In fact, there are some who advise decompression for uremia.
With Tom, it was only a matter of decompression and he soon was up and about.
Here he was placed in a decompressionchamber for several hours and later transferred to a hospital bed.
After a quick examination, he had the boys placed in a small decompression chamber in the Sky Queen's sick bay.
He picked up the phone and called the decompression chamber building.
There was no valid reason why he should have been self-conscious as he talked to the lab attendant in charge of the decompression tank.
That's one reason they picked you--most people just don't have a spare decompressionchamber up in the attic!
Probably they were all out there now, snickering among themselves, waiting to see his face when he came out of the decompression chamber .
We have seen marked relief follow a temporal decompression operation.
Lumbar puncture, frequently repeated, has also been practised for the relief of tension in inoperable cases, but it is not free of danger and is not to be looked upon as a substitute for a decompression operation.
In a number of cases attended with symptoms of compression, benefit has followed the relief of intra-cranial tension by a decompression operation.
The protrusion of brain resulting after a decompression operation deliberately performed for the relief of intra-cranial tension, unless it becomes infected, has nothing in common with a hernia cerebri.
Case 66 is one with recovery from Jacksonian seizures after decompression of the upper Rolandic region, which was edematous following an (apparently very slight) scalp wound and shell-shock.
Massive multiple gas embolism through sudden decompression is not a suitable explanation of a case with death delayed, as in this instance, even if Arnoux’s explanation is suitable for cases of immediate death.
Going deeper would mean stopping for decompressionon the way up.
Double tanks would have meant the boys would be able to stay down nearly twice as long, but would also have meant the nuisance of waiting through the decompression period of about thirteen minutes ten feet below the surface on the ascent.
Through the medium of the equalizing room the divers, who leave their helmets, shoes, and weights in the operating chamber, are able to undergo slowly and comfortably either decompression or compression after or before each shift.
These gentlemen proved conclusively that immunity from serious consequences could be assured, provided the period of decompression was sufficiently long.
The decompression was complete and he suffered no symptoms of the "Caisson Disease.
If the decompression is not properly effected, the diver will suffer agonies and even death from the so-called "Caisson Disease.
The carburetor flushes his blood with oxygen, the decompression tank adjusts him to the lack of air-pressure.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "decompression" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.