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Example sentences for "civilian"

Lexicographically close words:
civil; civile; civiles; civilest; civili; civilians; civilibus; civilisation; civilisations; civilise
  1. Already the breach between the military power responsible for policing the plains and the civilian department which managed the tribes was wide.

  2. Upon the vexed question of civilian or military control the Commissioners were divided.

  3. The vexed question of civilian or military control had reached the bitterest stage of its discussion when Grant became President.

  4. But with the creation of the Interior Department in 1849 the Indian Bureau had been transferred to civilian hands.

  5. A military government erected by the United States still held its temporary sway, but felt out of place as the controlling power over a civilian American population.

  6. Even as it was, the civilian bureau had little trouble with its charges for nearly fifteen years after its organization.

  7. One of the earliest measures of his administration was a bill erecting a board of civilian Indian commissioners to advise the Indian Department and promote the civilization of the tribes.

  8. However, I ought not to talk on this subject, for I am the merest civilian and land-lubber.

  9. No, the civilian population would take little hand in suppressing a rising.

  10. Constable Hope collected together four of his comrades, told them to dress in civilian clothes and follow him.

  11. It was Sergeant Galbraith in civilian clothes.

  12. Smoothbore had small hopes of securing any number of recruits from the civilian population.

  13. But while the new prime minister was said to be personally disposed to revise the sentence on Dreyfus, his civilian minister of war, M.

  14. Despite the fact that he is a civilian you will take your orders from him.

  15. The station to which you are being sent," the colonel went on, "was established three years ago by the man who is still in command there, a civilian by the name of Thomas Halliday.

  16. There was something unpleasantly furtive about the way in which men were being stripped of their outward signs of valor and dribbled back into civilian life.

  17. Shops had redecorated their windows with the necessities and luxuries of civilian requirements.

  18. In civilian clothes he bore a more distinct resemblance to the man he had been; and yet the resemblance only served to emphasize the change that had taken place in him.

  19. That morning by the earliest train he had shaken off the dust of camps and started in civilian dress as his own master on the new journey.

  20. He was sitting down in the sentry-box, eating it, when the general of his regiment came up to him in civilian clothes.

  21. It's a fine and manly contrast, however, between the game one plays out here and the fretful trivialities of civilian life.

  22. The question one asks is how will all these men be reabsorbed into civilian life.

  23. Even though one is only a civilian in khaki, some of the soldier's sternness becomes second nature.

  24. The horrors which the civilian mind dreads most are mutilation and death.

  25. The secret of the order was that civilian Germans were begging bread of the French prisoners, and this, of course, was bad for the tenderly nursed German morale.

  26. The City Civilian Volunteer Battalion which he had joined was on its way to take part in the conflict, which every one knew would be desperate.

  27. I counted five--two Cossacks in advance, then about forty yards behind a shabbily-dressed civilian on horseback, and about forty yards behind him two more Cossacks.

  28. They appeared to expect no interruption, and it occurred to me that the Cossacks were escorting the civilian over to the Russian position away beyond Hogganfield Loch.

  29. On the hills from Gomshall to Seale our brave civilian defenders had remained throughout the hostilities ready to repel any attack.

  30. Even the civilian writer who studies it is amazed at the muddle of insufficiency in which it is steeped.

  31. It had rained during the night, and the roads, wet and muddy, were unutterably gloomy as our civilian defenders looked out upon them, well knowing that ere long a fierce attack would be made.

  32. The question of teaching higher maneuvers to civilian pilots is open to argument.

  33. There is no reason why there should not be established in this country a number of such schools, under men who have had army experience, to train great numbers of civilian fliers within the next few years.

  34. Army pilots who have had a good course in stunting would certainly recommend the same for civilian pilots.

  35. The civilian mechanic must be taught many things.

  36. Now the civilian who would take up flying has just as much time as he wants to spend in learning to fly.

  37. Half a dozen times I had been on the point of saying: "Here is a letter from the man your Kaiser delighted to honor, the only civilian who ever reviewed the German army, a former President of the United States.

  38. Seeing a civilian under guard, they would stare and ask questions.

  39. The civilian is playing his part just as loyally as the soldier, the women as bravely as the men.

  40. Lutwitz claimed this was the signal for the civil guard, in civilian clothes on the roofs, to fire upon the German soldiers in the open square below.

  41. A soldier under fire furnishes few of the surprises of conduct to which the civilian treats you.

  42. He and his officers, the Red Cross nurses, doctors, ambulance-bearers, and even the correspondents have taken some kind of oath or signed some kind of contract that makes it easier for them than for the civilian to stay on the job.

  43. The civilian can always say, "This is no place for me," and get up and walk away.

  44. He was a great tease; evidently the performances of the civilian who had brought his new-fangled photographic apparatus into camp suggested a joke.

  45. That is the civilian conception of news," said Sam, with disdain.

  46. The soldier bears civilization on his back, he supports all the rest, he is the pedestal which bears without complaint the civilian as an idle ornament.

  47. If that restriction is ever removed, let me be informed," and the Emperor passed on, while Sam determined to write to his uncle and have this miserable civilian law changed.

  48. The officers jostle and browbeat any civilian who will submit to it, and then try to get him into a duel, but I believe they're a cowardly lot at bottom.

  49. It must be a civilian rule," said Sam, beginning to feel his superiority again.

  50. Manhood and brass buttons were with her interconvertible terms, and the idea of uniting her young life to a plain civilian seemed to her nothing less than shocking.

  51. Here's a kind of civilian who is not inferior to army men," he thought.

  52. He was eager to hear about the militia company, and was pleased to see several pairs of military trousers, altho they were made to do duty with civilian coats.

  53. I'm a civilian now, and I can see with a little perspective.

  54. I could name on the fingers of one hand the men who know this is not strictly a Civilian Defense office for this section of the city.

  55. The Colonel led the way along the corridor and stopped in front of a door that was marked, “Civilian Defense, Third Division.

  56. It was a man wearing civilian clothes, but with Civilian Defense insignia on his sleeves.

  57. One of the stories of which Lord Cromer was particularly fond was that of the young Indian civilian who on his first day in a new district, and when he was entirely unknown, took a walk in the fields and saw an elderly ryot ploughing the land.

  58. Nothing could have been more reassuring for civilian nerves.

  59. It contains an inner civilian joyfulness expressed in unhampered, rhythmical activity.

  60. I feel glad my acquaintance with him has been so far only in a civilian capacity.

  61. Hardyman was a young civilian soldier who believed in peace, was on the committee of the Union of Democratic Control, and died at twenty-three at the head of his regiment.

  62. A man in civilian clothes, who had been pawing over a table, suddenly held up a newspaper.

  63. The civilian meantime advanced toward him, keeping him covered all the time with his revolver.

  64. I've seen so much of them when visiting my brother in the old days before my marriage that even in civilian dress it is easy to tell some of them.

  65. Most of the barbarities were done--it is quite clear--by an excited civilian sort of men, men in a kind of inflamed state.

  66. Section 3 On Wednesday morning Mr. Britling returned to the Dower House, and he was still a civilian unassigned.

  67. There were a couple of civilian casualties resulting from the shrapnel.

  68. It was a terrible fight, for of course it was next to impossible for the soldiers to distinguish them, being all in civilian clothes so that they just had to doff their bandoliers and they could go about from house to house in safety.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "civilian" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    civilian clothes; civilian life; civilian rule