Wal, as far as I'm concerned, if I had to eat clabberedmilk a hunderd years, I'd ruther die!
Buttermilk andclabbered milk are more easily digested by many than is the fresh milk.
The dressing should be very plain, nothing more than a little salt and olive oil, or some clabbered cream.
Buttermilk or clabbered milk may be substituted for sweet milk.
The sugar is turned into lactic acid, which combines with the casein and when this process has continued for a certain length of time the result is clabbered milk or sour milk.
Many people make buttermilk by beating the clabbered milk thoroughly, until it becomes light.
Put the clabbered milk in a muslin bag, hang the bag up and allow the milk to lose its whey through drainage.
Milk is very useful, and may be given either sweet or clabbered or in the form of buttermilk.
Then add enough clabbered milk to make the curds soft when well beaten.
Milk can be clabbered quickly by adding lemon juice to sweet milk.
Delicious cottage cheese is also made by using the whole clabbered milk.
If a third meal is taken, it may consist of clabbered milk or buttermilk; or of one of the sweet fruits, and the sweet fruits may be used any time in place of bread or biscuits.
Cottage cheese, sweet or clabbered milk or buttermilk may be taken with the fruit.
Sour cream or clabbered cream is best when it is taken from clabbered milk.
Milk is very beneficial in this condition--especially when taken in the form of buttermilk, clabbered milk, koumyss or zoolak.
In France la Caillebotte is distinguished for being clabbered with chardonnette, wild artichoke seed.
Named from cooking sour clabbered curd to the melting point.
The bright anticipations vanished when the meal was seen to consist solely of clabbered milk with black looking maple sugar.
This explains why clabbered milk, which contains a considerable portion of sugar changed into lactic acid by the action of souring bacteria, is especially beneficial in preventing intestinal putrefaction.
Sidenote: Sources of casein] Casein is the most important proteid substance in milk, and is familiar to all as the curd or white substance of clabbered milk.