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Example sentences for "breaching"

Lexicographically close words:
brazing; brazo; breach; breached; breaches; breachy; bread; breadcrumb; breadcrumbs; breade
  1. The Ironsides fires on Wagner all day and fifteen guns from breaching batteries on Sumter.

  2. The breaching fire from the columbiads and the rifle gun at Cummings point upon the right gorge angle, had progressed sensibly and must have eventually succeeded if continued, but as yet no guns had been disabled or injured at that point.

  3. Fort Wagner in particular was specially designed to prevent the erection of breaching batteries against that fort.

  4. The heavy guns of the enemy being advanced, he opened breaching batteries on the gorge wall of Sumter, firing over Wagner, and the fleet engaged Fort Sumter.

  5. After the 17th of August, when the breaching batteries of Morris island were opened on Sumter and its demolition assured, the holding longer of the northern end of the island might appear to have been unnecessary.

  6. Sappers, miners, and infantry reliefs, they never stopped till they had burrowed forward another hundred yards, and the last great breaching battery had opened its annihilating fire.

  7. The breaching batteries redoubled their efforts against the walls.

  8. A sigh of ineffable relief went up from the whole of Louisbourg, and every eye followed the little white flutter of the flag of truce as it neared that terrible breaching battery opposite the West Gate.

  9. Recklessly defiant though they were, however, they did provide the breaching batteries with enough cover for the purpose in hand.

  10. It was, therefore, necessary that we should make ourselves masters of this outwork, before we commenced breaching the fort.

  11. This was called "crowning" the covered way, and on the position thus gained breaching batteries were established in full view of the escarp.

  12. In England in 1824 successful experiments were carried out in breaching an unseen wall by curved or indirect fire from howitzers.

  13. Under this protection breaching operations could be carried on.

  14. The escarp is falling into disfavour, on account of the great expense of a revetment that can withstand breaching fire.

  15. The triangular works between the bastilions are described as "ramparts," intended to protect the curtains from breaching fire.

  16. After the artillery of the defences had been subdued--if it could not be absolutely silenced--it was necessary to push trenches to the front so that guns might be conveyed to the breaching positions and emplaced there in batteries.

  17. To do this it was necessary to establish breaching batteries on the crest of the glacis; and before this could be done it was necessary to overpower the enemy's artillery.

  18. The former, who were artisans as well as soldiers, preferred in siege works the certain if laborious methods of breaching and mining.

  19. Gillmore praised the 84-pounder and declared "no better piece for breaching can be desired," but experience soon proved the heavier projectiles caused increased pressures which converted guns could not withstand for long.

  20. Unfortunately Baird-Smith was not able to personally superintend the construction of the breaching batteries, but he had in his second-in-command, Alex.

  21. The sun had risen high in the heavens, when the breaching guns suddenly ceased, and each soldier felt he had but a brief moment in which to brace himself for the coming conflict.

  22. A few of the younger men belonging to it deserted, but the older soldiers continued faithful, and did good work in the breaching batteries.

  23. The object of this battery was to prevent sorties from the Lahore or Kabul gates passing round the city wall to annoy our breaching batteries, and also to assist in keeping down the fire from the Mori bastion.

  24. Darkness and silence prevailed--the latter only broken by the thunder of the breaching batteries, which were kept in full play upon the breaches and defences.

  25. The trenches were pushed rapidly forward; Picurina was carried by assault on the night of the 25th March, and the breaching batteries were immediately established.

  26. For his third attempt he adopted a new plan, and decided to attack from the south, capturing the Picurina outwork, breaching the bastions opposite to it, and then delivering the assault.

  27. That day was spent in getting the guns into position and in a further reconnaissance, while two ships bombarded the Mortella redoubt, though without breaching it.

  28. With respect to the breaching of stone masonry by siege batteries, it has long been an established principle that all masonry exposed to the fire of land batteries should be masked by earthen works.

  29. It is also equally certain that Kinburn Was taken, not by a breaching fire, but mainly by the effects of vertical and ricochet fires.

  30. On the 21st they were placed in battery and opened with great effect; and on the same evening, as the guns were breaching rapidly, the commandant accepted terms, and surrendered the castle to the besiegers.

  31. The capture of the fort enabled the second parallel to be pushed on, and breaching batteries to be completed.

  32. A lodgment was immediately effected, and preparations made for breaching the second line of defence where it joined the first.

  33. Or rather--and this is the main query--why was it not shelled by the mortars and smashed by the breaching cannon?

  34. A dozen breaching batteries of enormous rifled guns were established, most of the work being done at night, and on the 17th of August all of them opened fire.

  35. In this they were disappointed; the superiority of the American artillery left them no hope of an advantage by breaching our lines with this arm.

  36. VIII Breaching the Chinese Wall of High School Classicism A high school education is included, by progressive communities, in the birthright of every child.

  37. Here it was that Captain Gillmore had concentrated the fire of his breaching batteries.

  38. Composition of the breaching and counter batteries.

  39. Laying guns for fire parallel to the ground; for breaching fire at a short distance.

  40. Application to a breaching fire delivered in a regular direction relatively to the revetment.

  41. Our troops are working at the approaches, and at the moment of writing the breaching batteries continue their fire upon the walls.

  42. The only breaching battery that has as yet opened fire is that established in the Parc aux Princes, at 400 metres distance from the ramparts.

  43. All the breaching works are not yet completed.

  44. The breaching batteries are still keeping up a very heavy fire against the enceinte.

  45. Even the Marshal Commanding-in-Chief looked onward to at least six more days of sapping and mounting of batteries and actual breaching before his army would be able to make the final movement.

  46. The Insurgents have constructed a battery of Marine pieces, which much embarrasses the troops and retards the breaching works.

  47. The soldiers working at the parallels and the breaching batteries are suffering from the musketry of Insurgents behind the enceinte.

  48. The approaches are now within 150 metres of the enceinte, and a breaching battery is being constructed.

  49. Probably a fin whale (perhaps a Bryde's whale) breaching in the eastern tropical Pacific.

  50. Breaching fin whales often reenter the water with a resounding splash, much like humpback whales, but sometimes smoothly, head first, as minkes sometimes do.

  51. In January the brigade took part in the battle of Kallee Nudee, and in March 1858 was again at Lucknow storming the Dilkoosha and breaching the Martinière, where Captain Peel was wounded.

  52. On the 26th breaching batteries opened fire on the city, and by April 6th it was deemed possible to storm the castle by escalade, Picton's division being ordered to do so.

  53. General Graham, beholding this, resorted to an unparalleled expedient by ordering all the breaching batteries to fire over the stormers' heads on to the inner wall.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "breaching" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.