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Example sentences for "cohabiting"

Lexicographically close words:
cogwheel; cogwheels; cohabit; cohabitation; cohabited; cohabits; coheir; coheiress; coheirs; cohere
  1. Now a marriage certificate can be secured from a civil magistrate for twenty-five cents, and persons cohabiting without it are subject to fine and imprisonment.

  2. And those who used to live in that Chitraratha forest said, This very miserable condition of ours hath been brought about by Agni cohabiting with the six wives of the seven Rishis.

  3. And those who used to live in that Chitraratha forest said, "This very miserable condition of ours hath been brought about by Agni cohabiting with the six wives of the seven Rishis.

  4. A few months thereafter the Assembly received a petition from inhabitants of the province, inveighing against the wicked and scandalous practice of negroes cohabiting with white people.

  5. For marriage or cohabiting without a master's consent a servant had to atone with extra service.

  6. The Dyak girl selects a husband for herself, and, while she remains single, incurs no disgrace by cohabiting with as many as she pleases.

  7. Instances are not rare of people cohabiting who allege themselves too poor to pay the marriage fees.

  8. This was not only offering a direct premium to prostitution by providing for the debauching of a woman every time another chose to be seduced, but it shows that females were in the habit of cohabiting with men for hire.

  9. No polygamist, bigamist, or any person cohabiting with more than one woman, and no woman cohabiting with any of the persons described as aforesaid .

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cohabiting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.