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Example sentences for "cogs"

Lexicographically close words:
cognoscenti; cognoscere; cognoscit; cognovit; cogon; cogwheel; cogwheels; cohabit; cohabitation; cohabited
  1. That's nothing but just one of the cogs is gone out of one of the wheels.

  2. We don't want to have any cogs missing, do we, son!

  3. There is a sort of elder which has hardly any pith; this makes exceeding stout fences, and the timber very useful for cogs of mills, butchers skewers, and such tough employments.

  4. At this juncture I shall not attempt to sum up the bearing or the consequences of this illegal and dishonest act, but it was one of the main cogs in bringing about the disaster that ensued.

  5. Mr. Eckels finally accepted the presidency of the Commercial Bank of Chicago, where he now is one of the important cogs in the "System's" machine.

  6. A strip of iron acting as an armature across the free ends of this magnet, pushed like a finger against the cogs of a wheel.

  7. A pull of one pound on the rim of the motor pulley will cause a pull of sixty pounds on the cogs of the wheel upon the shaft S.

  8. We realise that other cogs depend on us, and, further, that there are many bigger cogs who drive us and whose bigness and authority we must thoroughly appreciate and recognise.

  9. We become at once cogs in the great machine.

  10. We are all thus cogs in Nature's great scheme for community education; let us be intelligent cogs, and help the movement on instead of hindering it.

  11. If the cogs on the gearwheels do not interact, the machine can not work.

  12. On the other side is Swanwick Shore, whence come some of the best mariners who man the cogs of Southampton.

  13. Away to the south stretched the wide expanse of Portsmouth Harbour, its waters dotted with the sails of highsided cogs and other merchant vessels, as they threaded their way up the sinuous deep-water channels that led to the castle.

  14. I was in the Kootenay when he lost his arm, torn out all bloody right from the shoulder socket; had to pry the cogs up to get him out.

  15. To mark the shoulders (which are now square) to the curvature of the rim, a fork scriber should be used, and the shanks of the cogs should have marked on them a line coincident with the inner edge of the wheel rim.

  16. The cogs should be numbered to their places, and two of the mortises must be numbered to show the direction in which the numbers proceed.

  17. To obtain a very coarse feed the star attachment would require to have two multiplying cogs placed between it and the feed screw, the smaller of the cogs being placed upon the feed screw.

  18. The height above the wheel requires to be considerably more than that due to the depth of the teeth, so that the surface bruised by driving the cogs or when fitting them into the mortises may be cut off.

  19. The latter is, however, very seldom used, but is especially useful in planing hard wood cogs fitted to iron wheels, or the teeth of wheel patterns or other similar work.

  20. The woods most used for cogs are hickory, maple, hornbeam and locust.

  21. All the energy of their spirits must be given to make cogs and compasses of themselves.

  22. When it is light and one can see the cogs of the monstrous clock go round and the springs unwind one thinks of people as a part of this mechanism.

  23. Hidden within the mist the cogs still turn and the springs unwind.

  24. And people scurry about losing themselves in cogs and springs and levers.

  25. The cat has eaten up the monstrous clock and people have rid themselves of their routine, which was to tumble and scurry among its cogs and levers.

  26. They were born and they lived and they died as the elders directed, like little cogs in a great machine.

  27. He looked as the gears and cogs and wheels crumbled under his blows, shattered by the strength of his arm.

  28. If he destroyed the wheels and the cogs and the gears, would the buzzer stop?

  29. For a long time he watched the wheels and cogs and gears spinning and humming.

  30. At the turnpike junction," replied Cora as she deftly threw in the high speed gear, and that without the terrific grinding of the cogs that betrays the inexperienced hand.

  31. Well, we'll take a nice little spin down the turnpike," decided Cora as she threw in the high gear, the cogs grinding on each other rather alarmingly.

  32. Having cogs or teeth projecting parallel to the axis, instead of radiating from it.

  33. A contrate wheel in which the cogs are cylindrical pins.

  34. I knew the cogs of the machinery behind the scenes so well that the posing on the stage, and the laughter and the song, could not drown the creaking of the wheels behind.

  35. Among other things, I had got into the cogs and springs of men's actions.

  36. As I studied the iron groove which contained the cogs in the middle of the track, I perceived that its edges were raised a little above the level of the rails and covered with oil.

  37. With jarring snarl the circling zone of cogs dipped into the sturdy greasy wheels, and the single-trees and pulley-chains chirped clear and sweet as crickets.

  38. He should learn

    to see how the different cogs are essential and worthy factors in the total process.

  39. If he treats his men like machines, looks at them merely as cogs in the mechanism of his affairs, they will function like machines or find other places.

  40. Cogs told me that they had just fitted up the Naguadavick stations with Bain's chemical revolving disk.

  41. Then again the moments were the small cogs on the wheels of time, whereby the dark castle in which he sat was rushing ever towards the light: the cogs were caught and the wheels turned swiftly, and the time and the darkness sped.

  42. When X is slightly raised, as shown, A is free to move, but on exhausting air and drawing X down Z enters the cogs and stops the hand over a card; continuing to exhaust the thumb closes and the card is lifted up.

  43. It was all wheels and cogs and oil-cups--a clever mechanism operated by automatons.

  44. There was no human editor at the other end, but a mere cunning arrangement of cogs that changed the manuscript from one envelope to another and stuck on the stamps.

  45. They produced machines of the most ingenious character with cogs and wheels, and pulleys without number, but these ingenious machines had one fault, they would not go.

  46. The whole body of this discipline is emphatically a system of cruel cogs and wheels, systematically grinding up in one common hopper all that might minister to the moral well-being of the crew.

  47. That the cogs had hearts that ached and heads that throbbed did not occur to him.

  48. The long lines of shafting and wheels whirl incessantly overhead, the cogs clatter, the belts flap on the rapidly spinning pulleys, and the blast from the fan roars loudly underground.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cogs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.