Mrs. Allen was a woman of more than the ordinary intellectual endowment; bold, striking, and original in her conceptions, and of singular facility and clearness in her expression.
As James Stanhope listened to the breathing, there fell on his ears with a strange clearness the words: "My country!
He spoke (says Sinclair) without the disagreeable cant of the Bar, was never tedious, was peculiarly distinct in matters of business, and explained his financial measures with clearness and ability.
The moral confusion they produce by their deeds is traced with more than Webster's usual steadiness of nerve and clearness of vision.
Under their authority we see introduced into literary work an habitual grace and perfection, a clearness and directness, a light and pliable strength, and a fine shading of expression, such as no other tongue can even define.
To hear them speak, is owning one's inability to perform tasks that demand great clearness of perception.
For persons dreaming of peacocks, there lies below the brilliant and flashing ebb and flow of the stream of pleasure and riches, the slums of sorrow and failure, which threaten to mix with its clearness at the least disturbing influence.
There is another thing which occasioneth this misjudging, to wit, the want of distinctness and clearness in covenanting with Christ, and the ignorance of the nature of true saving faith.
In reading and studying of the word there should be much single dependence on the Spirit for light; waiting for clearness from him whom Christ hath promised to lead us into all truth.
The examination of the impression bestows a clearness on the idea; and the examination of the idea bestows a like clearness on all our reasoning.
For she saw with perfect clearness the inevitable course of events.
For with increasing clearness Kate saw, as she listened, that there had been no real struggle in his mind; that, but for the grim logic of chance, he might never have felt the need of any justification.
Though there was much of the foreigner in his bearing, in his expressions, and in his accent, he expressed himself in very good terms, with much clearness and precision.
Vendome, with a precision and clearness which made his listener very attentive and very fruitful in questions.
In Greece, where ecclesiastical condemnations of such things can be traced with remarkable clearness from early times to the twelfth century, it takes sundry forms.
Pope Leo's Sermon on the Petrine Supremacy In tracing the history of the great ecclesiastical institution known as the papacy, the first figure that stands out with considerable clearness is that of Leo I.
The very extremity of her peril calmed her thoughts and gave them clearness and decision.
As a lawyer, interests of vast magnitude were often in his hands, and largely depended on his legal sagacity, clearness of thought and sleepless vigilance.
His summing up was weak and disjointed, and he did not urge with force and clearness the vital points in the case on which all our hopes depended.
A book[32] has been sent me, however, which is a masterpiece of clearness and sound reasoning on such difficult questions, and is a far more crushing reply to Haeckel than O.
Antiochean school with greater clearness and definiteness set forth toward the end of the 3rd cent.
Leo took the side of Flavian, and in a letter to that patriarch developed with great acuteness and clearness the doctrine of the two natures in Christ.
For that period of excitement and controversy it is quite remarkable and worthy of high praise for its good sense, moderation, and circumspection, as well as for the accuracy and clearness with which it performed its task.
An exposition of the 51st Psalm, written in prison and not completed, works out, with a clearness and precision never before attained, the doctrine of justification by faith.
Their persecution, together with a growing clearness in his Augustinian convictions, led him formally to go over to the Reformed church in A.
We realise the evil which Kant first in clearnesspointed out.
We cannot wonder if, in these circumstances, to the minds of some, the atmosphere has seemed to hinder clearness of vision.
We should do it if we foresaw with clearness disadvantage.
More than this, impulses in rational life and in the interpretation of religion, which showed themselves with clearness in one and another of the reformers themselves, were lost sight of, if not actually repudiated, by their successors.
The Jesus of the New Testament shows a firmness of religious conviction, a clearness of moral judgment, a purity and force of will, such as are not found united in any other figure in history.
Now her eyes met his with an altogether new clearness that startled him, while her health came with ease and she seemed stronger than for many days.
Rodman took his Bible and read, slowly and haltingly, but with clearness and understanding: 1.
The columns at the right-hand side of the paper, for size and date, add to the clearness of the catalogue, as well as making the page look neater.
For when we really worship anything, we love not only its clearnessbut its obscurity.
The fact that the doctors had to use this word for the sake of scientific clearness was really a great disadvantage to them in fairly discussing the matter.
I judged from the clearness of the pebbles at the bottom, and their apparent nearness to the surface.
Thus they were in perpetual fear; and what added to it, was theclearness of the water, through which they could see heaps of beings who had perished before, and whose bones laid strewed on the bottom of the lake.
I bethought it all out with tremense clearness and wiseness.
She was a woman of uncommon strength and clearness of understanding, and her heart was the home of every pure and noble virtue.
Jean de Meung answered the questions of the times with a clearness and accuracy which satisfied if it did not entirely explain.
It is not given us with the luminous clearness that its correlative is given.
The elaborate Commentary on Jeremiah is accompanied by a careful introduction to the two books, in which the chronological and historical difficulties are treated with clearness and independence.
The views we have thus slightly sketched are expanded and enforced with great clearness in the first three chapters of this book, and in the postscript, on the boarding out of pauper children.
The triumph of Mr. Browning's genius lies in this, that in some sort he justifies his own injustice to those Greek qualities of unvarying clearness and grace of outline.
There was great strength, as there ever is, in his clearness and stillness of spirit.
Mr. Fawcett's book is written with great clearness and force, and we can hardly fancy any one finding political economy dull in his company.
She was possessed of no small personal beauty, had received a good education, was addicted to intellectual pursuits, wrote fluently both in prose and verse, and was gifted with remarkable acuteness and clearness of mind.
Unquestionably, the sudden rise of Miller into eminence and reputation as a geologist, was due, in some measure, to the exquisite clearness and picturesqueness of his style.
Its dimness and its dumbness are exchanged for clearness and an intelligible voice; and while it thus grows luminous, it gains new power, and our confidence in its verdict strengthens.
The whole discussion of the Easter controversies, which were brought before the Council of Nicaea, is done with much greater clearness and fulness than the exposition of the doctrine of the [Greek: homoousios].
The law we acknowledge, the light we follow,--these may be expressed with entire clearness and confidence.
First, it defines with clearness two great forces which bear on the individual life, as Heredity and Environment.
He first propounds in clearness the most important question of humanity,--how shall man by reason and by will become master of life?
Epictetus was the consummate expression of that Stoic philosophy in which were blended the clearness of Greek thought and the austerity of the best Roman life.
They cannot, in their clearness and fullness, be transferred or expressed; they cannot even, by the mind experiencing them, be resolved into intellectual propositions.
The old brooding languor was at an end, and with surprising clearness and firmness he saw his pathway cut out before him as a poet and as a man.
By the side of his cruelclearness the satire of Carlyle is bluster, the diatribes of Leopardi shrill and thin.
The clearnessof vision went from me like a candle that is blown out.
And I sat there and expounded the Levitical law and the wheels of the Prophet Ezekiel, the law of succession to the empire, and also the apostolic succession--all with surprising clearness and cogency of reasoning.