Great numbers of verry large Stone on the Sides of the hills & Some rock of a brownish Colour in the Ld.
Slight mixture of brownish white on the breast belley and the feathers under the tail.
Rochjhone and its water more mudy and of a brownish colour, while that of the rochejhone is of a lightish Colour.
The hessonite garnets are frequentlybrownish red and are sometimes called "cinnamon stones.
There seems to be a superabundance of iron oxide in the rocks of the African mines and in the diamonds themselves, imparting yellow or brownish tints to the material.
Some of the Madagascar tourmaline is of a fine brownish red, almost as deep as a light garnet, and much clearer than most garnet.
It is also more inclined to orange red or brownish red--and the latter is especially true when the stone is seen against the light (by transmitted light).
Common orthoclase feldspar, which is frequently of a brownish pink or flesh color, will do.
Colorless, yellowish or brownish liquid, darkening with age and exposure to light, and having a phenol-like odor.
Brownish to orange-yellow, tasteless, odorless powder, irritating to the mucous membrane.
He did not speak again, but turned quickly, and stooping low, disappeared like a great brownish red serpent in the high grass, which scarcely stirred as he moved through it.
There was just light enough left to show a brownish sparkle when, after popping out the cork, he poured a draught in the fresh cup and in his own.
MALE Peony rises up with brownish stalks, whereon grow green and reddish leaves, upon a stalk without any particular division in the leaf at all.
The root sends forth a number of long strings and small fibres, taking strong hold in the ground, of a dark yellowish or brownish colour, and abides as the Horehound does: the smell of the one not much differs from the other.
The root consists of many brownish strings or fibres, smelling somewhat like unto cloves, especially those which grow in the higher, hotter, and drier grounds, and in free and clear air.
She went to the florist's shop, and sacrificing the two marks eighty left over from the transaction of the little cross, she walked back to his house with a brownish yellow bouquet of drooping autumn roses.
The freshly trimmed little trees on the open places put forth brownish green buds, which by degrees turned into pale bunches of leaves.
His face is plump and round; fierce in his look, with brown eyebrows, and short, curly hair of a brownish color.
She has fine large blue eyes, with eyebrows and hair of a brownish color.
The chrysalis, which is sometimes attached to the leaves of the oak, and at others is found under the surface of the earth at the foot of the tree, is a brownish object, of the lumpy shape shown in Plate I.
The chrysalis is nearly like that of the last in shape, but of course smaller, and is of a more uniform brownish or yellowish tint.
Beneath, the wings are clouded obscurely with tawny yellow and a dingy brownish tint, the yellow tinge predominating in the male.
The skin becomes rather of a brownish hue; ulcers form, particularly on the legs; they are stubborn and will not heal.
That this is actually so is verified by the yellowish or brownish discoloration of the wet wrappings and by their offensive odor.
Salt can be seen mixed with the pale-brownish mud of the soil.
Their hue and delicacy of texture would have reminded a connoisseur of brownish satin.
His colors are: brownish with black spots above, whitish spotted with black underneath, a black crescent on the breast, and a scarlet crescent on the back of the neck.
The ants in my nest I found on a hillside beneath a stone; they are brownish with yellow legs and a little less than a quarter of an inch in length.
Scales of mica, little particles of brownish felspar, and minute fragments of hornblende, may here be detected in the soil.
Its external colour is brownish red; its streak and powder is blood red.
Bituminous shale; natural colour brownish black, that of the streak dark gray.
It is of a brownishyellow color, has a faint smell, and bitter and acrid taste.
Above, it is olive brown, barred with black; beneath, it is brownish yellow, mottled with darker.
A mineral occurring in pale yellow or brownish hexagonal crystals.
A mineral of a red, or brownish or yellowish red color.
The offspring of a negress by a white man, or of a white woman by a negro, -- usually of a brownish yellow complexion.
