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Example sentences for "centum"

Lexicographically close words:
centro; centrosome; centrosomes; centrum; cents; centurial; centuriata; centuries; centurion; centurions
  1. The site of the Temple of Concord was on the Tarpeian Rock, at the top of the Centum Gradus, and Camillus's Temple of Moneta was near it.

  2. By descending the Centum Gradus, and turning to the left, we see the rock, within the space closed off by the rails.

  3. The steps on our left formed the third ancient approach to the arx, the Centum Gradus, up which the Vitellians climbed when they took the citadel.

  4. Two per centum is a liberal mortality in membranous croup, yet a certain class of physicians are constantly reporting deaths from this disease.

  5. It does more: in 90 per centum of cases it will prevent successful infection with smallpox.

  6. About 70 to 80 per centum of the cases are in primiparous women.

  7. It has a mortality that can go up to 14 per centum in unfavourable circumstances, but the disease is not more contagious than typhoid under hygienic surroundings.

  8. Vaccination does not always prevent infection by smallpox, but it does prevent it in more than 90 per centum of exposures to the disease.

  9. Thus the Church calls him an archangel, and Gregory himself in a homily (De Centum Ovibus 34) says that "those are called archangels who announce sublime things.

  10. From the above it appears, that, from the old pension list, the amount of pensions is little more than three per centum on the amount of prizes.

  11. I believe I ought to add some passages from the historians: Si omnes qui de domibus suis egressi votum jam iter ceperant, simul illuc adessent, procul dubio sexagies centum millia bellatorum adessent.

  12. Most important, however, are the new entries, which make this edition over 55 per centum bigger than the first.

  13. I will merely speak of the light of the so called lightning bug, with its over ninety per centum efficiency and no heat and no consumption of fuel to speak of.

  14. The other point is the proposition to found "State" government upon ten per centum of the population of the "State.

  15. This brought the action of the voters within the President's ten per centum rule.

  16. Eight thousand four hundred and two votes were cast upon the question of adoption, about sixteen per centum of the vote cast at the Presidential election of 1860.

  17. I had a secret misgiving that the good woman had not scrupled in this case to add at least a hundred and fifty per centum to her customary charges.

  18. His provisions and his flour, however, bought a good price, but the greatest per centum of profit was made on cigars.

  19. In the Murray basin the average discharge relative to the rainfall is estimated to be about 27 per centum from a record of seven years, and has risen as high as 36 per centum in a flood year.

  20. It appears that the evaporation in different years on this lake varies as much as 50 per centum of the minimum amount.

  21. On lumber, and some other articles, they are from four hundred to fifteen hundred per centum more than on similar articles imported from British colonies.

  22. In the British West Indies the duty on beef, pork, hams, and bacon, is twelve shillings sterling per hundred, more than one hundred per centum on the first cost of beef and pork in the Western States.

  23. It never paid us two per centum on its cost, and finally was sold by the trustee, Colonel Davis.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "centum" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.