere[998].
XVII Whan Robyn came to Notyngham, Sertenly withouten layn[967], He prayed to God and myld Mary To bryng hym out save agayn.
Now will I hy me, and no thyng be leder, My wife and my meneye to bryng euen heder.
Syr the kynges highnes trustyth that ye with all spede will bryng up the half yeres Ferme and Renttes of the Busshopryche which I praye yow may be here before his gracyous departyng in progresse.
And concerning suche matiers as ye latelie haue written in for the towne of Calays, I do not ne shall not cesse to do my best to reduce and bryng the same to suche good passe and effecte as shalbe thought most requysite and expedient.
Saynt Austyne amonessheth with besy cure, howe men att table shulde them assure that ther escape them no suche langage 160 As myght hurte or bryng folke to disparage.
Soft, you binde it to harde, bryng my pilloW and cover mee Well: pull off my hosen and Warme my bed: draWe the curtines and pinthen With a pin.
As soone as I entered into the citie, I went to their temple or Meschita, where I sawe a great multitude of poore people, as about the number of 25 thousande, attendyng a certayne pilot who should bryng them into their countrey.
Yet before he departed, he gaue commaundement to his wyfe to bryng me to the carauana, which shoulde departe from Zida[FN#50] the porte of Mecha to goe into India.
And God sayd/ let the water bryng forth creatures that move & have lyfe/ & foules for to flee over the erth vnder the fyrmament of heaven.
We should haue made no mention in thys place of ryches and prefermente, for they bryng wyth them no pleasaunt lyfe, but rather a sadde and a pêsiue.
What kynd of pleasure, I pray you is ther in these thinges, that dooeth not bryng with it a greate heape of outeward euilles?
And yff the maters went not to my maister entent, ne that they coude not bryng aboute the mater, then it was imagyned and jangled that it was my wrytyng and doyng.
Wherfore demene yow in doyng of yowr erandes ther aftyr, and if ye shall bryng any masage from the Lords, take writyng, for Darcorts massage is not verely beleved be cause he browt no wrytyng.
Weks ad told hym that he wold bryng hym to the Kyng, but he hathe not zet do soo.
Cui Judex-- 'There is no man besy tobryng us to gyder, &c.
May, wyth as many personys defensebylly arayid as they myte acordyng to her degre, and that they schwld bryng wyth hem for her expensys for ij.
And ze must bryng with zow a forme of a supplicacyon made at London in what maner wyse Mr. R.
Bokynham, and Recheman schall bryng zow the namys of the men that mad the verdythe on Soneday nexst comyng.
Item, that he come by Cambrigge andbryng with hym Maister Brakkeles licence from the provynciall of the Grey Freres.
Thus endys the talkyng of the munke And Robyne Hode i-wysse; God, that is euer a crowned kyng, Bryngvs alle to his blisse.
Yet they that be wyse do thys rather, that seruantes by gentelnes and benefites leaue of their slauyshe condicions: remẽbryng that they also be men, and not beastes.
There is no nede to bryng here vnto the examples out of olde chronicles: do no more but remember in thy mind the housholdes of thine owne citye, howe many examples shalt y^u haue in eueri place?
But muche more shameful is theyr sluggardy, whyche not onely bryng not vp their chyldrẽ aright, but also corrupte them to wyckednesse.
I pray yowbryng hom poynts and lasys of sylk for yow and me.
I prey yowbryng home some hattys with yow, or and ye come not hastyly, send me on, &c.
Ye must gete a massanger of the Lords or sume other notabill man to bryngther letters.
And I have hys good wylle, it is non inpossybyll to bryng a bowght.
Notwithstandyng I am promysyd som at Snaylewell, and if so be that John can take eny ther, he shall bryng it yow with this bylle.
If she sped, they shall be sent to yow in all hast, or ellys, and ye send for me, I shall bryng hem with me.
I wend a don yt my sylf but consyderyng costis and other dyvers thyngis I may not bryng yt abowthe.
This borys hede we bryng w~t~ song, In worchyp of hym that thus sprang Of a virgyne to redresse all wrong.
The borys hede, that we bryng here, Betokeneth a prince withoute pere, Ys born this day to bye us dere, Nowell.
One man in Cambrige, well liked of many, but best liked of him selfe, was many tymes bold and busie, to bryng matters vpon stages, which he called Tragedies.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bryng" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.