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Example sentences for "projectiles"

Lexicographically close words:
proie; proinde; project; projected; projectile; projecting; projection; projections; projective; projector
  1. Aeroplanes regulated the fire of a 15-inch naval gun, which sent five projectiles on the town of Asiago.

  2. More than two thousand pieces are raining on a twenty-five-mile front projectiles of all calibers.

  3. They closed it using projectiles one one-hundred millionth of an inch in diameter.

  4. By means of these new metals armor plate has been made invulnerable--except to projectiles pointed with similar material.

  5. If one of the alpha projectiles strikes a slice of zinc sulfide it makes a splash of light big enough to be seen with a microscope, so we can now follow the flight of a single atom.

  6. The British delegates voted with the Americans in opposition to the clause "the contracting parties agree to abstain from the use of projectiles the sole object of which is the diffusion of asphyxiating or deleterious gases.

  7. At the First Conference of 1899 Captain Mahan argued very sensibly that gas shells were no worse than other projectiles and might indeed prove more merciful and that it was illogical to prohibit a weapon merely because of its novelty.

  8. In the order of their number the projectiles were from smooth-bore guns, mortars, and rifled guns.

  9. Thirty-five projectiles fired by the enemy at our works per hour was called "heavy firing," although sometimes more than double that number were thrown.

  10. Anyhow, the projectiles fall nearer and nearer the centre.

  11. All day long, too, our big guns, hidden away behind the groves and woods above Epping Upland, poured their heavy projectiles on Epping and its defences.

  12. Their projectiles were small, but for fifteen minutes they made incessant hits upon the German ship’s bow.

  13. Projectiles came thick upon the fire-parties, working in the choking smoke.

  14. Then in a few minutes, from the whole line from Chingford to Willesden, roughly about twelve miles, came a hail of the most deadly of modern projectiles directed upon the most populous parts of the metropolis.

  15. The other boat, however, passed her only a hundred yards away in the spray of shells and projectiles which seemed as if by enchantment just to miss it.

  16. Above all the din and tumult could be heard the rapid hammering of the pom-poms, as they beat from the bridges with their steady stream of projectiles upon the approaching craft.

  17. Splinters swept her fore-bridge, and a hail of small projectiles from the German 40-pounder guns beat upon her conning-tower, rendering control of the battle exceedingly difficult.

  18. The air, poisoned by the fumes of the deadly explosives and full of smoke from the burning buildings, was ever and anon rent by explosions as projectiles frequently burst in mid-air.

  19. Another and another followed in succession, their big projectiles hurtling and humming through the quiet evening air on their errands of death and destruction in I know not what quarter of the crowded suburbs.

  20. The British guns had already come into action, and intermittent firing of shrapnel and other projectiles was now directed against the German batteries.

  21. The attackers had lost men in thousands, and were now endeavouring to dig themselves in as best they could under the hail of projectiles that continually swept the hillside.

  22. A short, light, largebore cannon, usually having a chamber of smaller diameter than the rest of the bore, and intended to throw large projectiles with comparatively small charges.

  23. Fearless in the midst of a rain of light projectiles her torpedo-men gathered round two of her above-water tubes.

  24. Unaccountably, it seemed, all the projectiles fell short of their mark.

  25. Back to their respective ships they rowed, and a hail of projectiles was launched against the treacherous Zeppelin and her consorts.

  26. An appalling crash, outvoicing the simultaneous barks of the British guns, denoted the disconcerting fact that one, at least, of the hostile projectiles had "got home.

  27. Others, striking the sheer cliffs, brought tons of rock clattering down upon the Marine Parade, while what was far worse, many projectiles skimming the ruins of the castle, fell with disastrous results upon the congested buildings of the town.

  28. This requires that the projectiles shall be fired at higher velocities than can be imparted to them by guns of the kind just described, and which can only be realized at present in modern breech-loading rifles.

  29. The superiority of gunpowder guns as a means of throwing projectiles to great distances with accuracy is well known, and their capacity for safely and efficiently projecting shells filled with gunpowder has long been demonstrated.

  30. Thus the enemy in passing through from the one to the other were exposed as long as possible to the shots and projectiles of the defenders, who were stationed all round the walls and towers flanking the advanced tambour.

  31. Some of the wounded from Beaumont had already been brought in to the mairie, where it was feared that the enemy's projectiles would finish them as they lay on their mattresses waiting for the doctor to come and operate on them.

  32. The projectiles were now falling thick and fast; to regain possession of Bazeilles it would be necessary to dispute every inch of the road, occupying the cross-streets, the houses and gardens on either side of the way.

  33. The projectiles still came tumbling frequently as ever; she sped along behind walls, made a cover of boundary stones, availed herself of every slight depression.

  34. Within the space of five minutes the second position had become as untenable as was the first; the projectiles kept falling with the same persistency, the same deadly precision.

  35. The enemy's gunners were slow in obtaining the range, their first projectiles passing over and landing well to the rear of the battery, which was now opening in reply.

  36. It was pandemonium let loose up there on the heights; the projectiles from Saint-Menges, Fleigneux, and Givonne fell in such numbers that the ground fairly seemed to smoke, as it does at times under a heavy shower of rain.

  37. And as if to emphasize the officer's advice, while he was making fast time down the Rue de la Sous Prefecture he saw two projectiles explode, with a terrible crash, on the Pont de Meuse.

  38. It was a great discouragement to all that their projectiles ranged short and burst almost without exception in the air, inflicting no injury on the powerful batteries of the foe, the fire of which was so efficient.

  39. Henriette now noticed that the projectiles all came from Liry, while the batteries at Pont-Maugis and Noyers were confining their attention to Balan.

