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Example sentences for "brownish colour"

  • The root is hard and woody, with divers strings and fibres at it, of a brownish colour, which abides in the ground many years, shooting anew every Spring.

  • OUR ordinary Water Cresses spread forth with many weak, hollow, sappy stalks, shooting out fibres at the joints and upwards long winged leaves made of sundry broad sappy almost round leaves, of a brownish colour.

  • Quercus Cerris; they are smaller, of a brownish colour, and of inferior value.

  • Compact marl-limestone, or zechstein, which changes from a brownish colour above to a blackish schist below, as it comes nearer the cupreous schist, which seems to form a part of it.

  • This crystalline pulverulent matter has a brownish colour, from the admixture of the ferruginous liquors; but it may be freed from it by washing with very cold water, which dissolves not more than one sixteenth of its weight of alum.

  • Vinegar obtained by the preceding methods has always a yellowish or brownish colour.

  • They are little rounded or oval bodies, of a yellowish or brownish colour, distinctly visible to the naked eye, occupying cavities in the interior.

  • At about the end of June it turns to a chrysalis of a brownish colour.

  • The caterpillar of this species is of a dull greenish or brownish colour, and it has two whitish stripes (sometimes three) down the middle of the back, and similar stripes along each side.

  • The chrysalis is of a brownish colour, and closely resembles that of the Small White in form.

  • All the spines are of a brownish colour, with pink tips.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brownish colour" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    bonne fortune; brownish black; brownish color; brownish colour; brownish gray; brownish grey; brownish yellow; could like; gazing down; general impression; goal line; good book; green hair; himself the; hope will; inspire confidence; kilometers north; known also; little ahead; natural enough; please them; puzzled frown; shall observe; this quarter; under circumstances; wedding garment