They are also frequently found in children's diseases, especially in anæmia pseudoleukæmica infantum.
The mica may be either the white species, muscovite, or the black species, biotite; but it is usually the former.
Similarly, when the mica becomes deficient in the quartzose mica schist, a passage into ordinary quartzite is the result.
Black mica is common in norite; but white mica, orthoclase, and quartz rarely occur.
Mica schist usually consists, as in this instance, of mica and quartz; but it may be composed of mica alone; and sometimes kaolin or clay takes the place of the quartz, forming argillaceous mica schist.
The quartz is granular and in thin layers, as in mica schist; but the micaceous structure is wanting, and consequently the rock does not cleave readily in the direction of the bedding.
It is distinguished from mica schist by being somewhat softer, less harsh to the touch, and less lustrous.
Mica and hornblende also often occur together in diorite, and the same is true of syenite and gneiss.
Specimen 43 is a typical example, and from it we can readily learn what mica schist is.
The same result is accomplished still more distinctly by the mica scales, etc.
It is a common but not an abundant mineral, occurring most frequently in gneiss, mica schist, and other stratified crystalline rocks.
The mica in the latter is usually in very fine scales and rather inconspicuous, and the rock often passes into ordinary clay slate.
The micaschist almost always dipped toward the interior of the country, forming those mountain ranges of which we have already spoken as giving a highland character to the district of Golungo Alto.
The clayey soil formed by the disintegration of the mica schist and trap is the favorite soil for the coffee; and it is on these mountain sides, and others possessing a similar red clay soil, that this plant has propagated itself so widely.
As we advanced eastward and ascended the higher lands, we found eruptive trap, which had tilted up immense masses of mica and sandstone schists.
Evidence pointed to him being implicated in the systematic stealing of mica from the mine.
Burleson, Miller, and Horton by Rae and Anderson, two revenue officers, who took this means to gain possession of the mica mine.
The locality of the shooting is in the mountains of western North Carolina, and not far from the Flat Rock mica mine, the scene of the brutal midnight murder, Feb.
The fundamental rock is granite (In several places I observed in the granite, small dark-coloured balls, composed of minute scales of black mica in a tough basis.
Andrew Smith found, in the interior parts of the country, some beautiful specimens of granite, with silvery mica radiating or rather branching, like moss, from central points.
These rocks sometimes contain mica and veins of agate.
Thus objects made of nephrite and mica which occur, the former being common in the Thompson River valley, were not found in the Yakima area.
If gold the steel point will readily prick it; if pyrites or yellow mica the point will glance off or only scratch it.
As before stated tin will never be found far from granite, and that granite must have white mica as one of its constituents.
It is seldom found in the darker coloured rocks, or in limestone country, but it sometimes occurs in gneiss, mica schist, and chlorite schist.
The collars are insulated with mica from the segments and they are held in place by nuts upon the commutator shell or by bolts passing from end to end under the segments.
The bars are insulated from each other and from the washers by mica as shown by the heavy lines G, and they are also insulated from the tube either by a tube of mica H, or by a sufficient air space.
They are insulated from the core by tubes and washers of mica or other insulating material.
The end insulating rings are usually built up of mica and shellac, moulded while hot under pressure to the correct shape.
This mica must wear down evenly with the copper, hence its consistency is important.
The segments are of rolled or forged copper and are separated by soft mica insulating sheets.
The Sociedad Económica de Amigos del Pais was founded in 1813 for the purpose of encouraging interest in the arts, sciences, commerce, and industries.
In one of them (several others are described by Professor Bell), a beam of light passes through a lens of variable focus formed of two sheets of thin glass or mica containing between them a transparent liquid or gas.
We have found the simplest apparatus to consist in a plane mirror of flexible material, such as silvered mica or microscope glass, against the back of which the speaker’s voice is directed.
It is composed of many metallic disks separated by mica disks slightly smaller in diameter.
The spaces between the brass disks over the mica are filled with selenium, and the alternate brass disks are metallically connected.
One way of making them consists of depositing a thin film of gold on a sheet of mica and placing another sheet of mica on top to protect it the whole being enclosed in a glass tube as shown at A in Fig.