  40. But now the projectiles were again commencing to fall upon the houses, the crash that told of ruin and destruction was heard more frequently.

  41. The entire atrio about the mountain lay buried in cinder to the depth of several feet and was strewn with projectiles which varied in size from a man’s fist to several feet in diameter (Fig.

  42. One of these projectiles fully three feet in diameter was found at the distance of a mile and a half from the crater.

  43. During the day, to the accompaniment of explosions of considerable violence, projectiles fell outside the crater rim and rolled down the steep slopes toward the atrio.

  44. Falling asleep toward morning, he was rudely awakened by a rain of projectiles falling upon his roof.

  45. This is evident when we consider the enormous quantity of energy stored in the larger projectiles moving at high velocities.

  46. These guns must be securely mounted, so as to be worked with facility and accuracy, and they must be protected from the enemy's projectiles at least as securely as his guns are from ours.

  47. In spite of the terrific hail of projectiles rained upon her, the Warrior still maintained a rapid and determined fire.

  48. Many of the projectiles fell into the sea.

  49. Only two guns of the Warrior were now replying to the hostile fire, barking slowly, yet resolutely, as they sent their projectiles hurtling through the air at the nearmost of the assailants, now but 3500 yards distant.

  50. The cruisers, again, I would not without urgent necessity expose to the steel projectiles of a Krupp's coast battery.

  51. Moreover, when considering the course taken by balls in the body, it will have to be shown that the velocity imparted to projectiles from modern weapons has led to another change in gunshot wounds.

  52. The great power of resistance so often before exhibited by the yielding elastic tissue of the skin, by tendinous and other structures, is no longer of avail against projectiles from modern fire–arms at their usual rates of speed.

  53. The velocity of motion of different projectiles is an important ingredient in the consideration of the several wounds produced by them.

  54. Being usually projected with considerably less force than direct missiles, such projectiles ordinarily lead only to one aperture, that of entrance.

  55. The weight of these rifles is comparatively little, and with the small caliber, explosive, radium projectiles which they use, and the great length of the barrel, they are deadly in the extreme and at ranges which would be unthinkable on Earth.

  56. As a rule, however, non-exploding projectiles are used at night.

  57. By using small charges, he succeeded in firing a number of the projectiles safely.

  58. We had no idea of there being any danger to the train, as its position was well away from the line of fire, and each of the preceding projectiles had behaved so well.

  59. With my gun, however, I proposed to throw armor-piercing projectiles, or projectiles capable of penetrating an object struck and exploding inside of it.

  60. There was a maximum distance beyond which space-combat was impractical; beyond which missiles became mere blind projectiles moving almost at random and destroying each other without regard to planetary loyalties.

  61. Each Mekinese would separately learn--without information from any other--that those projectiles could not be intercepted.

  62. There was also a minimum distance, below which missiles were again mere projectiles and could not greatly modify the courses on which they were launched.

  63. Houses were shattered and fell, public buildings were demolished, factories were set alight, and the powerful exploding projectiles caused the Great City to reel and quake.

  64. They knew that escape was hopeless, and every moment they saw their comrades being swept away by the great exploding projectiles of the Tsar's heavy guns.

  65. Time after time my 67-tonners crashed and roared, time after time I pressed my fingers upon the little knobs in the conning-tower, and huge projectiles were discharged right into the forts.

  66. As soon as we found the Russian flagship within range, we opened fire upon her, and this action caused a perfect storm of projectiles to be directed upon us.

  67. In Trafalgar Square, Fleet Street, and the Strand the deadly projectiles commenced to fall thickly, wrecking the shops, playing havoc with the public buildings, and sweeping hundreds of men and women into eternity.

  68. This was discovered just at the critical moment by means of one of the British search-lights, and upon the hostile boats a frightful cascade of projectiles was poured by the quick-firing guns of the battery.

  69. Before an hour had passed we had succeeded in sinking two by shots from our 6-inch guns, and several more were sent to the bottom by well-aimed projectiles from the Dido and Jupiter.

  70. The shrieks of the dying were drowned by the roar and crash of the guns, the deafening explosion of shells, and the rending of iron and steel as the projectiles pierced armourplates, destroying everything with which they came in contact.

  71. As for ourselves, projectiles were sweeping across our deck like hail, and under the incessant and fearful fire we were suffering frightfully.

  72. The poor elephant only succumbs after receiving so great a number of projectiles that his body resembles an enormous porcupine.

  73. The truth is, that far from protracting his defence by the expedient his fury prompts him to adopt, he does but expose himself the more fully to the projectiles directed at him.

  74. Some of them shot explosive projectiles to find the range.

  75. She, in return, shelled the fort, the masonry of which literally crumbled before the enormous projectiles hurled against it.

  76. The situation was sufficiently distant from the shore batteries to render the effect of their projectiles on the armor of the vessels quite inconsiderable.

  77. The projectiles from the heavy guns of the great ironclad were now falling in the lower part of the city with terrible effect.

  78. As the projectiles from the fort glanced harmlessly from her armor, she paid no attention to that attack, but resumed her fire upon the city.

  79. Projectiles were falling upon the roof with terrific force.

  80. Possibly she had her suspicions, for very early next morning she went out to investigate the extent of the damage, and discovered a selection of the projectiles lying on the lawn.

  81. Instead of a cordial greeting, however, about twenty rounds of projectiles began falling about the L-boat, which as hastily as possible dropped to sixty feet under the surface.

  82. In itself this was a great gain; obviously the Germans would much prefer to sink ships with projectiles than with torpedoes, for their supply of these latter missiles was limited.

  83. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "projectiles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.