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Example sentences for "decomposes"

Lexicographically close words:
decolorized; decolorizing; decomposable; decompose; decomposed; decomposing; decomposition; decompositions; decompound; decompression
  1. It is sought to explain these oxidation processes by assuming that the hydrogen peroxide unites with the compound undergoing oxidation to form an addition compound, which subsequently decomposes (J.

  2. CO2H, which is readily soluble in hot water, and on heating with hydriodic acid decomposes into ammonia, carbon dioxide and glycocoll, CH2.

  3. It decomposes in water at a glowing heat.

  4. At a red heat, it oxidizes slowly and decomposes water; at a white heat it burns with a red flame.

  5. That one Face, far from vanish, rather grows, Or decomposes but to recompose, Become my universe that feels and knows.

  6. Sulphurous acid has no action on selenic acid, but instantly decomposes the selenious acid.

  7. The gas frequently decomposes spontaneously in the retort, with explosion, producing oxide of manganese and oxygen.

  8. As to how rapidly, or rather how slowly, manure decomposes in a rather heavy loamy soil, the above experiments of Mr. Lawes afford very conclusive, but at the same time very discouraging evidence.

  9. In such a case I suppose the lime decomposes the organic matter in the soil, or in some other way sets free the nitrogen or ammonia already in the soil; or the lime forms compounds in the soil which attract ammonia from the atmosphere.

  10. If you mix lime with guano, it sets free the ammonia; and when you mix lime with the soil it probably decomposes some compounds containing ammonia or the elements of ammonia, and thus furnishes a supply of ammonia for the plants.

  11. But drain it, and let in the air, and the oxygen decomposes the organic matter, and ammonia and nitric acid are produced.

  12. It has a nauseous bitter taste, a decomposes or drying.

  13. It decomposes into water and oxygen, and is manufactured in large quantities for an oxidizing and bleaching agent.

  14. It decomposes neutral fats into glycerin and fatty acids.

  15. On treatment with water it decomposes into sulphuric and hydrochloric acids, and is hence called also sulphuric chloranhydride.

  16. A series of electric sparks also decomposes carbonic oxide into carbonic anhydride and carbon, and if the carbonic anhydride be removed by alkali complete decomposition may be obtained (Deville).

  17. In the course of time, however, the aqueous solution also decomposes into nitrous oxide and water.

  18. The felspar decomposes into kaolin and quartz; its alkalis are for the most part set free and removed in solution, but are partly retained in the white mica which is constantly found in crude china-clays.

  19. Potash fusion decomposes it into benzoic and acetic acids.

  20. It is a strong acid, and dissolved in water decomposes carbonates and attacks iron and zinc.

  21. A very widely distributed reducing enzyme is "catalase" which decomposes hydrogen peroxide.

  22. The specific antibody in this case is an enzyme which decomposes the protein instead of precipitating it.

  23. What has been said in the preceding paragraph about the temperature at which acetylene decomposes is only true when the gas is free from any notable quantity of air.

  24. This hot deposit then decomposes some acetylene, and the carbon deposited therefrom is rendered incombustible by the phosphoric acid which continues to be produced from the combustion of the phosphine in the gas.

  25. It decomposes oxide of silver, depositing a brilliant film of metallic silver; hence it is used in silvering curved glass surfaces.

  26. Using similar apparatus, he proved that the electric current decomposes very many minerals into an earthy or alkaline base and an acid.

  27. The metal, said Lavoisier, decomposes the water which is always present along with the acid, hydrogen is thus evolved, and the metallic calx or oxide so produced dissolves in the acid and forms a salt.

  28. Water decomposes it into gold and auric chloride.

  29. Emulsin also decomposes amygdalin directly into these compounds without the intermediate formation of mandelic nitrile glucoside.

  30. The enzyme maltase decomposes it into glucose and mandelic nitrile glucoside; the latter is broken down by emulsin into glucose, benzaldehyde and prussic acid.

