It should be chosen in thin pieces: the best being that which approaches nearest to Cinnamon in flavour; but that which is small and broken should be rejected.
They used to give me cinnamonwhen I had a cold--quite useless, but not disagreeable.
Carminative had grown up with me from the days of the cinnamon bottle.
SO{3}, alcohol, and principles extracted from cinnamon and ginger.
To check the flow, patient should be kept quiet, and allowed to sip cinnamon tea during the period.
We saw a great number of beautiful parakeets, as well as a remarkable hawk of a bright cinnamon colour, with a milk-white head and neck.
The essential oil of cinnamon is usually made from the refuse of the crop; but the quantity produced, in proportion to the weight of cinnamon, is exceedingly small, being about five ounces of oil to half a hundred-weight of the spice.
Such is the soil in which the cinnamon delights; such are the Cinnamon Gardens, in which I delight not.
In fact, nothing will permanently succeed in Ceylon soil without abundance of manure, with the exception of cinnamon and cocoa-nuts.
A good tiffin concluded, which produced a happier state of mind, I ordered a carriage for a drive to the Cinnamon Gardens.
This tree grows in great numbers in the neighborhood of Colombo, especially among the cinnamon gardens.
Clove oil is extracted from the leaves of the cinnamon tree, and not from cloves, as its name would imply.
The staple articles of Ceylon production are coffee cinnamon and cocoa-nut oil, which are for the most part cultivated and manufactured by Europeans.
Cinnamon is indigenous throughout the jungles of Ceylon.
The first, which is the cinnamon oil, is more properly a kind of vegetable wax, being of the consistence of stearine.
A vast area of scrubby, low jungle, composed of cinnamon bushes, is seen to the right and left, before and behind.
We can only suppose that it must be, to our popular sparrows, what the swallow of the cinnamon country is to our subordinate swallow.
The European merchants, therefore, have their houses chiefly in the neighbourhood shaded by palm-trees among the cinnamon plantations.
Cinnamon does not grow in Arabia, but large carnivorous birds of prey brought branches of cinnamon for their nests,--from which direction the Arabs could not tell.
Or you may compromise on a cup of Spanish chocolate, flavored with cinnamon and thick as flannel, or perhaps win your liberty by gulping down a cupful of warm goat's milk.
Indeed one might put down the medicinal action of cinnamon at zero.
Cinnamon is more at home in the pantry than in pharmacy.
Cinnamon has no action on cancer, neither has any drug the slightest effect upon the course of this disease.
Suppose I had met up with a cinnamon bear at close range, for instance--what do you think would have happened?
Cinnamon is a very old-fashioned remedy for soothing the pain of internal or unbroken cancer.
Cinnamon tea may be taken with advantage in cases of consumption, influenza, and pneumonia.
Take one quart of vinegar, two pounds of sugar, one-half ounce each of cinnamon and mace.
Add one cupful tomatoes, one-fourth cupful grated Old English cheese, a few drops of onion juice and a few grains each of cinnamon and cayenne.
In the female the top of the head and nape are of a cinnamon colour; the rest of her plumage resembles the male, but is rather paler.
Add the spirit of cinnamon and the carmine and triturate again until the red color is perfectly uniform.
Add the cinnamon cacao sugar in portions and triturate thoroughly.
For drugs that, in addition to a slightly bitter taste, have an odor that needs disguising, "cinnamon cacao sugar" is to be preferred.
Mix the spirit of cinnamon with the sugar; permit the alcohol to evaporate.
Triturate the carmine with the spirit of cinnamon and the sugar, until the color is perfectly uniform.
Having thoroughly triturated the red mercuric iodide with the sugar, add the carmine and the spirit of cinnamon and triturate again.
Mix the spirit of cinnamon with the sugar, and set aside.
Having thoroughly triturated the hyoscine hydrobromide with the sugar, add spirit of cinnamon and the carmine, and triturate again until the color is perfectly uniform.
In making up an exhibition pen, observe that Grouse and Partridge hens should have a black-breasted cock; and that Buff and Cinnamon birds should not be placed together, but all the birds in the pen should be either Buff or Cinnamon.
The Cinnamon are of two shades, the Light Cinnamon and the Silver, which is a pale washy tint, that looks very delicate and pretty when perfectly clean.
Silver Cinnamon hens should not be penned with a pale Yellow cock, but with one as near to their own tint as can be found.
Cinnamon and brown are common colors of both grizzlies and black bears.
Line a pan with puff paste; put in a layer of Damson plums; sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.
One cup sugar, two eggs, one pint equal parts sour cream and buttermilk, one teaspoon soda, cinnamon and nutmeg to taste, flour sufficient for a soft dough.