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Example sentences for "deaw"

Lexicographically close words:
deathly; deaths; deathward; deave; deaved; deawn; debacle; debajo; debar; debark
  1. When a deaw drop falleth downe And doth light vpon my crowne, Then I shake my head and skip And about I trip.

  2. Soone after them all dauncing on a row 50 The comely virgins came, with girlands dight, As fresh as flowres in medow greene do grow, When morning deaw upon their leaves doth light: And in their hands sweet Timbrels all upheld on hight.

  3. When the Sun sets, the earth doth drizzle deaw But for the Sunset of my Brothers Sonne, It raines downright.

  4. My deaw Mr Lucas," responded Swinton, "that's all vewy twue.

  5. I confess supweme ignowance of what you mean, my deaw Lucas.

  6. But, deaw Kate, what a womp yaw are, to be shawr!

  7. But, my deaw sir, that is not what I meant.

  8. Perish the fine speech and the rehearsal with Thoms--perish everything to "relieve the deaw queetyaw fwom the agony she is suffwing!

  9. Not even staying to divest himself of his sacchariferous envelope, he had mounted and ridden at top speed for the port, announcing his fixed determination to take the first ship that should sail for his "deaw metwopolis.

  10. What, at that moment, would he not have given to be once more in his "deaw metwopolis?

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deaw" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.