Pileus= firm, convex or slightly depressed in the center, often irregular with a wavy or lobed margin, glabrous, cinnabar red.
At Sulphur Bank Springs, in the California quicksilver belt, deposition of cinnabar by moderately hot waters is actually taking place at present; also these waters are bleaching the rock in a manner often observed about mercury deposits.
In the weathering of mercury deposits, cinnabar behaves somewhat like the corresponding silver sulphide, argentite.
The same line of reasoning is carried a step further, and in many gold-quartz veins in volcanic rocks, where cinnabar and its associated minerals are present, it is believed that waters of a hot-spring nature have again been effective.
Besides those who make the regular tours, there are many who hire carriages and wagons at Cinnabar for a leisurely excursion, which may be longer or shorter to suit disposable time and the fullness of purses.
A large party of us left the hotel for Cinnabar closely packed in the coaches and surreys on a bright sunny afternoon, glad we had seen the wonderland, but quite satisfied to leave our labors behind us.
If the colour be boiled in a large excess of moderately strong nitric acid it is dissolved, yielding magnificentcinnabar red crystals on the solution cooling.
With barium, the acid furnishes a yellowish-red powder, insoluble in, but made denser by water, which imparts to it a cinnabar colour.
I have known of something similar to that in Cinnabar Basin, where I have seen a number of skulls scattered along the gulch.
When the cinnabar has given up its quicksilver, and thus lost the natural virtues that it previously had, it becomes soft in quality and its powers are feeble.
Take an iron plate, put the cinnabar upon it, and lay it on the fire until the plate gets red hot.
The desk-lamp was still burning, where the girl had left it behind the cinnabar screen; and Lanyard knew that the diffusion of its rays was enough to render his figure distinctly and immediately visible to one entering the doorway.
And the corner to the right of the fireplace was shut off by a high Japanese screen of cinnabar and gold.
No other mercurial preparations exceptcinnabar and the amalgam of mercury seem to have been known to the ancients.
The native mercury they called argentum vivum, that from cinnabar hydrargyrus.
The native cinnabar was found in Spain, and was used chiefly as a paint.
He mixed cinnabarwith iron filings, put the mixture into a pot, to the top of which a cover of stoneware was luted.
He was in the habit of purifying cinnabar by means of arsenic and oxide of lead.
It seems doubtful whether he was aware that native argentum vivum and the hydrargyrum extracted fromcinnabar were the same.
His cinnabar was a red paint from Africa, produced in such small quantity that painters could scarcely procure enough of it to answer their purposes.
Cinnabar was occasionally used as an external medicine; but Pliny disapproves of it, assuring his readers that quicksilver and all its preparations are virulent poisons.
The term minium was applied to it also, till in consequence of the adulteration of cinnabar with red lead, the term minium came at last to be restricted to that preparation of lead.
He considers semi-metals as compounds of a true metal and sulphur, and therefore enumerates cinnabar among the semi-metals.
The cinnabar ran like thick blood-red veins in the rock.
Cinnabar Joe turned and brought his fist down on the bar.
When the Mayor began his oration Purdy's eyes flashed rapidly over the crowd and seeing that neitherCinnabar Joe nor the doctor were present, slipped his horse around the end of the lumber pile and dashed for the doctor's office.
Cinnabar Joe was behind the bar, apparently none the worse for his dose of chloral, and in answer to a swift signal, followed the Texan to the rear of the room.
Him an' Cinnabar Joe's prob'ly holdin' a booze histin' contest of their own.
The doctor pointed to Cinnabar Joe who, still dazed from the effect of the drug, leaned upon the table.
The place was deserted and in a chair beside a card table, with his head buried in his arms, sat Cinnabar Joe, asleep.
In these sheds they saw huge furnaces, piles of cinnabar and stores of mercury.
The furnaces consist of a retort in which the cinnabar is placed with the combustibles for calcining it.
Some ten miles above the second canon on the edge of the river valley is Cinnabar Mountain, whose weather-beaten side presents one of the most singular freaks of nature in the world.
Between the walls at one point is a band of bright brick-red clay, which has been mistaken for cinnabar, and hence the nameCinnabar Mountain.
Both antimony ores and cinnabar (an ore of quicksilver) are worked by the Borneo Company, but the exports of the former ore and of quicksilver are steadily decreasing, and fresh deposits are being sought for.
Only one deposit of cinnabar has so far been discovered, that was in 1867.
This caused the country where they lived to be examined, and the cinnabar was found.
The cinnabar is crushed and exposed to heat, when the metal, in the form of vapor, passes into a vessel suited to the purpose, where it is cooled.
A bright red pigment consisting of mercuric sulphide, obtained either from the mineral cinnabar or artificially.
Iberian word, the Romans getting all their cinnabar from Spain; cf.
California possesses mines ofcinnabar in abundance, and they are now in full work.
The mine of New Almaden is not the only one being worked in California; cinnabar is met with in several directions, and hereafter it is probable that California may be looked to as a country producing quicksilver as well as gold.
As the appearance of quicksilver must be familiar to all, cinnabar alone needs description.
With the great increase of gold mining and the limited store of cinnabar that is available that ore seems certain to rise in value before long.
Quicksilver is abundant from extensive veins of cinnabarin the province of Mancha.
The ore known as cinnabaris of a dark-red colour, and gives a beautiful appearance to the galleries.
We will hope so; but this does not explain Piffle's senseless counter-marchings around Scarlet, nor the horribly outflanked and unsupported position of Potty on the line of the Cinnabar river.
The rest of the troops out of Cinnabarhave arrived, via Glentower, at the foot of the Blue Mountains.
Cinnabar was occupied on the 21st in the morning, and a heavy contribution raised.
She's at Cinnabar Joe's--and she told me all about it.
An' whatever you've got on Cinnabar you'll take with you.
A horse splashed through the creek and she saw Cinnabar coming toward her leading a blaze-faced buckskin.
Cinnabar Joe placed his hands on his hips and stared at the girl in astonishment.
Dropping the rifle, Cinnabar reached for his six-gun and whirled to meet the laughing gaze of Janet McWhorter.
Jennie's face went suddenly white and Cinnabar Joe stepped forward, his eyes narrowed to slits: "Shut up!
The huge Scotchman dismounted, nodded and addressed Cinnabar Joe: "Ha' ye seen my daughter?
As Endicott leaped from his horse in front of Cinnabar Joe's cabin, his wife rushed from the door and threw herself into his arms.
Purdy laughed nastily: "Cinnabar Joe spilled a mouthful, did he?
A weight seemed suddenly to have been lifted from her heart--a weight that had borne heavier and heavier with the words of Cinnabar Joe.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cinnabar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: color; ore; pigment