The events clustering around Dumnorix's unsuccessful attack had made Drusus a sort of hero in the eyes of the Prænesteans.
Breckenridge dismounting, looped his bridle round a bough, and by and by stood peering over the shoulders of the clustering men in front of him.
The crimson toque also went well with the clustering dark hair and dark eyes, and there was a brightness in the latter which was in keeping with the colour the cold wind had brought into the delicate oval face.
It was done, and when the clustering figures vanished amidst a rattle of wheels Torrance laid aside his rifle and sat down on the table.
Half an hour later they rode out of the town, and Grant turned to her when the clustering houses dipped behind a billowy rise, and they were once more alone in the empty prairie, with their faces towards Canada.
We had worked our way forward as the pirates were clustering more thickly at the stern.
As they approached, we could see the warriors clustering on the platforms, brandishing their spears and matchlocks, while the lelahs were pointed at us.
The crew were clustering in groups on deck watching the strange appearance, and in suppressed voices asking each other what it could mean.
The Prisoners of the Pitcher-plant At the edge of a rough piece of open, where the scrubby bushes which clothed the plain gave space a little to the weeds and harsh grasses, stood the clustering pitchers of a fine young sarracenia.
He who produces the rich-clustering vine for mortals.
Yet, I swear by theclustering delights of the vine of Bacchus, yet shall you have a care for Bacchus.
But who is this, who is passing round the tomb of Zethus, with clustering locks, in his eyes a Gorgon to behold, in appearance a youth?
Captain Blessington with suppressed passion, as his troops were preparing to immolate him on their clustering bayonets.
The little girl standing by the window, where the sunshine sifted flecks of gold through the green clustering vines, looked up wistfully.
And there was always some curling tendril of shadowy hair clustering about her fair temples.
Here and there the clustering blossoms of the orange or the nectarine lay like foam upon that verdant sea.
As he stood with uncovered brow, the bright locks clustering around his noble forehead, it was seen how strongly he resembled his fallen brother, ere care and sorrow had clouded his manly beauty.
The clustering vine wreathed above its door, and the woodbine looked in at its windows.
Both were of inestimable value, even where their immediate fruits were not clustering in ripe abundance.
I was below for a short time, and when I came on deck I found them clustering on the rigging forward," he answered, carelessly.
The major was there, but a human form lay in the stern-sheets, with a boat's flag thrown over the face, to keep off the buzzing flies which were clustering above it.
In the end I released her, and saw her fly away and disappear among the trees, after which I put back the two young bats in the place I had taken them from, among the thick-clustering foliage of a small acacia tree.
They often select an exposed weed to feed on, clustering together on its summit above the surrounding verdure, an exceedingly conspicuous object to every eye in the neighbourhood.
The eyes were grey, and, perhaps, a trifle too grave and imperious considering her age; the clusteringhair beneath the white hat shone in the sunset a gleaming bronze.
A column of smoke rose slowly straight up into the nipping air, and the blaze flickered redly upon the clustering trunks, while the sound of an unfrozen rapid broke faintly through the snapping of the fire.
They climbed the hillside together, Ingleby carrying the little bag; but he scarcely saw the glow of the fire that still burned outside the shanty or the clustering pines.
Then, here's a collection of stuffed birds, whose rainbow plumage has darted through clustering foliage, fostered in other latitudes than ours.
In shady corners, deeper in the wood, the fragrant pyrola lifted its scape of clustering bells, like a lily of the valley wandered to the forest.
Our way led us, in the early morning, through the clustering houses of Lacedel, up the broad, green slope that faces Cortina on the west, to the beautiful Alp Pocol.
Why, this is gold All clustering round thy forehead white; And were it weighed, and were it told, I could not say its worth to-night!
His head was bald and shining, with a few locks of gray hair clusteringabout the temples.