Diagnostic dental characters include: 3rd upper unicuspid smaller than 4th, and unicuspids, except 5th, with a pigmented ridge extending from near apex of each tooth medially to cingulum and sometimes ending as internal cusplet.
When it is intended to signify that a knight has been created, it is stated that the individual has been girt with the cingulum militare.
The =premolars= are four in number, and in all the cingulum is fairly well seen.
The third incisor is a good deal like the others but larger, and has the cingulum well developed though not terminated by lateral cusps.
The internal cingulum of M1 exhibits only one large cusp opposite the medial end of the transverse valley, and shows no evidence of having been divided into two cusps.
Possibly thecingulum was confluent with the hypocone.
The internalcingulum continues around the margin of the tooth to the paracone as an anterior cingulum which is sharper and plainer than the anterior cingulum on M1.
A slight anterior arm of the internal cingulum may have reached forward to the anterior face of the protocone.
A cingulum connects the lingual and central cusps at the posterior margin of the tooth.
The internal cingulum is as high as the paracone and shows no evidence of division into two cusps, but in M3 this character is apparently variable for H.
I doubt that there were two cusps because thecingulum is still so high (as high as the outer edges of the paracone and metacone) as to suggest that it is only slightly worn.
Posteriorly this single cusp in the cingulum is united with the hypocone.
Here, too, the cingulum is as high as the paracone and metacone.
Anteriorly the cusp is confluent with an anterior cingulum that is small, but, nevertheless, plainly visible as it crosses the occlusal face of the tooth to the paracone.
In the writer's opinion the undivided internal cingulum is a primitive condition that has survived in Florentiamys and Heliscomys tenuiceps.
Brownsville, Texas; mesostyle of M1 and M2 relatively smaller as are second commissure and cingulum of M3; coloration of No.
The anterior and median molars have three or four main cusps, and one {10}or two smaller or subsidiary ones on the crown; the cingulum is well developed.
The anterior and median molars have the inner hind cusp rudimentary, but the cingulum rises into a minute cusp, both at the fore and hind edge; the posterior molar is three-cusped.