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Example sentences for "computers"

Lexicographically close words:
computations; compute; computed; computer; computerized; computes; computing; compyled; comrade; comradely
  1. Those revisions need to be kept out of the system computers here at the facility for now, so your copy of the text would be an ideal place to prepare a first draft.

  2. But now, now the organization had modernized; he operated in a world beholden to computers and financial printouts.

  3. The real truth is, we didn't have the computers we needed to design it.

  4. On the right side of the screen was East Quadrant, whose label was Komputer/ Kommunekatseon, which meant it contained the computers and communications set-up.

  5. Two Duke University grad students in North Carolina, Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis, thought of hooking computers together to exchange information with the Unix community.

  6. But there is an element in American culture that has always strongly rebelled against these symbols; rebelled against all large industrial computers and all phone companies.

  7. LoD were accused of "disseminating information about attacking computers to other computer hackers in an effort to shift the focus of law enforcement to those other hackers and away from the Legion of Doom.

  8. His obsession with computers seemed a bit odd, but harmless enough, and likely to produce a well-paying career.

  9. Izenberg was no longer working as a contractor for AT&T, but he had friends in New Jersey, and he still logged on to AT&T UNIX computers back in New Jersey, more or less whenever it pleased him.

  10. Hacking can describe the determination to make access to computers and information as free and open as possible.

  11. Simulations are just make-believe, and the stuff in computers is NOT REAL.

  12. There were no computers involved in the games themselves.

  13. There they grilled Terminus in his home (to the stark terror of his wife and small children), and, in their customary fashion, hauled his computers out the door.

  14. But there's a lot of wonderful, legal stuff you can do with computers now, you don't have to break into somebody else's just to learn.

  15. Now at schools like P-TECH in Brooklyn, a collaboration between New York Public Schools and City University of New York and IBM, students will graduate with a high school diploma and an associate's degree in computers or engineering.

  16. We're the nation that put cars in driveways and computers in offices; the nation of Edison and the Wright brothers, of Google and Facebook.

  17. But the computers are the keystone of the new technology and they are going to make right coordination simpler.

  18. The computers don't have to be controlled so tight.

  19. It doesn't take much power to run the computers and they're always functioning anyway.

  20. Now that you know where the difficulty is you can always build other computers and this time furnish them with auxiliary senses.

  21. Nona may rotate the duties among the computers and the unit we're building will do the same.

  22. Since then she's been kept away from the main computers the same as the rest of us have been.

  23. But that observation will furnish work to the computers for many hours afterwards.

  24. The two second-class assistants will be replaced by higher grade established computers as vacancies occur.

  25. Computers and people had from that day become her tools, whenever she decided to bend them to her will.

  26. Her console's so simple anyone with a basic knowledge of computers and cybernetics could figure her out.

  27. The table was strewn with large books opened to star maps, note pads, a couple of small computers and calculating machines, and a huge number of crumpled balls of paper.

  28. He could hear the clatter of typing instruments, the click-click-click of the computers working out the orbits and trajectories for the scout-ships as they moved out from the orbit-ship or came back in.

  29. Also, it will cut out their computers and missile-launching rigs, which might give us a chance to get a scout-ship away in one piece if we could get aboard one.

  30. The coordinates were taped into the computers of the waiting Patrol ship, as the preparations for launching were made.

  31. You've got all the computers you need, in the observatories--all you've got to do is make them work at their trade.

  32. Stevens tersely reported what he had learned, concluding: "So you see, you don't need special computers on these ships any more than a hen needs teeth.

  33. We have been yelling, and yelling hard, for trained computers ever since they started riding us about every one centimeter change in acceleration, but I know that you're no more an I-P computer than I am a Digger Indian.

  34. And what with those snappy little computers you make, well, a person should be able to hook up to the net and web by just plugging in the phone.

  35. Then, when the company is oriented in a compatible direction, so that Wallaby's computers can work with our big systems, ICP and Wallaby merge, but let Wallaby maintain its freedom as an independently operated subsidiary.

  36. But what I've come to understand is that we have a valuable product that can make greater headway by coexisting with ICP's computers rather than try to overtake it directly.

  37. Although our personal computers are outselling Wallaby's Mate system, I suspect that whatever they have coming down the pipeline will be completely unexpected and radical.

