De Witt, who from report had formed a high opinion of Temple, was pleased by the compliment, and replied with a frankness and cordiality which at once led to intimacy.
At the Hague he was received with cordiality by De Witt, and with the most signal marks of respect by the States-General.
They miss the climate--they miss that warmth of manner, that universal cordiality by which they are surrounded here.
Invitations to take up our quarters in private houses have been pressed upon us with a kindness and cordiality difficult to resist.
We were received with the greatest cordiality by the director, Mr. Rule, and his lady, and invited to partake of the most delicious breakfast that I have seen for a long while; a happy melange of English and Mexican.
When I came in she rose and embraced me with as much cordiality as if we had known each other for years.
The greatest cordiality existed between the chiefs of the armies.
We shook hands with as muchcordiality as we could, at the moment, assume; and both of us, I believe, were sorry that our parting took place with a clouded countenance.
Such were the auspicious circumstances and cordiality of feeling attendant upon the inauguration of constitutional government in Lower Canada.
All treated him with the utmost cordialityand faith wherever they met him.
The next moment she and her father were greeting the Prince and the Marquise with a cordiality that was only tempered by the almost indefinable reserve which the place and the situation made indispensable.
Unabashed by the surroundings thus presented to him, Captain Godey announced himself, shook hands with the utmost cordiality with Radisson, and pleaded to be allowed to join in the convivial proceedings then in progress.
James, probably on this score, never afterwards professed much cordiality towards his kinsman, Rupert.
The Governor adopted a tone of great cordiality towards Groseilliers, and listened with deference to his advice.
I am bound to admit, however, that on his side all was cordiality and delight.
When the train today drew near to Constantinople, the cordiality and enthusiasm waxed to a veritable Whitsuntide fraternizing with the Turks.
Sovereigns visited each other and were received with every evidence of cordiality and good-will.
For a single moment I thought that a flash of annoyance crossed his features on finding me there, but the impression vanished at once, for his greeting was as full of cordiality as of surprise.
They were met at the door of the drawing-room by their host, who was eager to show cordiality towards guests of whom his wife thought so much, and having also been acquainted himself with Mrs. Damer since her return to England.
O, little does she know how tenderly at this moment I could run into her arms, so often opened to receive me with a cordiality I believed inalienable.
She then received me, taking both my hands, and with mixed politeness and cordiality welcomed me to Streatham.
His excellency received us with less formality and more cordiality than we expected to find in the solemn officials of the empire.
The General had seen the chief the preceding year, at the Council at Vincennes, and the meeting was one of great cordiality and interest.
We were received with the most affectionate cordiality by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stuart, at whose hospitable mansion we had been for some days expected.
And perhaps something else may turn up, if you are not successful," she said with a cordiality which surprised even herself.
I'm called Owen upstairs and Cissy in the kitchen," answered the girl, surprised into cordiality of tone.
She had felt left out in the cold, and that feeling of neglect accounted for the little glow at her heart which had been kindled by the sincere cordiality of Rosmead's greeting.
Felicia welcomed him with a joyfulcordiality and devoted herself with enthusiasm to the task of making his imprisonment as little wearisome as might be.
The charm lay in an unstudied, unconscious cordiality of manner that fascinated the new-comer with its sincerity and grace.
Felicia had been surprised, and not altogether pleased, at the unnecessary cordiality with which Maud had bade their visitor farewell.
Elinor was exceedingly gracious when Arethusa introduced her to the unexpected guest, although she hardly acknowledged the meeting with the unadulterated cordiality as the other party to it, for Mrs. Cherry had been born cordial.
But Timothy declined, even though Arethusa, with rather strange cordialityconsidering what she had said at the Branch, joined her voice to Miss Eliza's.
All this time Captain Truck maintained the utmostcordiality towards the sheik, keeping near him, and amongst the Arabs himself.
An old sheik advanced, smiling, towards Paul, when the latter was a few yards in advance of his friends, offering his hand with as much cordiality as if they met merely to exchange courtesies.
To give manifestation of the cordiality with which our friendship was reciprocated, Her Majesty had selected this auspicious year for a visit of her son, the Prince of Wales, to this country.
He lacked the affability of Cass, the gracious heartiness of Pierce, the bluff cordiality of Douglas.
The weakness of that great military movement was the lack of cordiality and confidence between the commander and the Administration at Washington.
It was polite enough; but there was certainly no cordiality in it; and once or twice she suspected a hidden understanding.
She blushed and hesitated, but could not resist the cordiality of Harald, and received the gift with thanks, though glad was she not.
With the greatest cordiality is this festival celebrated in the Scandinavian countries.