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Example sentences for "cleaue"

Lexicographically close words:
clearness; clears; clearstory; cleat; cleats; cleauing; cleavage; cleavages; cleave; cleaved
  1. Iohn he saith: the Prince of this worlde shalbe cast out of the doores, that is to say, out of the hearts of them which cleaue to the worde of God, and are not in loue with the world, whereof he is prince and ruler.

  2. Ye shall walke after the Lorde your God and feare him, kéepe his commandements, and hearken vnto his voice, serue him and cleaue vnto him.

  3. Then she began to fetch sutch strayning sighes, as hir heart did seeme to cleaue in pieces.

  4. To the end that you may not faile of this worke of imping, you must principally take heed, not to ouer-cleaue the Stockes of your Trees.

  5. None, but such remedie, as to saue a head To cleaue a heart in twaine: Clau.

  6. There's no remedy, Vnlesse by not so doing, our good Citie Cleaue in the midd'st, and perish Volum.

  7. For euer may my knees grow to the earth, My tongue cleaue to my roofe within my mouth, Vnlesse a Pardon, ere I rise, or speake Bul.

  8. New Honors come vpon him Like our strange Garments, cleaue not to their mould, But with the aid of vse Macb.

  9. Knocke me downe with 'em, cleaue mee to the Girdle Luc.

  10. Nay, nay, let Rape and Murder stay with me, Or els Ile call my Brother backe againe, And cleaue to no reuenge but Lucius Tam.

  11. Thy thoughts I cleaue to, what's thy pleasure?

  12. If you shall cleaue to my consent, When 'tis, it shall make Honor for you Banq.

  13. With that his hand, more sad then lomp of lead, 6 Vplifting high, he weened with Morddure, His owne good sword Morddure, to cleaue his head.

  14. How oft do they with golden pineons, cleaue 4 The flitting skyes, like flying Pursuiuant, Against foule feends to aide vs millitant?

  15. In some of our voyages we haue seene diuers hard raggie stones, great pebbles, and a kinde of gray stone like vnto marble of which the inhabitants make their hatchets to cleaue wood.

  16. Let vs therfor forsake all other Godds and religions / and cleaue only to our Godde / which is the father of our lorde Iesus Christ / and let vs sticke faste in the only Christen religiõ / which is delyuered vnto vs in the holy scriptures.

  17. This truly is a sownde and wholsome doctrine / to cleaue faste vnto this / is to pleas Godd / and to glorifie hym / adde also to promote the saluacion of the brethern.

  18. Godd wold haue the poeple in the vse of the holy Supper to ascend vppwarde into heauen in mynde and affectiõ / that they might ther cleaue fast vnto christe.

  19. What other men thîke inwardly I know not, but certes thei wãt many pleasures which cleaue fast vnto true and perfect vertue.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cleaue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.