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Example sentences for "outflanked"

Lexicographically close words:
outfitted; outfitter; outfitters; outfitting; outflank; outflanking; outflow; outflowing; outflows; outflung
  1. Thanks to this slow but continuous advance, and to the capture of these various villages, the fortress of Chaulnes was outflanked and half-encircled.

  2. After capturing an important redoubt, east of the wood, the British gradually outflanked the enemy on the wings, and pressing hard from all sides, forcing them to retreat one kilometre northwards at the end of the day.

  3. The Germans maintained themselves there till March, 1917, on positions sufficiently strong to allow them to hold Chaulnes, this village being outflanked everywhere else.

  4. Will they not be outflanked to the west by way of Fumin Wood, and to the east by Damloup and La Horgne bottom, against which the bombardment is raging?

  5. If he gains the entrenchments, the fort will be outflanked and will fall in its turn.

  6. Before our fire the breakers recoil, but with the prisoners taken from our outflanked first line.

  7. Thus it was that we were cut off, outflanked on all sides, and overwhelmed by weight of numbers.

  8. The enemy was first outflanked on the left, and that wing driven into the sea; then the right was caught in the same manner, and suffered a like fate.

  9. But the French were soon outflanked on their left by Austrian cavalry, and again began to withdraw.

  10. Our men there had advanced during the Sunday afternoon, and had been outflanked and driven back to the cliff edge.

  11. On the night of the 7th the outflanking French left found itself outflanked in turn, and its attack turned into a desperate defence.

  12. Though General Hooker, the Union general, flinched and lost not only the battle, but forever his name of Fighting Joe Hooker, his men gave up only when they were outflanked and out-fought and unsupported.

  13. He had fought the deadly and lost battle of Kenesaw Mountain, and failing to drive out the crafty Confederate General Johnson by direct assault outflanked him and forced him to fall back.

  14. Their ample and extended line, from the great superiority of numbers, far outflanked ours; but this was counteracted by the flank movements of our cavalry.

  15. The threat of being outflanked was still very grave, and the few hours' halt which would have been involved in the alternative decision might, or rather would, have been fatal.

  16. A squadron of New York cavalry came to the rescue; but were themselves outflanked and helpless on the road against the Virginian horsemen, who could ride across country.

  17. But Sherman again outflanked the fortified enemy, who retired to Kingston.

  18. But he was outflanked and forced back in confusion.

  19. At the same moment Lutzen was seen in flames, having been set on fire by command of the duke, to prevent his being outflanked on that side.

  20. Piccolomini chose the fertile banks of the Weser for his winter quarters; but being outflanked by Banner, he was obliged to give way to the Swedes, and to impose on the Franconian sees the burden of maintaining his army.

  21. When the enemy arrived they had outflanked us so far to the north, that we had nothing open to us but again to abandon our positions.

  22. This outflanked him; he remembered having whipped me once wrongfully, and feared a repetition of the same thing.

  23. When the Captain came out, I noticed that he felt considerably worked up at being outflanked by a Corporal.

  24. In like manner the cavalry gave way on the wings, hard pressed by the elephants in front, and outflanked right and left by the far more numerous Carthaginian horse.

  25. The New Zealanders say that they were responsible for the capture of Tel el Saba, for it was they who outflanked it; while the Australians assured me that it was they who had stormed it at a mad gallop.

  26. The rebels, outflanked by the gallant movement of Smith's division, were glad to fall back from before Hooker and Kearney, and seek refuge behind their works.

  27. Just as Warwick's right had outflanked the king's left, so his own left was outflanked by Gloucester.

  28. General Scott soon perceived that, although there were no intervals in the British line, yet their right wing outflanked his left.

  29. At this instant, Colonel Miller discovered that the enemy outflanked him, when the second line and flank guards were brought upon the flanks of the front line of the enemy.

  30. The brunt of the attack fell upon the latter, who, though at first pressed back and outflanked on his right, recovered himself and forced the enemy to retire.

  31. The Boer line had not been pierced: on each side it outflanked Buller and fronted the Tugela loops in which the greater portion of his force was huddled.

  32. The chief incident of the affair was the holding of an outflanked and commanded kopje position by a few companies of the Royal Irish Fusiliers for six hours.

  33. The attack on the right was soon checked, but the cavalry instead of outflanking the enemy was itself outflanked and unable to make a further advance.

  34. Advancing then to the neighborhood of Vauchamps, his infantry attacked in front, while the cavalry, under Grouchy, outflanked the enemy's line and fell on the rear.

  35. They were all but outflanked on their right, which was already very seriously bent back; while in the centre General Foch had driven in a wedge which bade fair to crumple up the whole line.

  36. But after the capture of Forts Henry and Donelson in February, 1862, the Confederates being outflanked abandoned the town, retiring southward.

  37. But French had not driven back his antagonist to any considerable distance before himself was outflanked on his right by a diversion of Pender's.

  38. Still it held its ground until it had burned almost twenty rounds, and until the Confederate line was within fifty yards in its face, and had quite outflanked it.

  39. The troops remained behind these works until outflanked on right and left, for Jackson's front of over two miles easily enveloped any line our little force could form.

  40. The reserve artillery did its duty, nor limbered up until the Confederate line had outflanked its position, rendered it useless, and jeopardized its safety.

  41. They were kept at bay for a time, and received several volleys from the barricade, until it was outflanked and carried.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "outflanked" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.