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Example sentences for "cordials"

Lexicographically close words:
cordial; cordiale; cordiality; cordiall; cordially; cordifolia; cording; cordis; cordite; cordium
  1. Selfish and thoughtless nurses, and mothers too, sometimes give cordials and sleeping-draughts, whose effects are too well known.

  2. And how the fervency of this mute gratitude was augmented when his eyes fell upon the life-giving cordials which I carried in my hands!

  3. During the first portion of my imprisonment I had made free use of the cordials with which Augustus had supplied me, but they only served to excite fever, without in the least degree assuaging thirst.

  4. Capsicum has been considered a powerful antidote; and the use of ardent spirits or cordials has also been strongly urged.

  5. People drank cordials and homemade wines made with grapes, currants, oranges, or ginger.

  6. Will 'e first of all help yourself to some brandy from this jar, or some rum out of that, before you try the Hollands in the case-bottle, and take some of the sweet cordials afterwards?

  7. She had no notion of the distance they had gone, for he gave her cake and cordials ever so often, and talked so pleasantly that the time seemed as nothing, and she would have gone on with him to the world's end.

  8. The doctor noticed, all about the chamber, a number of bottles and tea-cups, with the remains of all sorts of cordials and caudles in them, which showed that she had been nursed to the surfeiting point.

  9. They sank and died quietly; the strongest cordials did not produce the smallest effect, and blisters in many did not even raise the skin[247].

  10. Neither was there any cost spared in laying in an ample supply of proper medicines and cordials for the sick.

  11. Medical advice and drugs are at a very exorbitant price here; and such cordials as wine, &c.

  12. THE following recipes are for the making of cordials by simple mixing without distillation.

  13. The following are recipes for the making of a number of cordials by distillation.

  14. These were side by side with dried apples, bottled fruits, jars of maple syrup, and cordials of so generous and penetrating a nature that the currant and elderberry wine by which they were flanked were tipple for babes beside them.

  15. Yet cordials of nice brown, of delicate green, of an enticing yellow colour, were here for sale at Vilray market on the morning after the painful scene at the Manor Cartier between Zoe and her father.

  16. It was very seldom that a man or woman bought the cordials for ordinary consumption, and when that was done, it would almost make a parish talk!

  17. But the cordials being expensive, they were chiefly bought for festive occasions like a wedding, a funeral, a confirmation, or the going away of some young man or young woman to the monastery or the convent to forget the world.

  18. He was now engaged in buying cordials in the market-place--in buying and drinking them; for he had pulled the cork out of a bottle filled with a rich yellow liquid, and had drained half the bottle at a gulp.

  19. Like the cordials of the English, they are mostly dilute spirit, aromatised, and sweetened.

  20. Sand is often sifted over liquors (especially cordials and syrups), for the simple purpose of acting by its gravity, but appears to be quite useless, as it sinks too rapidly.

  21. It was really wonderful," he said in conclusion, "to see how careful she was to remember every herb and plant which might be useful, and to ask Jacqueline for some especial recipes for cordials and tisanes for the sick.

  22. People came from miles around to get roots and seeds from the garden and to ask for Sainte Marthe's recipes for broths and cordials for the sick.

  23. When you have prepared your soups and cordials come down and meet me in the village, bringing Mabel and Janet, your attendants, to carry the baskets.

  24. They presently brought her round; as she was now suffering only from extreme weakness, she was laid on a couch, and cordials and some soup were given to her.

  25. Mr. Rymer has been very good in sending me cordials and cough-mixture, sir.

  26. On the contrary, he sent down cordials and tonics and things for Mamie, who had had a fever and come home dilapidated as to strength, and never charged for them.

  27. During the first portion of my imprisonment I had made free use of the cordials with which Augustus had supplied me, but they only served to excite fever, without in the least degree assuaging my thirst.

  28. Cherry brandies and cordials are made from the fruit by people who rely upon old-fashioned home remedies.

  29. Old-fashioned people make them into wines or cordials for home remedies.

  30. Palpitation and faintness arises from vapours that go to it by the arteries, or from blood that abounds and cannot get out of the womb, but ascends and oppresses the heart; and in this case cordials should be used both inwardly and outwardly.

  31. After this she may expect her pains and must have great assistance and cordials so as to revive and support her spirits.

  32. The establishment provided punch, strong waters and cordials and some of the visitors had indulged themselves without scruple.

  33. But Religion dispenses her choicest cordials in the seasons of exigence, in poverty, in exile, in sickness, and in death.

  34. To summon us to the severest labours, but first to rob us of the precious cordials which should brace our sinews and recruit our strength?

  35. Thus, first of all their beer gave out, and then such other cordials as they had, so that they were reduced to water to drink.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cordials" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.