That miscegenationis still going on in an unknown degree heightens the determination that it shall at least be put under the ban of law; the very danger makes the South more determined that the races shall be kept separate.
Another method is that of the anti-miscegenation league of Vicksburg, Miss.
The point is, however, not only that miscegenation in the South is evil, but that it is the most glaring contradiction of the supposed infallible principles of race separation and social inequality.
Miscegenation continued; and Labat notices two cases of marriage between whites and blacks,-- describing the offspring of one union as "very handsome little mulattoes.
Jenks, of the University of Minnesota, has contributed to the American Journal of Sociology an elaborate paper on the legal status of the miscegenation of the white and black races in the various commonwealths.
Moreover, having to do chiefly with white men he was charged by his people with favoring the miscegenation of races.
In 1900 a writer in Pearson's Magazine in discussing race mixture in early Louisiana made some startling statements as to the results of the miscegenation of these stocks during the colonial period.
Here and there signs of former miscegenation still show, the Argentino being sometimes, as Madison Grant well puts it, "suspiciously swarthy.
The whites are still the dominant element, but only the first families retain their pure blood, and miscegenation creeps upward with every successive generation.
There was extensive miscegenation of the two races after the middle of the seventeenth century.
The next point was, to get the miscegenation controversy into Congress.
Before Miss Dickinson appeared, therefore, the audience were gravely reading the miscegenation handbill; and the reporters, noticing it, coupled the facts in their reports.
Sometimes the master himself had sexual relations with his female slaves, for the products of miscegenation were very remunerative.
Those who have witnessed the misery and suffering which the coloured people have to endure for being coloured will welcome any fair means of preventing miscegenation in South Africa.
The very worst kind of miscegenation was thus promoted, and the effect on the morals of the negroes on the estates where these Chinese were employed was very bad indeed.
Miscegenation was very common, but curiously enough, more common in plantation life, on the same basis that the American planter in the southern part of the United States conducted his relations with his women slaves.
It appears from the Bible, that this Nimrod was not entirely cured, by the flood, of this antediluvian love for and miscegenation with negroes.
As the Portugese are a good-natured people void of race hate they did not dread the miscegenation of the races.
Brissot saw this tendency toward miscegenation as a striking feature of society among the French in the Ohio Valley in 1788.
It did not prevent the miscegenationof the two races.
There was extensive miscegenation in the English colonies, however, before the race as a majority could realize the apparent need for maintaining its integrity.
In the colonies in which the laborers were largely of one class or the other not so much of this admixture was feared, but in the plantations having a considerable sprinkling of the two miscegenation usually ensued.
This law seemed to have very little effect on the miscegenation of the races in certain parts.
Miscegenation had its best chance among the French.
Writing of conditions in this country prior to the American Revolution, Anne Grant found only two cases of miscegenation in Albany before this period but saw it well established later by the British soldiers.
At first they seriously considered the inconveniences which might arise from miscegenation under frontier conditions and generally refrained from extensive intermingling.
This miscegenation among the Portugese easily extended to the New World.
Fortunately, miscegenation proceeds most slowly in the sections of negro concentration, the sugar and cotton lands of the lower South.
The charge that under slavery miscegenation was the result of compulsion on the part of the superior race finds answer in its continuance since.
In Kansas, in Colorado, in New Mexico, miscegenation will never be brought about.
It is this instinct, this transcendental instinct, which is responsible for the objection to miscegenation in the United States, and for the lynchings by which that objection is impressed upon the negro mind.
It is his race arrogance, equally with his robust common-sense, that makes the Anglo-Saxon the ideal coloniser and governor of Coloured Races: and there is no room for miscegenation in an ideal system.
At all events, if this kind of thing pleases the Americans, it is no more our business to interfere with them than with the French compound; and if miscegenation and free love seem to them the right manner of life, let them follow it.
Hence the defeat of an anti-miscegenation measure by Southern legislators cannot be construed as a failure on their part to live up to their conviction of race-superiority.
Precisely the same principle, in a word, compasses the defeat of an anti-miscegenation bill which would compass the defeat of a measure to prohibit Negro servants from occupying seats in Pullman cars.
We are not willing to deface these pages with passages quoted in proof of the fact that miscegenation has been advocated openly and repeatedly in the highest quarters, and doubtless in all good faith and good will.
Equally futile is the reply, so often made by our opponents, that miscegenation has already progressed far in the Southland, as witness millions of Mulattoes.
No other conceivable disaster that might befall the South could, for an instant, compare with such miscegenationwithin her borders.
But social equality must deadly wound it and hence drag miscegenation and all South America in its train.
For documentary proof that the utmost extreme of miscegenation has been zealously preached, and on quasi-scientific grounds, see infra, pp.
For if such miscegenation involves no declination from the Caucasian standard, then there is no reason whatever against it.
It has given expression to this feeling by passing laws to prohibit miscegenation in 22 states, while six other states prohibit it in their constitutions.
Miscegenation can only lead to unhappiness under present social conditions and must, we believe, under any social conditions be biologically wrong.
We favor, therefore, the support of the taboo which society has placed on these mixed marriages, as well as any legal action which can practicably be taken to make miscegenation between white and black impossible.
Anti-Miscegenation League is Formed Strong men and women, indeed, in several states have begun to organise against the evil.
In the course of his speech he said: "The accursed shadow of miscegenation hangs over the South to-day like a pall of hell.