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Example sentences for "commendations"

Lexicographically close words:
commencing; commend; commendable; commendably; commendation; commendator; commendatory; commende; commended; commendeth
  1. They specify names of the offenders, and the nature of their offences; and an air of verisimilitude, if nothing more, is imparted to the condemnations they pronounce against the many, by the commendations they bestow on the few.

  2. By this suavity of disposition, with which he ought to have acquired the commendations and the love of his subjects, he so excited the contempt of the Normans, that they considered him as of no consequence whatever.

  3. My commendations shall also glance at the names of some maidens of the royal race, though I must claim indulgence for being brief upon the subject, not through fastidiousness, but because I am unacquainted with their miracles.

  4. His name appears in the first volume of The Liberator, with high commendations of his poetry and his character.

  5. And thus my most hearty commendations not omitted, I wish the whole [or holy] deliverance of your grief and continuance of your lordship’s health.

  6. To this letter Dorset replied as follows, in a particularly fine specimen of the strange orthography of those days:-- “My most hearty commendations unto your good lordship not forgotten.

  7. He gave very good commendations of him; and as we were thus discoursing and I ready to depart for Nieuport and taking my leave of Sir William, Mr. Fawkes came into our company newly returned and saluted us.

  8. From other sources came commendations as pleasant.

  9. I respect your modesty, that will not endure the commendations which your merit forces from everybody.

  10. Lord Macaulay is not complimentary in his references to any member of the Cabal, but such commendations as he has to give are bestowed on Clifford.

  11. Amongst 'Commendations by Principal Persons friendly to the Author or the Work' which preface a book written by Sir Humphrey Gilbert, are some lines by Sir Francis which are very expressive of the views that seem to have guided his life.

  12. Gentlemen, while I receive these commendations which you have bestowed, I have an agreeable duty to perform to others.

  13. Sir, the eulogies are now written, the commendations are already elaborated.

  14. But these commendations were received with the gall of bitterness; and none of them could tell, when they went home, how or by what means they were expelled.

  15. Naturally, the young man was much gratified by these observations, as well as by the praises bestowed on him by Colonel Ker and the others, but he received their commendations with great modesty.

  16. Expressions of approval were heard on all sides, and Syddall appeared quite elated by the commendations bestowed upon him.

  17. The frequent commendations and prizes accorded to good subjects having these faults and therefore devoid of unity tell how little even photographic judges and editors think on the appropriate and essential ensemble in composition.

  18. These races were gaily attended by the inhabitants; and I heard, from more than one mouth, the warmest commendations bestowed upon the fleetness of the coursers and the skill of the riders.

  19. The landlord and landlady of this hotel are warm in their commendations of him: assuring me that his name is hardly ever pronounced without the mention of his virtues.

  20. The king expressed himself very well pleased with what I had done, and when he was so was never sparing of telling of it, for he used to say that public commendations were a great encouragement to valour.

  21. Such high commendations make her cautious how she answers, till in silence she has more fully considered of the matter: She revolved in her mind, says St. Luke, what manner of salutation this should be.

  22. Nothing can go beyond the commendations which St Isidore of Pelusium bestows on this excellent work, (l.

  23. The University of Paris sent to the general and provincial of the Dominicans a letter of condolence upon his death, giving the highest commendations to the saint's learning and sanctity, and begging the treasure of his holy body.

  24. The author received {298} the like applause and commendations from all parts, and it was immediately translated into all the languages of Europe.

  25. About this time many artists flourished in Arezzo, but of these two only are praised by Vasari, who is not sparing in his commendations of the Florentines, as I have remarked, but deals them scantily to his own townsmen.

  26. The less so, as there seemed to be no flaw in the title of Polly Toodle after his sister had set it forth, with many commendations on the indefatigable friendship of Miss Tox.

  27. Sir William seemed to tread on air, to see and hear the commendations which were lavished on me from all sides.

  28. Though encouraged by the commendations of my Sylph, I tremble when you tell me the most retired secrets of my soul are open to your view.

  29. The Duke hath offered him letters of commendations to the King.

  30. I have those hopes of her good that her education promises; her dispositions she inherits, which makes fair gifts fairer; for where an unclean mind carries virtuous qualities, there commendations go with pity-they are virtues and traitors too.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "commendations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.