  31. How long will the collodion, according to his formulæ, keep, as collodion made with iodide of silver generally decomposes quickly.

  32. Now I wish to ask if (as the iodide of silver is redissolved in iodide of potassium) it is not formed when the plate is plunged into the nitrate silver bath, as the nitrate decomposes the iodide of potassium?

  33. This artifice is specially valuable when the substance decomposes or volatilizes in a warm current of carbon dioxide.

  34. An interesting interpretation of the phenomena of fermentation was attempted by Schade [1906] based upon the conception that glucose under the influence of catalytic agents readily decomposes into acetaldehyde and formic acid.

  35. Living yeast is, moreover, not only unaffected by phosphate but only decomposes hexosephosphate extremely slowly (Iwanoff).

  36. It decomposes when evaporated, leaving a charred mass containing free phosphoric acid.

  37. Treated with sodammonium it yields a bluish-black mass, BiNa3, which takes fire in the air and decomposes water.

  38. Water decomposes it to metallic bismuth and the oxychloride, BiOCl.

  39. In fermentation, on the contrary, the ferment, while nourishing itself with fermentable matter, decomposes a quantity great in comparison to its own individual weight.

  40. Chlorine easily decomposes bromide of silver, and transforms it into chloride.

  41. The mother-liquor containing bromides is treated with a current of chlorine gas, which decomposes these salts, setting the bromine free, which at once colors the liquid to a reddish brown color.

  42. Chlorine decomposes it and sets the iodine free, and chlorohydric acid converts it into a chloride.

  43. The tartaric acid, at a high temperature, decomposes here a portion of the ferrocyanic acid, and fixes the remaining ferrocyanate of iron (Prussian blue) in the fibre of the cloth.

  44. At the end of a few months, it spontaneously decomposes in the spirits, and leaves them in a less nauseous and noxious state.

  45. It decomposes water slowly at common temperatures, and rapidly at a red heat.

  46. Wool put in contact with cream of tartar decomposes a portion of it; it absorbs the acid into its pores, and leaves a neutral salt in the liquor.

  47. Lime, moreover, decomposes directly the chloride of magnesium, but with the effect of merely substituting chloride of calcium in its stead.

  48. Carbonic acid gas passed through water, in which the above saccharate is diffused, decomposes it with precipitation of carbonate of lead.

  49. It would be preferable to digest in a phial, the precipitate while moist, along with water of baryta, which decomposes the bromate of silver without acting upon the chloride.

  50. When the ore is sufficiently calcined, as is shown by its ceasing to exhale vapours, it is taken out, and exposed for some days to the action of the air, which decomposes the sulphurets, or changes them into sulphates.

  51. A watery solution of diastase readily decomposes on keeping, either in contact or out of contact of air.

  52. An alcoholic solution of sandarach, commonly called spirit varnish, acts powerfully on copper, with the production of a green efflorescence, which decomposes fulminate of mercury.

  53. The solution becomes turbid after a certain time, gas begins to be evolved, and the separated ferment decomposes the sugar.

  54. It is insoluble in water, very soluble in alcohol and ether; it reddens litmus paper, and decomposes with the aid of heat, the carbonates of soda and potash.

  55. It decomposes water and forms hydrochloric acid.

  56. The division into two poles: 'The basis of potash, by its strong attraction for oxygen, decomposes all the metallic oxides which I have exposed to it by a gentle heat.

  57. It is of a whiter color than the two last mentioned metals; and like them decomposes the air and water, and thus becomes lime, which is an oxide of calcium.

  58. It decomposes both air and water, but not so rapidly as potasium.

  59. It decomposes the minerals containing potash and other food-constituents, and renders them available for the plant's needs.

  60. It acts upon its dormant fertility, and decomposes its mineral substances as well as its organic matter.

  61. It further decomposes organic matter, and promotes the important process of nitrification.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "decomposes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.