It was very wary, and difficult to approach within a sixty yards' range, so that it was only by most careful stalking that I could succeed in bringing down a specimen.
It buried itself like an anchor, and it was not without great difficulty that we could succeed in dislodging it.
He had told Mrs. Roden that according to his creed there would be a better world to come for him if he could succeed in taming the selfishness of self.
The presumption was that a man suspended would be dismissed,--unless he could succeed in explaining away or diminishing the sin of which he had been supposed to be guilty.
Now, if it happened that Tiger was chained, and I could succeed in reaching the garden, I determined to give up for the present every thought of gaining the road to London or anywhere else.
I think it must have been past ten o'clock, and it took some minutes before I could succeed in determining which of my recent experiences were real, and which the result of dreams.
I asked myself, especially if I could succeed in finding Augustus alone in the garden for a few quiet minutes before I left the school.
If he directed Mr. Turton thither, I was lost, unless I could succeed in leaving Polehampton before the Turtons came out again.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "could succeed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.