Ich wene ther ne beth in al the world · contreyes none That ne holdeth to hor owe speche · bote Engelonde one.
For whan the Schipmen leie an Ere 500 Unto the vois, in here avys Thei weneit be a Paradys, Which after is to hem an helle.
Ther wol noman drinke of tho welles Whiche as he wot is puyson inne; And ofte swich as men beginne Towardes othre, swich thei finde, That set hem ofte fer behinde, Whan that thei wene be before.
For be reson I wolde wene That if I herde of thinges strange, Yit for a time it scholde change Mi peine, and lisse me somdiel.
And certes that mai noman werne; For love is of himself so derne, It luteth in a mannes herte: Bot that ne schal me noght asterte, To wene forto be worthi To loven, bot in hir mercy.
For whanne he hath his tunge affiled, With softe speche and with lesinge, Forth with his fals pitous lokynge, 680 He wolde make a womman wene To gon upon the faire grene, Whan that sche falleth in the Mir.
Bot, Sire, of that ye wolden mene, That I scholde otherwisewene To be beloved thanne I was, I am beknowe as in that cas.
Thanne 70 bitydeth it, that yif thou seest a wight that be transformed into vyces, thou ne mayst nat wene that he be a man.
And at the laste, yif that any wight wene a thing to ben other weyes thanne it is, it is nat only unscience, but it is deceivable opinioun ful diverse and fer fro the sothe of science.
What wene ye your wyse fader wolde Han yeven Antenor for yow anoon, 905 If he ne wiste that the citee sholde Destroyed been?
But for to wenen that god purvyeth the thinges to comen for they ben to comen, what other thing is it but for to wene that thilke thinges that bitidden whylom ben causes of thilke soverein purvyaunce that is in god?
And therfor is it that men oughten to wene by right, that bountee be the soverein fyn, and the cause 165 of alle the thinges that ben to requeren.
And yif he be distempre and quaketh for ire, men shal wene that he bereth the corage of a lyoun.
For yif thou wene that god have received thilke good out of him-self, thou mayst wene that he that yaf thilke good to god be more worthy than is god.
And of this sentence folweth it, that thanne ben shrewes constreined at the laste with most grevous torment, whan men wene that they ne be nat punisshed.
For it is nat to wene that thilke thing, that is most worthy of alle thinges, be feble and with-oute strengthe.
Ihc wene ne darf me axi no[gh]t If floriz were of dreri þo[gh]t.
And as touchyng th'eleccion of Shirefs, men wene that my Lord of Canterbury shall have a gret rule, and specyall in our countre.
I wene he be assentid to the fyndyng of this offyce[217.
Master Thomas Mertyn, and as I wene he had felows privy to that robery (?
And wene ye for to do good, And for to have of that no fame?
But natheles, ne wene nat that I make In preysing of the flour agayn the leef, +No more than of the corn agayn the sheef.
Or ellys yif he leese it he weneto be dispised {and} forleten hit.
On brotel ground they bilde, and brotelnesse They finde, whan they wene sikernesse,' with precisely the same rime, Merch.
Right so farith Love, that selde in oon Holdith his anker; for right anoon 3780 Whan they in ese wene best to live, They been with tempest al fordrive.
Whan she hem settith on hir whele, Than wene they to be right wele, And in so stable state withalle, That never they wene for to falle.
And therfore this proverbe is seyd ful sooth, 'Him thar nat wene wel that yvel dooth; 4320 A gylour shal him-self bigyled be.
Flatereres been the develes enchauntours; for they make a man to wene of him-self be lyk that he nis nat lyk.
They wene that no man may hem bigyle; But, by my thrift, yet shal I blere hir yë For al the sleighte in hir philosophye.
That she and every wight sholde wene and seye, That of Britaigne the rokkes were aweye, (540) Or elles they were sonken under grounde.
But nathelees, if thou wene sikerly that the biwreying of thy conseil to a persone wol make thy condicioun to stonden in the bettre plyt, thanne shaltou tellen him thy conseil in this wyse.
And trewely it sit wel to be so, That bacheleres have often peyne and wo; On brotel ground they builde, and brotelnesse They finde, whan they wene sikernesse.
But wene ye that every wrecche woot 890 The parfit blisse of love?
By god, I wene Ye hadde never thing so leef,' quod she.
On suche thing to thinke, I wene that heven wepeth to see suche wronges here ben suffred on erthe; the 25 good ought it to have, and no wight els.
And trewly, my good child, if these thinges be wel understonde, I wene that non inconvenient shalt thou fynde betwene goddes forweting and liberte of arbitrement; wherfore I wot wel they may stande togider.
And if thou wene to be a wrecch, for such welth is passed, why than art thou nat wel fortunate, for badde thinges and anguis wrecchednesse ben passed?
And nere her goodnesse the more with grace and with mercy medled, which passen al desertes, traveyls, and servinges that I in any degre might endite, I wolde wene I shulde be without recover, in getting of this blisse for 35 ever!
How shuld I than, so leude, aught wene of 60 perfeccion any ende to gete?
Crist, now to thee I crye of mercy and of grace; and graunt, of thy goodnes, to every maner reder ful understanding in this leude pamflet to have; and let no man wene other cause in this werke than is verily the soth.
Now than, why shuldest 55 thou wene to love to highe, sithen nothing is thee above but god alone?
Ye and other, that swere suche othes faste, And so condempne and cursen to and fro, Ful sikerly, ye wene your othes laste 375 No lenger than the wordes ben ago!
But for thou shalt not wene me being of werse condicion, trewly, for everich of my folke, and for al tho that to me-ward be knit in any condicion, I wol rather dye than suffre 85 hem through errour to ben spilte.
I wene thou fleddest, as 115 longe as thou might, their privite to counsayle; which thing thou hele[de]st lenger than thou shuldest.
For whan men wene best to have acheved, Ful ofte it is al newe to beginne; The werre hath nothing siker, thogh he winne.
In bras and in bronston the brethellys be brent, That wene in this werd my wyl for to werke.
I wenethe ende wil prove this brawle did first arise Eii Upon no other ground but only Diccons lyes.
Lo, here be many tryfyls and knakks-- By kokkis soule, they wene I am other dronke or mad.
Ic wene thaet thas word ne sind eow full cudhe, gif we h['i] openlicor eow ne onwreodh.
In that green wene Kilmeny lay, Her bosom happ'd wi' flowerets gay; But the air was soft and the silence deep, And bonnie Kilmeny fell sound asleep.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wene" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.