He therefore went to the hold, examined the bulkhead, and observed that the nails of the cleats on the starboard side had been drawn.
A rough pedestal of boards on 2×4 cleats at each end, is made, the frame placed on it and marking where the rods will enter, bore suitable holes to receive them.
A temporary stand of a piece of board supported on cleats at each end is prepared and a number of holes bored for the leg wires.
A little hook and eye from the hardware store were put at the front to hold the cover on, and two small cleats were glued to the under side of the cover to keep it from warping.
No hinges were to be used, but the cover was to have cleats fastened on the under side to keep it in place, and to prevent warping.
This is the easiest and least satisfactory method, as the cleats are often in the way, making the board clumsy, and furthermore it does not allow for shrinkage, unless the screws are secured in grooves instead of in plain holes.
To fasten to the floor, nail cleats to the latter just inside the box, and nail the sides and ends of the box to these cleats.
A very useful chest and seat combined may be made by fitting a box with a strong cover, strengthened by cleats on its under side and hinged with strap hinges to the back.
Two cleatswere glued into the grooves in the sides, and the top nailed on with 3/8-inch brads.
At c two strong cleatsare fastened across the under side by screws.
The top piece may be left unfastened, if desired, with two cleats on the under side to hold it in position.
The cleats must be fastened on the back, close up to the pencil line, with glue and brads, so carefully that the brads shall not be long enough to come through to the surface in front.
The cover of a large chest like this will need to be reinforced by strong cleats on the under side across the grain.
At a the ends are united to wide cleats by a tongue and groove joint.
Fasten the top to cleats screwed on inside of ends.
The two cleats were nailed to the under side of the top to hold it in place, while the sides and ends were fastened with a little glue, and one brad in the centre.
The shelf for holding the jardiniere is indicated by dotted lines, and it is held by cleats fastened to the sides by flat-head screws.
If the under side of the base is crowning, either level it with a plane or nail cleats across the ends for feet.
Substitute for Cleats on Boards The necessity for using more than one cleat for fastening two boards together may be done away with by using the device shown in the sketch.
He thought knees would look clumsy, and that he could fasten the thwarts withcleats of oak, and make them look neater; and thus he did.
Cleats and Gage, with their sharp axes, were dealing heavy blows at the masts of the galiot, while the crew of the gig and first cutter were clearing away the standing rigging.
The captain had received orders from the principal to have the Josephine ready for the visit of a distinguished person on the following day, and Mr. Cleats was preparing to dress the rigging.
Though Mr. Cleats was an old sailor, he was not a navigator.
Mr. Cleats went to his assistance, and picked him up while he lay upon his back, with his legs and arms thrown up like a turtle trying to turn over.
He repeated the expression, and then I sent for Mr. Cleats and Mr. Gage.
Martyn, Pelham, and a crew of ten, to be assisted by Cleats and Gage, were detailed to take the galiot into the Scheldt.
Mr. Cleats and Mr. Gage will go in the boat with a couple of axes," added the captain, who had been studying the position of the wreck.
But he could also see the plain imprint of the tankette's steel cleats stretched out behind them in a betraying line.
Peaks and Cleats were thorough seamen, and being in authority, they compelled every seaman to do his duty.
Mr. Lowington was more indulgent towards Cleats than the vice-principal was disposed to be, and he was put on probation.
Cleats thinks more of his stomach than of his duty, or it would not have happened," replied Mr. Fluxion.
Carboy, Peaks, and Cleats watched the crew with Argus eyes.
Cleats and Bitts have the next watch," continued Little, suggestively.
Besides, Bitts did not lean against the mast and go to sleep, and Cleats sent a hand down to bring up his luncheon, and the vice-principal staid on deck nearly all night.
Cleats and Bitts will be on the mid watch to-night.
About three bells in the mid watch, Little informed the leader that Cleats had gone below.
In the cabin there was a tremendous din, made by Cleatsand the other officers, who had been aroused by the noise.
Bitts goes to sleep; and Cleats may go below for something," said Little, dropping his voice to a whisper.
I notice that Cleats goes into the cabin once or twice in our quarter watch, and I suppose he does in yours.
Cleats dropped into the boat, and, leaping aft, seized Little by the collar.
