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Example sentences for "cautioned"

Lexicographically close words:
cauterized; cauterizing; cautery; caution; cautionary; cautioner; cautioning; cautions; cautious; cautiously
  1. Then, in hurried whispers, he pointed out the station he wished each to occupy, and, after Dick had again cautioned Frank to keep his horse completely under his control, the boys rode away in different directions.

  2. In an instant, the thought flashed through Frank's mind, that he was in the very position the trapper had so emphatically cautioned him to avoid.

  3. It is such a pleasant thing for a girl to be cautioned against falling in love with a gentleman, especially when the gentleman is very rich, and a lord, and all that sort of thing!

  4. I wonder whether they cautioned Griselda Grantly when she was here?

  5. I suppose when young lords go about, all the girls are cautioned as a matter of course.

  6. The Count had also cautioned him not to speak without his permission--a useless injunction, for the young Frenchman was too much amazed to utter a syllable.

  7. The Count had cautioned him to keep out of sight, to restrain his impetuosity, and he had done neither.

  8. Better not try it, Jack," cautioned Rand, "for if you eat as fast as you talk or talk as fast as you eat you will either starve yourself or choke.

  9. You mustn't depend upon that," cautioned the colonel.

  10. It is not pleasant work, and will probably take all your playtime," cautioned her mother.

  11. Twon't do t' give he much at first," cautioned Dick Blake, setting before Mookoomahn a small portion of the meat and a small piece of bread with a cup of the hot tea.

  12. That he with Mookoomahn and Manikawan were to return to the Great Lake, and that they had been cautioned to husband their provisions.

  13. You never knows what an Injun's goin' t' do," cautioned Douglas.

  14. He would also like Peel to be cautioned not to press Her Majesty to decide hastily, but to give Her Majesty time, and that he should feel that if he acted fairly he would be met in the same spirit by the Queen.

  15. He told the whole story of his election, lying back among his cushions on the sofa, although Patience, with mild persistence, cautioned him against exertion.

  16. As he had stood in the room in which the dead body of his father had been lying, he had cautioned himself against this feeling.

  17. Is it, then, likely that Samuel had read this description, when he cautioned the people {136} against choosing a king by giving that forcible picture of his tyranny and his rapacity?

  18. Barillon was earnestly cautioned not to repose implicit confidence in the English ministers: but he was cautioned in vain.

  19. He, therefore, cautioned him to keep out of the reach of any of the missiles that were likely to come flying into the apartment, and urged him, in case he saw any opening, to dart out among the people and do his best to escape.

  20. He cautioned Ariel to keep out of sight, for, if it should become know that her life was saved, her father and his warriors would doubtless make another attempt to reach them.

  21. He again cautioned the maiden, who seemed to dart over the rocky ground with the graceful ease of a bird, and without producing any more effect, with her dainty sandals.

  22. Arrived at St. Louis Carter immediately got in touch with O'Leary, and cautioned him not to alarm Collins, for proper circumspection might lead to the capture of both murderers.

  23. To the doctor it seemed almost a miracle; and he cautioned the old miner kindly: "Mr. Palmer, one can never tell about this malady.

  24. Here Mr. Fish cautioned me not to say any thing about oppression, that being, he said, the very thing that made them discontented.

  25. He was quite recovered by this time, but was still cautioned about going out in the severe weather.

  26. Mildred Howells remembers how, as a very little girl, her mother cautioned her not to ask for anything she wanted at the table when company was present, but to speak privately of it to her.

  27. When the hearing commenced again, the panel appeared subdued, and listlessly turned over pages of notes as Henry told Diana to call her next witness and cautioned her that, "they should be addressing the specific charge here.

  28. When the hearing resumed, Henry cautioned Diana about taking too much time and to stick to the issues.

  29. The committee applied different rules of evidence to her and her witnesses, it badgered them and cautioned them against giving hearsay testimony.

  30. One thing at a time, Walter," cautioned Kennedy, when I put the question to him, scarcely expecting an answer yet.

  31. Go slow there," cautioned Captain Blossom, coming up.

  32. We must be careful how we approach the shore, lads," cautioned Jerry.

  33. Be careful," cautioned Sam; nevertheless, he went up the tall tree with his brother.

  34. It was decided to remain on guard during the day, and all were cautioned to keep within call of the house.

  35. Come on, my son, time to jump aboard," cautioned his father in a suspiciously gruff tone, and in a moment more Gordon mounted the steps where from the platform of the moving train he stood waving his hat in farewell.

  36. Let me do it, and you shoot," cautioned Dick.

  37. Half past six, remember," cautioned Harriet as the girls separated at Jane's tent.

  38. Keep very quiet so you will not awaken any one," cautioned the guardian as they approached the Chief Guardian's tent, rapping gently on the tent pole.

  39. All persons are hereby cautioned and strictly enjoined not to attend, or take part in, or be present at, any such assemblage or procession.

  40. With an air of self-importance he cautioned the house to beware; if they excited that cry again, it would be at their peril.

  41. Silence, he said, might perhaps lead some to imagine that they were not viewing this measure with the same feelings of interest; but he cautioned their lordships against forming such an opinion.

  42. I will tell you all about it this evening; I am cautioned not to talk about the gods in the daytime,' Long Arrow answered.

  43. I wrote to Mr. Madison concerning the report that the british Government had cautioned ours not to pay the purchase money for Louisiana, as they intended to take it for themselves.

  44. But as she is a very rigid Roman Catholic I cautioned Mr. Paine, beforehand, against touching upon religious subjects, assuring him at the same time that she felt much interested to make his acquaintance.

  45. Stay right where you are, old friend," cautioned McReady.

  46. Patterson distributed tickets to one of the theaters, and the men were cautioned to be back at the hotel promptly at eleven in order to take the midnight train for home.

  47. Missis says, 'hurry up,'" she cautioned them.

  48. Keep your seats," cautioned Professor O'Reilley as he jumped up on the stage.

  49. Go easy," cautioned Bill in an undertone.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cautioned" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.