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Example sentences for "commencements"

Lexicographically close words:
commemorative; commen; commence; commenced; commencement; commencer; commencerent; commences; commencing; commend
  1. The early commencements of this policy cannot be studied at a more appropriate moment than now, when we are witnessing its denouement.

  2. No one knows to what epoch remounts, I do not say the early commencements of society, but the great institutions, the profound knowledge, and the most magnificent monuments of human industry and human power.

  3. Connected with the second longitudinal canal are four Malpighian bodies, three of them stalked and one sessile; from which again proceed tubes forming the commencements of the coils of the anterior segments of the Wolffian body.

  4. At the sides of the hind-brain very distinct commencements of the auditory vesicles are apparent.

  5. Other attributes the images of the Sun borrowed from the constellations which, by their rising and setting, fixed the points of departure of the year, and the commencements of its four principal divisions.

  6. So great was the interest in the Annual Commencements that parties came for long distances, even as far as South Carolina.

  7. He especially enjoyed the visits of former pupils, no one of whom seemed to be lost from his retentive memory, and the annual commencements were always exhilarating reunions to him.

  8. Perhaps the only word of truth that has been said in the whole discussion was the quotation: "Il n'y a que les commencements qui sont charmants!

  9. In the lines of junction between the plates layers of connective-tissue cells appear, which form the commencements of the intermuscular septa.

  10. These considerations lead us further to see the inappropriateness of the objections raised to Darwin's theory on the ground that natural selection does not account for the first commencements of useful organs.

  11. The source of such commencements is necessarily to be sought in different variations, which remain unaffected by selection until they have taken such a form as to become utilisable in the struggle for existence.

  12. How did they ever have commencements before Emerson?

  13. Isn't it glorious that life is one infinite succession of commencements and promotions!

  14. Go out with your fine equipment from your commencements into the school of service and write your education in the only book you ever can know--the book of your experience.

  15. In colleges and universities, to superintend the exercises and disputations in philosophy, and the Commencements when degrees are conferred.

  16. At Harvard College, sixty-eight Commencements were held in the old parish church which "occupied a portion of the space between Dane Hall and the old Presidential House.

  17. He was perfectly acquainted with academic matters, and moderated at Commencements with great dignity.

  18. At Harvard College, in its earliest days, Commencements were attended, as at present, by the highest officers in the State.

  19. This and several Commencements following were held privately, according to an act which had been passed by the Trustees, in order to avoid unnecessary expense and other inconveniences.

  20. Commencements were long occasions of noisy mirth, and even of riot.

  21. An epithet applied to the oration which introduces the exercises of the Commencements in American colleges.

  22. Commencements and other Celebrations, American and English.

  23. Commencements at schools and colleges, which the South began to restore and refill as quickly as she was able, brought the young people together and were strong features in our social life.

  24. The State began to honour him in invitations to make addresses at college commencements and on other public occasions.

  25. Here the suiting of the action to the word is a necessary condition to semiotic utterance; the more primitive forms of sign-making are the needful supplements to these commencements of higher forms.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "commencements" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.