While the onion is frying soak a cupful ofstale bread in cold water until it is soft, then squeeze out the water.
There is no waste in doing that, for I have already told you how to use up pieces of stale bread by making them into crumbs.
Ingredients--Some slices of stale bread, about ¾ inch in thickness.
These are best made by rubbing stale bread through a wire sieve, or the crumb of stale bread may be dried in a slow oven and pounded for crumbs.
Cut a round of stale bread, about one-eighth of an inch thick; dip it in clarified butter, and lay it in the bottom of the mould.
Crusts and pieces ofstale bread should be dried in a slow oven, rolled into fine crumbs on a board, and put away for croquettes, cutlets or anything that is breaded.
Pieces of stale breadcan be used for toast, griddle- cakes and puddings and for dressing for poultry and other kinds of meat.
To prepare the crumbs dry all pieces ofstale bread thoroughly.
Stale bread may be crumbled or soaked in cold water pressed dry and used in place of rice or cornmeal.
Fill a pudding-dish with crusts of stale bread, or light crackers.
Put a couple of slices of stale bread, cut into dice and fried crisp in dripping, in the heated tureen, and pour the soup upon them.
Stale bread is better for this scallop than cracker-dust.
In demonstration of this, take a small lump of new bread, gently roll it into a ball, and put into a glass of water, adding a similar quantity of stale bread of the same kind also.
The apparent dryness of stale bread is not caused by its loss of moisture; for if carefully weighed, stale bread will be found to contain almost exactly the same proportion of water as new bread that has become cold.
Test the fat by lowering a piece of stale bread into it, if the bread browns in thirty seconds the fat is sufficiently hot.
Keep turning for about five minutes so they will get brown; add water for amount desired; season with salt and pepper and put in piece of stale bread.
Fry small cubes of stale bread in deep hot fat until brown or fry them in a little butter or fat in a hot spider until brown.
Cut pieces of soft part of stale bread in different shapes, and fry them on both sides in butter or fat.
Put some thin slices of stale bread in the soup-dish, sprinkle pulverized sugar and orange-rind grated all over.
Take of stale bread, suet, and loaf-sugar, half a pound each; make the whole so fine as to go through a sieve.
Take half a pound of crumb of stale bread; cut it in pieces; boil half a pint of milk and pour over it; let it stand half an hour to soak.
In a frying pan have the depth of an inch of boiling fat; also have prepared slices of stale bread cut up into little half-inch squares; drop into the frying pan enough of these bits of bread to cover the surface of the fat.
One cup of stale bread crumbs, one onion, two ounces of butter, pepper and salt, a little mace.
Stale bread may be served as follows: Toast the slices and cover them slightly with grated cheese; make a cream for ten slices out of a pint of milk and two tablespoonfuls of plain flour.
If during the second or third week of the cure the hunger becomes too great for the patient to endure, a small piece of herring or stale bread may be given.
At end of 11th month add 1-2 pieces of stale bread, toast or zwieback.
Have ready in the tureen a double handful of strips or squares of stale bread, fried like doughnuts in dripping, and drained dry.
Cut out with a sharp-edged tumbler or a cake cutter as many round slices of stale bread as there are eggs to be cooked.
Toast rounds of stale bread as directed in preceding receipt, but instead of moistening them with hot water, pour upon them, as they lie in the dish, two tablespoonfuls of boiling gravy to each slice.
Grate into fine crumbs, about five or six ounces of stale bread, and brown them in a gentle oven or before the fire; this is a more delicate way of browning them than by frying.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stale bread" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.