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Example sentences for "cower"

Lexicographically close words:
cowd; cowde; cowdung; cowe; cowed; cowered; cowering; cowers; cowgirl; cowherd
  1. A daughter of the Dabneys would never run and cower and beg to be hidden at the possible cost of her good name.

  2. Then three men appeared in the farther crooking of the spring path, and at the first glimpse of them she slipped from the flat stone to cower behind Tom, trembling, shaking with terror.

  3. Provoked by the recollection that this degrading remonstrance was uttered within hearing of a domestic, I looked towards Mr Boswell for defence; but seeing him cower like a condemned culprit, I was obliged to answer for myself.

  4. Then they all said at once: Sir Launcelot, for Christ's sake let us out ride with Sir Galihud, for we be never wont to cower in castles nor in noble towns.

  5. He was creeping round to the other side of the chimney to cower in its shadow, when a sudden bellow from the street apprized him that the movement had discovered him to the crowd.

  6. The despotism exercised in the school, even though exercised with a certain sense of justice and right, made the autocrat, out of school, cower before the parents of his helpless subjects.

  7. If I were to get out of this cage," he told himself voicelessly, "and were to enter that room with Ellen, she would cower into a corner in terror.

  8. Yet she will cower away from me when she wakens.

  9. I know how puny my efforts will be; but I would rather try to push back an avalanche than cower before it.

  10. A little falcon dashed in winged pursuit, Plucking with claws the eagle's head, while he Could only crouch and cower and yield himself.

  11. Sir Dewin of Castle Cower had not power to hurt them, nor did any other evil light upon them.

  12. Wise Massinger bade kings be wise in vain Ere war bade song, storm-stricken, cower and wane.

  13. I have seen the stoutest captains of Ashur cower beneath that deadly hail!

  14. None of the treasures others guard so jealously; but, in compensation, none of the fears that bid the brave man cower and the strong man quake.

  15. He was trying to recall the flavour of dandelions as he dreamily watched man and horse cross the lowland which seemed to shrink and cower beneath the low-hanging sky.

  16. But all's at end now; better days begin For these mild mountaineers from over-sea: The timidest shall have in me no Prefect To cower at thus!

  17. So, Pym can quail, can cower Because I glance at him, yet more 's to do.

  18. I conquered him: You saw him cower before me!

  19. The result was a sharp peck on the end of his nose that made him cower down and ki-yi.

  20. In the days before, White Fang had had the wisdom to cower down and submit to a man with a club in his hand; but this wisdom now left him.

  21. Rang their shouts Cheering each other on to face the fight, And not to cower beside the ships in dread Of onset-shouts of battle-eager foes.

  22. Is the old Grecian spirit frozen in your veins, that you do crouch and cower like base-born slaves beneath your master's lash?

  23. And do you think to see me crouch and cower before a tamed and shattered senate?

  24. How little starvin', naked children cower in their ghostly shadows through dark midnights!

  25. Thou wilt not cower in the dust, Maryland!

  26. Like our own mountain eagle, He swoops on the foemen, And the cohorts of Lincoln Fly and cower before him!

  27. Here in my sleeping-bag I cower and pray: "Silence and night, have pity!

  28. After all it was little he could do save cower there, patiently waiting for sundown to come; for he remembered that one of his chums had said the sand storm was very apt to peter out at about that time.

  29. Indeed, the horse seemed to cower close to his young master, as though trusting to his sagacity in this emergency.

  30. All I could do was to cower at the bottom of the boat and listen silently to their whispered talk below.

  31. I see not one of them here; they cower as hounds before a lion; it is we, your allies, who bear the brunt of the battle.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cower" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abase; bend; bow; cower; crawl; creep; cringe; crouch; dodder; fawn; flatter; flinch; grovel; halt; hunch; kneel; kowtow; limp; quail; quiver; shake; shrink; skulk; slaver; slink; sneak; squat; stoop; teeter; toady; totter; tremble; truckle; wallow; welter; wince