If the plan is adopted, I should like to have Peaks and Bitts with me, to act as watch officers with Cleats and Gage.
If Cleats had not left the deck, the conspiracy could not have been even partially successful, and he charged all the blame upon him.
He was very severe upon Cleats for leaving the deck, declared that he could not be trusted, and that he should be discharged.
Then they are erected and held to the outer forms by wire, and are sway braced to wooden cleats nailed to the top surface of the concrete arch.
A plank resting on cleats on the sides of the cores forms the bottom of the beam mold.
The sides are separate from the bottom, being supported at the ends by cleats on the column form and at intermediate points by struts under the yokes.
When the supports of the beams are not fireproofed the cleats D extend to the bottom of the trigger B, but otherwise one cleat extends lower to secure the cross-strip G.
We all felt for Wesley, too, who was desperately trying to hold the wind of the Withrow--he had even rigged blocks to his jib sheets and led them to cleats clear aft to flatten his headsails yet more.
In all cases the screws should be run through the cleatsinto the framing so the heads will not show.
The cleats are fastened to the inside of the rails of the couch with screws, so the top edge will be 2 in.
Keep these cleats low enough on the rails so that the top surfaces of the slats shall rest somewhat below the top edges of the rails.
Fasten the top and bottom boards to the frame by means of screws through cleatsas shown in the drawing.
The different sections of the frames are fastened together with brass screws and the glass is held in place by triangular cleats of oak.
These seat slats may be fastened to cleats which have been previously fastened to the inside of the front and back seat rails or they may be "let in" to these rails by grooving their inner surfaces before the rails have been put in place.
The slats need not be "let into" the cleats but merely fastened to their top edges.
Screw two cleats to each of the sides as shown and by running screws through these into the top and bottom boards the frame is completed.
It is fastened to the frame by means of cleats on the back side.
The top may be fastened in two ways, with screws through cleats on the inside of the rails and under the top, or with screws slanting through the upper part of the rails and into the top as shown.
The top board is then fastened to the top railcleats in the same manner.
The piece C is fastened to A and B with small cleats at their upper ends.
It is easy for him by raising this mast, without leaving his seat, to pass the halyards one on each side of the lower mast and let them fall into place close to the deck under the half-cleats at A.
Make the cleatsof 1 by 2 inch lumber and let the seat be about 12 inches wide.
It is fitted at the head with a metal ferrule and pin, and just above the deck with two half-cleats or other similar devices (A).
A couple of cleats nailed on each side of the log will be of great assistance and lessen the danger and insecurity of the footing.
A similar board along the bottom, joining the two cleatseach side of the skeg at y (Fig.
The bow seat is made of 1-inch boards nailed to two cleats shown at M (Fig.
Let the aft end of the cleats be about 6 feet 2 inches from the stern.
The skeg is held in place by cleats of 1-inch lumber, 2 inches wide, nailed to the bottom on each side of the skeg.
To fit a seat in it is only necessary to cut two cleats and nail them to the sides of the boat for the seat to rest upon and saw off a board the proper length to fit upon the cleats.
To make the mould, which is only a temporary thing, you may use any rough board, or boards nailed together with cleatsto hold them.
Next cut two cleats for the oarsman's seat to rest upon.
Now saw off the stern-ends of the cleats and lay a rule along the stern, as the stick is placed in Fig.
For additional security, we put a couple of chocks under to raise it; but there was no necessity for securing it by cleats or lashings; still we have drawn them to show how they might be applied, if requisite.
It may fix with free play in the front beam, and lay loose in cleats on the after one with a projecting arm to be held upright by rope, as in Fig.
The nails that we brought for traffic were not always in their reach, and therefore they drew several out of different parts of the vessel, particularly those that fastened the cleats to the ship's side.
In practice, boards one foot wide on which cleats one inch square are nailed across, one foot apart, are set against the wall in perpendicular lines one foot apart and firmly secured, the edge being to the wall, of course.
At the fort by the river-side they had knocked the cleats off the flag-pole, and had greased the pole so that no one could climb it to put up the United States flag and thus flaunt it in the face of the departing troops.
Then a young sailor--his name was John Van Arsdale--filling his pockets with the cleats and nailing them above him as he climbed the pole step by step, was able to put the flag in position.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cleats" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.