A round was in progress; figures were bent busily over their boards, altering their computations and changing their light-patterns.
He forced himself to follow Hawkes' computations as number after number was called off.
The results of these computations in the States from which no schedules of the First Census survive are given in Table B printed on page 28.
It looked like--and was--the same kind of program which yielded complex arithmetical computations and statistical analyses.
They considered day as the offspring of night, and therefore made their computations by nights instead of days; and we, from them, still use the words fortnight and sen'night.
Astronomy studied by the Druids, computations made by nights, 619-u.
How elaborate these computations are may be inferred from the statement that the late Professor Simon Newcomb used about fifty thousand separate and distinct observations in preparing his tables of the sun.
Before the tables giving such computations were published it was quite impossible to determine the exact longitude of any transatlantic place whatsoever.
It has an arid extravagance, which merely piles one above the other interminable lists of names and computations of immensity in time and space.
The Anguttara, which is a still longer collection, is arranged in numerical groups, a method of classification dear to the Hindus who delight in such computations as the four meditations, the eightfold path, the ten fetters.
Chronological Computations of the Date of the Bronze and Stone Periods in Switzerland.
Although his investigations andcomputations were correct, it has since been shown that his proposition is false.
To his observations and computations we owe the result he transmitted to us, viz.
But our computations are often disturbed by a great many circumstances beyond our reach, so much that we are governed more by exceptions than rules.
We need not plunge into the arid and abstruse computations of years and cycles which make early chronology so difficult to follow and to appreciate.
Not, so far as we know, from city registers and careful computationsof years backward from the fifth century.
Such a situation is ill-suited to the sort of sampling procedure on which flight density computations are based.
The mathematical computations required in this study have been laborious and time-consuming.
This formula, requiring thirty-five separate computations for the pathways reproduced in Figure 12 alone, is far too-consuming for the handling of large quantities of data.
The best assurance of the essential soundness of the flight density computations lies in the coherent results and the orderly patterns that already emerge from the analyses presented in Part II.
Then Mr. Herring and myself madecomputations to analyze the resistances.
These computations were chiefly made in January, 1899, and were communicated to a few friends, who found no fallacy in them, but thought that few aviators would understand them if published.
These computations were correct as far as they went, but they were scanty.
He also described his own observations and submitted some computations to account for the observed facts.
The general plan of a bridge may be good, thecomputations all right, and yet it may break down under the first train that passes over it.
No bridge should be erected in any State without first submitting the plans to the inspector, and receiving his approval, and depositing with him a complete set of the plans and computations for the work.
The computations relative to another arc, the "eastern oblique arc of the United States," are also finished.
Computations of the attraction of the mountains on the plumb-line are also being considered.
Speaking in a general way, we may say that computations pertaining to the orbital revolutions of double stars, as well as the bodies of our solar system, are to a greater or less extent of the classes we have described.
The computations are, as a general rule, simpler, and the algebraic expressions less complex, than when the computations of the longitude itself are calculated.
The computations involved in the process, while simple in some cases, are extremely complex in others.
The establishment of a class of "short-period" comets by the computations of J.
He found himself opposed at the outset by a startling embarrassment, made absolutely clear by the computations of the night before.
His brain was so full of statistics, figures, and computations that it whirled dizzily, and once he narrowly escaped being run down by a cable car.
Various computations from time to time have been made on these bases, among the most recent being those of Mr. Cooper-Key and Dr.
Guess after guess, hypothesis after hypothesis, he submitted to computations of infinite labour, and doubtless he speaks the melancholy truth when he says, "I considered and reflected till I was almost mad.
Computers to make the duplicate computations necessary to guard against accidental numerical errors on his part were all that he required.
The computations for carrying it on from 1750 to the present time were perhaps three fourths done when I had to lay them aside.
This was a question it was impossible to answer at the moment, because both observations and computations would be necessary before the orbit could be worked out.
After the computations on Jupiter and Saturn were made, it was necessary to correct their orbits and make tables of their motions.
During those months he worked at his computations far into the hours of the morning, stimulating his strength with cigars, and dropping his work only to take it up when he had had the necessary sleep.
In what country and by whom thesecomputations will be made no one can now tell.
He had especially in view to avoid the duplication of work which arose from the same computations being made in different countries for the same result, whereby much unnecessary labor was expended.
If they chanced to forget the change, the results of their computations might be out to any extent, to the great danger and confusion of their reckoning, while not a solitary advantage would be gained by it.
As Laplace left this subject, the general character of these variations could be determined without difficulty, but the computations could not be made with mathematical exactness.
Three fourths of all the cases reported were simple one-step computationswith integers or United States money.
This is expressed in the following, which is tacitly accepted in algebra, and should be accepted equally in arithmetic: 'In all computations and operations in arithmetic, all numbers are essentially abstract and should be so treated.
Next come plans to relieve arithmetical learning from certain discomforts such as the eyestrain of some computations and excessive copying of figures.
This small amount, he knew, represented error in the precise computations of escape.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "computations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.