Condensers for spark telegraph transmitters can be ordinary Leyden jars or glass plates coated with tin or copper foil and set into a frame, or they can be built up of mica and sheet metal embedded in an insulating composition.
The first structure in which mica is the predominant character, is the Mica-schist--Mica-granite.
Not only quartz is silicious earth, but feldspar and mica consist in a great measure of the same.
The fact cannot rest unobserved, that mica has only one laminar cleavage, feldspar two, quartz three, this being for the first time a perfect crystal, a double tetrahedron with one column.
All the formations of this period are thus quartz, feldspar, or mica formations.
This yields us a new series of formations, in which the gneiss gradually attains to being divested of quartz and mica and to a pure position as feldspar.
The reason the Indians thought so was because there is some fine gold-dust in the washings of the sand, which has plenty of mica mixed with it.
The natives did not know the name of the young prince but when they saw him take a piece of mica and hold it over a bit of cotton until the sun set it on fire, they exclaimed "Zamna!
No indeed: they are common huts with thatched roofs on which the salt and mica glisten and sparkle as they do in the grass and sand.
A variety of chrysoberyl found in the mica slate of the Ural mountains.
Garnet is a very common mineral in gneiss and mica slate.
A little comminuted micamay be seen in some cases.
An hour-glass shaped tube made of gray hydro-mica schist, which resembles very compact steatite.
The rocks of the central zone consist of granite, gneiss, hornblende, mica slate, and other slates and schists.
The lithium-iron mica zinnwaldite or lithionite is closely allied to lepidolite, differing from it in containing some ferrous iron in addition to the constituents mentioned above.
Mica is sometimes substituted for glass, and the late Mr. Crosse, the celebrated electrician, constructed a powerful combination of coated plates of this mineral.
Granite is a mixture of quartz, felspar, and mica in variable proportions, and the quality of the soil it yields depends on whether the variety of felspar present be orthoclase or albite.
Mica is a very widely distributed mineral, and two varieties of it are distinguished by mineralogists, one of which is characterised by the large quantity of magnesia it contains.
Mica slate is also a mixture of quartz, felspar, and mica, but consisting almost entirely of the latter ingredient, and consequently presenting an extreme infertility.
The position of the granite, gneiss, and mica slate soils in this country is such that very few of them are of much value; but in warm climates they not unfrequently produce abundant crops of grain.
This is a mountain rock of vast continuity and extent, of a schistose texture, composed of the minerals mica and quartz, the mica being generally predominant.
Gold sealing-wax is made simply by stirring gold-coloured mica spangles into the melted resins.
Slate-clay, has a gray or grayish-yellow colour; is massive, with a dull glimmering lustre from spangles of mica interspersed.
The large sheets ofmica exposed for sale in London, are mostly brought from Siberia.
The mica of Fahlun, analyzed by Rose, afforded, silica, 46.
The felspar rock used for this purpose, should contain neither dark mica nor iron, either as an oxide or sulphuret.
The veins of sulphuret of antimony occur associated with gangues of quartz, sulphate of barytes, and carbonate of lime; those of Allemont occur in the numerous fissures of a mica schist, evidently primitive.
In the same partings, quartz and mica occur, being relics of the granite; while some seams of Kaolin retain the external form of felspar.
Oaxaco contains the only auriferous veins exploited as gold mines in Mexico; they traverse rocks of gneiss and mica slate.
Most of the Kaolin clays contain some spangles of mica which betray their origin from disintegrated granite.
It has also been stated, that the gneiss and mica tract of Bohemia contains some seams of grawacke, in which are organic remains; but British geologists have not as yet attached much importance to this statement.
There was no fire in the stove, of course, but from force of habit he gazed thoughtfully at the mica sides which surrounded the firebox.
His slippered feet were posted on the lower part of the self-feeding stove and he gazed down, deep in thought, at the lurid glow of the fire shining through the mica sides of the firebox.
Lithologically, this newer division of the gneiss is characterized by the predominance of a grey variety, rich in quartz, with black magnesian-mica and orthoclase, besides which a small quantity of oligoclase is never wanting.
Beneath this zone are gray and pink dolomites, bluish and grayish mica slates, with conglomerates, diorites, and beds of magnetite, a red orthoclase gneiss lying at the base.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mica" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: alabaster; asphalt; mineral; transparency