Nor did I attempt to alter his determination, well knowing that no change therein could work a benefit to myself.
He pricks the sides of his intent, as he says, with the spur of ambition, well knowing that it will o'erleap itself and fall.
The Prince was under the Necessity of marching his Forces over a Morass; and the Duke, well knowing it, took care to attack him near Mont Cassel, before half his little Army were got over.
Cecilia now recovering from her surprise, determined to hasten unnoticed out of the house, well knowing that to be seen in it would be regarded as a confirmation of all that he had asserted.
Mrs Charlton retired early, and Cecilia accompanied her up stairs: and while she was with her, was informed that Mr Monckton was in the parlour.
Another, who had been summoned to make her Appearance, was excused by the Steward, as well knowing in his Heart, that the good Squire himself had qualified her for the Ram.
As the Coquets, who introduced this Custom, grew old, they left it off by Degrees; well knowing that a Woman of Threescore may kick and tumble her Heart out, without making any Impressions.
Bitterly did he regret the wilfulness which brought him there, well knowing that if he had obeyed orders he would now be free to find his father's body and avenge his death.
He made no resistance, well knowing it would be useless ; and he determined, even if he should expire under the torture, to let no expression of anguish escape him.
They keep me from my sister's presence, well knowing that I could clear myself at once, while they fill her ears with false reports.
Of course, Lucius is haughty; too much Roman blood runs in his veins to openly disapprove of what befell his daughter, well knowing, also, she deserved it.
Nothing pleases him better than to keep a respectable gulf between a Proconsul and Lucius, the fighting admiral, well knowing we shall not connive to rebel against him.
Barry, well knowing that O'Brien would never have offered his hand to Greaves, unless there were good reasons for it.
I'd about spent my hour and was turning back to the house half a mile below when Jenny herself came along, well knowing where I was; and so I wasted no words, but prepared to strike while the thought of her set uppermost in my mind.
In his grand powers of selfishness, John had planned to have Nelly for wife by now, and he'd also planned to keep his daughter, well knowing that no wife would do a quarter of what Jane did, or be so valuable on a business basis.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "well knowing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.