The stalks are usually but a few (four to six) inches long, and in the dried specimens of a brownish straw-color, becoming nearly black at the base.
The exterior sheath is firm; inside of it is brownish parenchyma, and in the middle a semicircular fibro-vascular bundle, the ducts in the centre of it arranged in a figure much like a letter X.
Plasmodiocarp roundish, oblong, or more or less elongated and flexuous, scattered or seriately disposed; the hypothallus a thin brownish membrane, or commonly not apparent.
Sporangia sessile or plasmodiocarp; the wall a thin membrane, with a more or less thickened outer layer of minute brownish scales and granules.
Columella reduced to a thin layer of scales and granules upon the brownish basal membrane.
Stipe long, ascending, brownish in color, usually several fasciculate or to some extent connate, the sporangia divergent at the apex.
The sporangia are dull brownish to the naked eye, but when magnified the green, purple, and blue metallic tints of the wall become apparent.
Stipe short, erect, yellow to orange, brownish toward the base, longitudinally plicate, rising from a small hypothallus.
Stipe more or less elongated, simple, erect, brownish below, filled with roundish vesicles.
Ah child, have I not seen you often--you with the brownish locks and the dark lashes over blue eyes .
The old gentleman emptied his glass in one gulp and wiped his mouth with a brownish cotton handkerchief.
In his thin, brownish cheeks were several deep scars, and between the straight, narrow brows could be seen two salient furrows.
They wear brownish cloaks, ornamented with knots--the kind that looks worn the day it is taken from the shop.
We stopped a long time in going to watch a little bird with a salmon-coloured breast, a white cross or T upon its wings, and a brownish back with faint stripes.
One was brownish and of coarse stuff, the other was white with meal on the outside, and his blue waistcoat was whitened with meal.
The general colour of the Beden is grey, becoming brownish in winter, and being whitish grey beneath.
The species which I have named 'Agricultural' is a large brownish ant.
Through the rough turf the bracken pushed upward, uncurling sturdy croziers of brownish green.
For in the centre of the room a bier was dressed, and on either side of it stood lighted tapers of brownish wax, in tall black and gold candlesticks.
The legs are light brownish yellow, with dark rings on the ends and middle of the femora and tibiae.
The cephalothorax, legs, and mouth parts are light brownish yellow.
The abdomen is large and round, and has on the back a light undulated band bordered by brownish translucent spaces, with two black spots just over the spinnerets.
The cephalothorax is brownish yellow, with three brown stripes.
Sometimes there is also an indistinct brownishpattern in the middle, but this is usually absent in adults, and the middle is entirely white.
The color is the usual pale yellow, a little brownishon the head and legs, and with two longitudinal stripes on the cephalothorax.
The cephalothorax and legs arebrownish yellow, without markings.
The eggs are laid in brownish pear-shaped cocoons, several of which are made in the same season by one spider and hang in the web.
The color is a light brownish yellow, with a wide darker and browner band on the middle of both thorax and abdomen.
The color is light brownish yellow, with small spots of lighter and darker color scattered all over the body, and there are traces of the markings which are more distinct in other species (figs.
Abdomen pale in front and darkened withbrownish red at the sides and behind and along the middle of the back.
At the base of the Mount lies the city, the houses built steeply one above the other, some with brownish lichen-covered roofs, others of modern slate.
This canvas is used frequently in seventeenth-century Italian room-hangings, either in the natural brownish colour, or dyed blue or green, the dye on it giving a dusky neutral colour which well shows up the richness of the silk.
At a distance they appeared purely black; but, upon a nearer view, an admixture ofbrownish feathers could be perceived, and this was apparent in some of them more than in others.
Among the shells we found a Helix of a brownishcolour and of an oval form, approaching that of Bulimus.
I found a new species of Hakea, having linear lanceolate leaves with axillary fascicules of small brownish flowers: it was an arborescent shrub, from three to six feet high; and is nearly allied to H.