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Example sentences for "inches deep"

  • The knee-band is of the same materials and 21/2 inches deep.

  • The back wall is cut down vertically inside with a narrow rounded brim and the front curves gradually in from the very edge to the bottom of the cavity, which is 11/2 inches deep in the middle.

  • The tang is wedged in with bits of leather and secured by a close whipping of sinew braid 11/4 inches deep.

  • A wooden trough is laid in a trench about 18 inches deep.

  • When the final tier of pipes has been installed, it is covered with a layer of concrete about 2 to 3 inches deep.

  • The tubes are laid in trenches about 30 inches deep and 20 inches wide at the bottom, each trench usually containing two lines of pipes—a main adjacent to the curb and a feeder on the outside.

  • The first girder was about 19 feet effective span, 12 inches deep in the web, with angle bar and plate flanges.

  • He states that the relics are found on this station in three different strata, the most superficial of which is 1 foot 6 inches deep, and the lowest 4 feet 8 inches.

  • Following this he found at one side near the bottom a stone box about 11 inches by 8 and 5 inches deep, with an inscription round the upper lip.

  • The cross section of the bottom frame is also of the form of a hollow beam, 7 inches deep, except in the region of the condenser, where it is, of course, of a different form.

  • There are two main girders, each 12 feet 6 inches deep in the centre, and 8 feet deep at the ends.

  • Tabs of the smallest dimensions, in the earlier Elizabeth and James character, generally have six pieces from front to the middle of the back, which are from 2 to 3 inches deep.

  • Cut a gate in this board, say three feet wide and ten inches deep, or according to the size of a stream.

  • They must, however, be perfectly tight and should not be more than 21/2 inches deep on the inside.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inches deep" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    appreciate the; been thinking; book called; broken pottery; cannot well; full moon; give satisfaction; green plants; green tomatoes; highest good; inches apart; inches broad; inches deep; inches diameter; inches from; inches long; inches square; inches tall; inches thick; invite them; less extensive; material interests; obtain their; placed himself; thought more; work from