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Example sentences for "could succeed"

  • I could succeed in removing all the ordinary manifestations of life.

  • It was very wary, and difficult to approach within a sixty yards' range, so that it was only by most careful stalking that I could succeed in bringing down a specimen.

  • It buried itself like an anchor, and it was not without great difficulty that we could succeed in dislodging it.

  • He had told Mrs. Roden that according to his creed there would be a better world to come for him if he could succeed in taming the selfishness of self.

  • The presumption was that a man suspended would be dismissed,--unless he could succeed in explaining away or diminishing the sin of which he had been supposed to be guilty.

  • Now, if it happened that Tiger was chained, and I could succeed in reaching the garden, I determined to give up for the present every thought of gaining the road to London or anywhere else.

  • I think it must have been past ten o'clock, and it took some minutes before I could succeed in determining which of my recent experiences were real, and which the result of dreams.

  • I asked myself, especially if I could succeed in finding Augustus alone in the garden for a few quiet minutes before I left the school.

  • If he directed Mr. Turton thither, I was lost, unless I could succeed in leaving Polehampton before the Turtons came out again.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "could succeed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    classified according; could catch; could desire; could earn; could endure; could finde; could look; could mean; could not bring himself; could not have told; could not help being; could not help saying; could observe; could obtain; could only have been; could procure; could rise; could see; could sing; could stop; could swim; could trust; could venture; could wish; could you; only then