Second Line Transport--for regimental equipment, blankets, baggage, and rations and forage for one day or more.
In second line (counting from the right):-- Baggage of 6th brigade.
The 2nd East Surrey formed a second line in rear; the 2nd West Yorkshire was in third line.
A second line of reform appeared in the "model franchise" for utility corporations.
A second line of attack on the political machines was made in connection with the ballot.
Almost every revolutionary leader had a wife or daughter who rendered service in the "second line of defense.
Without halting for breath, the impetuous column rushed toward the second line of works, which was equally as strong as the first.
First line, Above the Montanvert; second line, Below the Montanvert; Ratio of winter to summer motion 13.
We thought, however, that a second line might be staked out at some distance below the Montanvert.
A second line of infantry was stationed on the side of the hill behind a breastwork of trees above the first; a third occupied the crest, strengthened with rifle trenches and crowned with artillery.
A second line of intrenchments, behind, Elliott did not have men enough to occupy.
A second line of infantry was stationed on the side of the hill, overlooking the first, and protected by a breastwork of logs.
As a second line of defense, a system of detached works had been constructed by General Magruder near to Williamsburg, where the width of the Peninsula, available for the passage of troops, was only three or four miles.
On beyond it, perhaps a hundred and sixty feet distant, where the rise began, was a second line of wire, and that was German wire, as I guessed without being told.
Either the raiders had gone over the top or they had been driven back in; either they had accomplished their design of penetrating the enemy's second line of defences or they had failed.
In a few yards more it met a terrible fire from a second line, which in its turn broke.
In order of battle, the pieces are drawn up in line, their caissons forming a second line, at the distance of a few paces.
D, second line of Federal forts, so arranged as to command Fort Steadman and the main line of intrenchments, should these be broken.
A second line of kopjes, one mile in advance of One Tree Hill, was reached and gained without incident, and there the brigade halted till night, and then under cover of darkness fell back.
A lodgment was immediately effected, and preparations made for breaching the second line of defence where it joined the first.
Provision having been made in peace for a depot system, all weakly men and horses could be left behind, and local duties handed over to second line troops; thus the field forces were practically always on a war footing.
The non-combatant vehicles form the "second line of wagons.
Richard, on the other hand, had prepared for action by closing up still more, and as the crusaders were now formed a simple left turn brought them into two lines of battle, infantry in first line, cavalry in second line.
At from ten to thirty feet from this club line a second line is drawn, on which the players must stand to play.
At either end a narrow goal strip, 3 feet wide, shall be made by drawing a second line parallel to the end line.
At a considerable distance beyond each line, and parallel to it, a second line is drawn, the space beyond being a refuge for any players of the party belonging to that side.
Reinforcing the skirmish line till the enemy was driven back, a good position in rear was selected for my second line and it was made to lie down.
Making the troops lie down avoided the danger, incident to such a manoeuvre under fire, that the men in second line would be confused by the passing of the first line through their ranks and break their organization.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "second line" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.