TXT]4490 A whisper of cajolery in season is often the secret Ah!
Eventually, however, the cajoleryof Olivares prevailed, and Cottington went off post haste to England, carrying with him the details of the Spanish papal demands.
The unaffected honesty with which he said this did for Tony what no cajolery nor flattery could have accomplished, and set him off into a roar of laughter that conquered all his spleen and ill-humor.
What a pleasant coinage for cajolery are the liquid lies of the sweet South, where you can lisp duplicity, and seem never to hurt the Decalogue.
He was looked on as a Gallophil; and, like Bismarck at a later crisis, he used his social gifts and powers of cajolery so as to gain a correct estimate of the characters of his future opponents.
It may well be doubted whether peace would ever have been signed but for the skill of Joseph Bonaparte in polite cajolery and the determination of Cornwallis to arrive at an understanding.
He could not say more, for he did not dare to attempt cajolery with her.
Prayer for an object is the cajoleryof an idol; the resource of superstition.
He contended that this might not happen at once--nor did he wish it to; messages would pass, and Guidobaldo would seek by cajolery to win back his niece.
Would you have had me use cajolery with him--the lout?
Can it be possible that he believes that proclamation will be acceptable to them--that mixture of cajolery and bombast.
Happily, for some unobvious reason, no one seemed to associate me with the bullocks' waywardness, but it took me ten minutes' cajolery to elicit the address of a peasant who might hire me a cart.
It took five minutes and all the cajolery at my command to induce my brother-in-law to continue his Danaidean task, until I had started the engine and we were ready to move.
Our later alternations of cajolery and repression bear painful resemblance to the nervous fit of rickety riders compounding with their destinations that they may keep their seats.
The cajolery was foolish, if an end was in view; the repression inefficient.
At length she capitulated to the combined forces of entreaty, cajolery and insistence.
Mrs. Chump, getting courage from the savour of cajolery in these words.
She panted, little in keeping with the cajolery of her tones, but she had got Mr. Pericles upon a theme serious to his mind.