  38. And if we carefully educate our employees that it's our vision to keep building great portable computers for individuals, which can also connect to other systems, then yes, we can pull it off.

  39. I mean, they're really just smaller, more tightly-integrated computers than real helpers.

  40. The clone makers, companies that manufactured computers that operated the same software as ICP's, would be nearly shut down once ICP announced Joey as their new portable computing standard.

  41. You kids from the Valley think your teensy computers are going to replace our Goliath machines someday, don't you?

  42. The ICP logo on the front of its desktop and portable computers makes them mentally compatible with its mainframe computers.

  43. Peter Jones has an absolute vision of what small computers should be.

  44. Within a year the boys were building as many computers as they could in Peter's garage.

  45. Gracie, this boy is the one who invented all those pesky little computers littering everyone's desks out there," Byron said.

  46. This had been a successful strategy, inherent in our culture because we got our start by giving people the power to use our portable personal computers for exactly that: very personal computing.

  47. During the summer after his high school graduation he reread all of his science fiction books featuring robots and computers as their main characters.

  48. They are also found as computers in some of the largest astronomical observatories, where the speed and accuracy of their work have evoked the most favorable comment.

  49. Nor must we forget such able computers as Mrs. Margaretta Palmer, of Yale, and Miss Hanna Mace, the clever assistant of the late Simon Newcomb in the Naval Observatory in Washington.

  50. Dad, computermen don't like to hear computers called smart," Conn said.

  51. This was his chance; they'd take anything he told them about computers as gospel.

  52. We're practically going to have computers in the bathrooms.

  53. He knew they would find the control center with the computers just below their present location.

  54. We're going to use those for the computers and assembly areas.

  55. If these thugs derailed the Cyclops for any length of time, the banks were going to move in and try to foreclose on all the computers and equipment.

  56. He was realizing computers were a friend that could easily be turned against you.

  57. Having introduced computers ahead of the NT, its printing was neater but the paper was replete with errors -- typographical as well as factual.

  58. Computers were installed and a new printing machine was ready.

  59. Expensive computers had been brought in but A.

  60. Under the head of General Remarks the following passage appears: 'The system of combining the labour of unattached computers with that of attached Assistants tends materially to strengthen our powers in everything relating to computation.

  61. I had six and sometimes seven computers constantly at work, in the Octagon Room.

  62. Respecting Fallows's Observations at the Cape of Good Hope: I had received the Admiralty sanction for proceeding with calculations in 1846, and I employed computers as was convenient.

  63. With regard to the progress of my proposed New Lunar Theory: Three computers are now steadily employed on the work.

  64. May 12 Knowledge expected in Computers and Assistants in the Royal Observatory.

  65. The great work of the Lunar Reductions proceeded steadily: 14 computers were employed on them.

  66. The Lunar Reductions were making good progress; 16 computers were employed upon them.

  67. Referring to the progress of the Numerical Lunar Theory: With a repetition of grant from the Treasury, I have usually maintained four junior computers on this work.

  68. In the same way that children delight in making model trains go forward and back by moving a switch, hackers love making complicated things like computers do nifty stuff for them.

  69. Whether or not this actually sold computers was a question we never discussed.

  70. Also, all computers should be tredecimal instead of binary.

  71. High speed-light weight computers Space vehicles now need electronic computers for determining the moment of launch, for fixing orbits, for navigation, and for processing collected data.

  72. I want you to make this woman predict a series, a number of series, and I want you to use your computers here to tell me on what basis her accuracy varies.

  73. The trick in getting decent answers out of computers is to ask them sensible questions.

  74. Can't you feed this dope to your computers and find out what kinds of curves would represent the coincidences?

  75. Most are small information centers, running on personal computers using a simple computer program and modems.

  76. Anybody can call my board to have programs transferred to their personal computers by modem (see appendix 2 for how to do this).

  77. Online services The term "online services" refers to information services provided by computer systems, large or small, to owners of personal computers with modems.

  78. The computers were clicking and nobody looked particularly alarmed, except one other pilot who was there too, Forrest.

  79. The computers clicked rapidly, feeding out triangulated data on the positions of the escape vehicle and the capsule.

  80. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "computers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.